Kaguya has been staring at Ōtsutsuki Urashi. Although she also feels that Ōtsutsuki Urashi is not scary, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya does not want Ōtsutsuki Urashi to run away.

The Ōtsutsuki peach style who looked down on Ryu before, now has to be cautious.

"Anyone who is hostile to Ōtsutsuki will die. Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, you traitor are the first to die."

Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki looked at Kaguya nonchalantly.

"Hmph, the concubine feels that you should survive first, then come and say this to the concubine."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya gave a cold snort and looked at Ōtsutsuki peach style with disdain. Now he dares to speak harshly. Ōtsutsuki Kaguya admires the courage of Ōtsutsuki peach style.

Don’t you see the form clearly now? Still, my face suddenly doesn't hurt anymore.

In fact, Ōtsutsuki's peach-like face was very painful, he was slapped by Ryu, and the humiliation of stepping on his feet, he vowed in his heart that he would definitely make Ryu return millions of times.

To speak harshly now is also to improve his aura, as the saying goes, if you lose, you don't lose.

"Peach-style...sir, use my...power."

At this time, Ōtsutsuki Jinshi said with difficulty to Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki, and then used all his strength to come to Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki.

I hope that Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki can transform him into Chakra fruit and use his power to defeat Uchiha Ryu.

"I will remember you, gold style."

Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki did not refuse. Only after getting the power of Ōtsutsuki Golden Style, can he have the strength to compete with Uchiha Ryu.

Then the Ōtsutsuki peach style transformed the golden style into the Chakra fruit. Just when it was about to absorb the power of the Chakra fruit, the eyes fell, and the Chakra fruit fell into Ryu's hands.

"I want to play this game with me in front of me. Isn't it too shameful for me? Do you think I will watch and let you absorb it?"

Ryu looked at Ōtsutsuki Momoji like a fool at this time. I really thought that Ryu would stand here and watch them gain strength.

Even after the Ōtsutsuki peach style is strengthened, Ryu is still sure to get rid of him, but why does he want to make the Ōtsutsuki peach style stronger?

Taking a look at the fruit in his hand, Ryu didn't use it himself. Who knows if this Chakra fruit will have any negative effects.

"Here you are..."

Ryu threw it directly to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"give me?"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was a little surprised. She looked at the Chakra fruit very eagerly just now, but she didn't expect Ryu to give her the Chakra fruit.

Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki's face is ugly, but this is the golden sacrifice that sacrificed the power of life. It was robbed and handed over to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Originally, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya lost Ten Tails and his strength was reduced a bit, but this Chakra fruit can completely replenish Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

So of course she did not hesitate to absorb the power of this Chakra fruit. After completely absorbing it, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's strength returned to its previous peak.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"The concubine owes you a favor again."

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya glanced at Ryu and said.

"Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, I want you to die."

The peach-style Ōtsutsuki, who was robbed of the fruit, furiously killed Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. The fruit was picked by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. How could he allow it.

In fact, when Uchiha Ryu is used, Ōtsutsuki Momo will not be so angry, because Ōtsutsuki Momo has always looked down on Ōtsutsuki Kaguya in his heart.

I feel that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is the shame of the Ōtsutsuki family, and now I send all the anger in my heart to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"Do you think the concubine is afraid that you will fail?"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya sneered. Now she also understands that there is no need to be too jealous. Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki used to be jealous because her thinking has not changed.

Before eating the fruit of the sacred tree, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was certainly not the opponent of Ōtsutsuki peach style, but now Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is no weaker than Ōtsutsuki peach style.

Directly use the Eighty God Air Strike, and blast towards the Ōtsutsuki Momo-style bombardment.

For the eighty god air strikes used by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, in fact, Ōtsutsuki peach style can resist, because Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is not as strong as Ryu.

Although Ryu's Eighty God Air Strike was also exploded in the system space by defeating Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, he had already surpassed Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Taking a look at the battle between the two of them, now Ōtsutsuki Kaguya has the upper hand instead.

In fact, the gap between Kaguya Hime and Ōtsutsuki Momo style is really small. Now Ōtsutsuki Momo style has been affected by the mentality, plus he was injured by Ryu before.

In Kaguya Ji's current state, not to mention that he can completely defeat Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, at least he can remain invincible.

"Where are you going?"

Ryu turned his head to look at the Ōtsutsuki Urashiki who was about to slip away. This guy was really a chicken thief, and he wanted to take the opportunity to slip away.

Even if Ryu was watching the battle between Kaguya Hime and Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki, in fact, Ryu also noticed Ōtsutsuki Urashiki.

He wanted to escape and was discovered by Ryu the first time.

"Actually, I am not together with them." Ōtsutsuki Urashiki directly dismissed the relationship with Ōtsutsuki peach and Ōtsutsuki gold.

Indeed, although they are acting together, they are obviously not the same, and there is no need to stay here to die.

"¨" It doesn't matter, I don't care if you are together. Ryu smiled and said to Ōtsutsuki Urashiki.

"Actually I want to leave this planet and promise not to come back later, how?"

Ōtsutsuki Urashiki said to Ryu earnestly.

"What's the use of your guarantee, how can I be such a hospitable person to let you go."

Ryu showed his attitude. If you want to leave, don't think about it. This kind of threat is better to kill, let you run away, who knows if you will come back in the future.

Even if he showed that he wanted to surrender himself, Ryu wouldn't want him. This guy was so slippery that he couldn't believe it.

Believing him is better than believing in Ōtsutsuki peach style.

"It looks like there is no more talk." Urashiki's face darkened.

"Are you qualified to talk to me?"

Ryu asked Ōtsutsuki Urashiki. If you want to talk to me, you have to have this qualification. You can only negotiate terms with the same strength.

The red fishing rod flew towards Ryu instantly. Ōtsutsuki Urashiki's hands were very sudden, but in Ryu's eyes, this attack (Li Zhao Zhao) was very slow.

Raising his hand, he caught the Ōtsutsuki-style fishing line.

"Eight Inner Gates, the dead door opened."

Ryu used the Eight Inner Gates of the Eight Inner Gates. After opening the Eight Inner Gates Formation, the terrifying force crushed the ground and instantly came to Ōtsutsuki Urashiki's back.

Nowadays, the speed of Ryu's movement is not much different from that of space movement.

Anyway, within a short distance, it is definitely not slower than space movement.

With Ryu's resilience, there is no need to care about the side effects of opening the Eight Inner Gates, but it feels good to open the Eight Inner Gates without injury.

Ōtsutsuki Urashiki had Byakugan, and when Ryu appeared behind him, he instantly reacted and attacked backwards.

However, he was slow. When Ōtsutsuki Urashiki attacked, Ryu's fist had already hit his heart, and his heart was instantly pierced with a big hole. Ōtsutsuki Urashiki flew out like a rag doll.


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