With the head of Kamael Saint, Taotu returned to Ryu's palace.

"It's not bad, I thought you wouldn't do it."

Ryu glanced at Kamael's deadly head, then his gaze shifted to Taotu's body.

"His Royal Highness, I can bear all the guilt of killing the Dragonite this time, but I hope that it will not affect the relatives around me."

Taotu said to Ryu earnestly.

"Oh, what do you mean by that, do you think I can't keep you?" Ryu looked at Taotu and asked.

Indeed, Taotu thinks this way. She killed Kamael Saint, and it became clear by random investigation, and killing the Tianlongren is too much of a guilt.

Even if Ryu is also a Celestial, it may not be able to keep her.

Taotu was ready to die, but Taotu didn't want to inflict other people around him.

"Don't worry, you will be fine. Since I let you do this task, I am not asking you to die." Ryu said to Taotu.

"Okay, you go down, the head of Kama El Sage takes care of it, you just assume that everything hasn't happened."

Ryu is not worried about the trouble of killing a Dragonite, even if he kills a Dragonite, who can come to trouble him.

What's more, this time, it was Kamael Saint himself that sent people to assassinate Ryu, who is also a nobleman in the world. This is a taboo in itself.

Taotu left uneasy. Although Ryu said that she was treated as if nothing had happened, how could Taotu treat everything as it hadn't happened.

After less than half a day, people from the CP organization came to Ryu and asked about the death of Kamael Saint.

Taotu is not a qualified assassin, leaving a lot of evidence, the most important thing is that many of Kamal's men saw Taotu, and Taotu did not have time to kill everyone at that time.

However, the people of the CP organization didn't even see Ryu's face, and were directly blocked outside.

They didn't dare to rush outside even if they knew that the murderer was in Ryu's palace, they didn't dare to break in and offend Ryu.

It is obviously not worthwhile to offend a Tianlongren who is still alive for the sake of a dead Tianlongren.

So they told the news to Wu Lao Xing and let Wu Lao Xing make a decision.

"Uchiha Ryu is so bold..."

The faces of the five old stars were not pretty. Although Taotu was the murderer this time, they all knew that Taotu didn't have the guts to attack Tianlongren at all.

Without Uchiha Ryu's order, Taotu would obviously not be able to attack the Celestial Dragon. All of this is Uchiha Ryu's reason.

"We retreated too much to him, and he seems to be getting better and better."

Long-haired five old star had a cold face, killing intent appeared in his eyes.

The last time Uchiha Ryu came to them, he took away Boya Hancock who smashed them, and also used domineering domineering to make them lose face.

They have not forgotten this. Now Uchiha Ryu has killed another Draco. If Uchiha Ryu is not given a warning, he may continue to make progress.

"He must be given a warning this time."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It's impossible to deal with Uchiha Ryu, not to mention that Uchiha Ryu itself is not easy to provoke. He insists that it has nothing to do with him, then they have no evidence.

But it can’t deal with Uchiha Ryu, it can deal with Taotu. Originally, Taotu did this thing. Solving Taotu also gave Uchiha Ryu a warning.

So Taotu must be dealt with so as to prevent Uchiha Ryu from continuing to make an inch.

After the five old stars discussed it, it was unanimously decided that Taotu must die, and Uchiha Ryu stayed still for the time being.

"Uchiha Ryu will never hand over Gion easily."

The five old stars in Taopao thought of Uchiha Ryu's strength and said to the others.

The other five old stars nodded, seeming to be going to Uchiha Ryu together.

When Wu Lao Xing went to Ryu's place, someone was almost scared to pee. This person was Rozvard Saint.

"Uchiha Ryu doesn't know that it has something to do with me, right."

Rozvard’s holy face was horrified. If Uchiha Ryu knew about it, would he die?

Even Kamael was killed. He didn't dare to doubt that Uchiha Ryu dared not kill him. At this time, the first thought in Rozvard's Sacred Heart was to escape.

"No, you have to leave, the Holy Land Mary Joa can't stay for the time being."

The frightened Rozwad Saint took his children and left the Holy Land Mary Joa immediately.

In fact, Ryu is not paying attention to the Rozvard Saint who is about to be scared to pee at all, and Ryu does not know that this time things have something to do with him.

At this moment, Ryu is dealing with the five old stars.

"What are you five doing here?" Ryu asked lightly.

This was asked knowingly, how could Ryu not know the purpose of the five old stars.

Taotu felt a little uneasy about the arrival of the five old stars. Although she was ready, Taotu didn't mind living if she could survive.

Who can live and die?

"Kama El Saint's death has something to do with you, right?" The bearded five old stars stared at Ryu very badly.

"Some things we can tolerate in the past, but some things are too much."

The five old stars of the flat hat said lightly.

Some things can be endured due to Uchiha Ryu's mysterious and unpredictable strength, but some things are not.

One Draco who died in the hands of Uchiha Ryu today, there may be a second Draco who died in the hands of Uchiha Ryu in the future.

"¨" Oh, I don't know what I did to make you so angry, please enlighten me. Ryu said lightly.

"I apologize to you if you say it, but I'll dare next time."

At this moment, Ryu looked at the five old stars playfully, as if he was teasing the five old stars, even deliberately teasing the five old stars.

Taotu was a little stunned beside him, never expected that he would dare to speak like this in front of the five old stars, just because of his identity?

"We are not joking with you, this time it was Gion who killed Kamael Saint, so Gion had to give Kamael Saint's order."

Dao Pao Five Old Star said to Ryu very hard.

"Are you serious?" Ryu asked them with a light smile.

This time when Ryu laughed, they felt a biting chill enveloping them (Wang Zhao Zhao), as if they were rabbits being stared at by hunters.

"of course."

The five old stars of the blonde are still tough.


As soon as the words were finished, the body of the Golden Five Old Star was blasted out of the hall, and the blood floating in the air could be seen. This was the blood of the Golden Five Old Star.

"It seems that I am not safe here. There was an attack in broad daylight. I advise you to leave as soon as possible." Ryu said to the other five old stars.

From beginning to end, Ryu didn't do anything. They all looked at Ryu, but they didn't see Ryu did it at all.

But the five old golden stars were blown away.

Is there any hidden power around Uchiha Ryu? But even if it did, it would be impossible for them to discover it.

In fact, what they didn't know was that what Ryu used just now was Rintomb·Edge Prison, and the shadow of Rinnegan can only be seen by those who own Rinnegan.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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