"Ryu, this time you are in the limelight, and you also show Three Tomoe Sharingan. The wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind. You have to be careful in the future."

After returning home, Uchiha Cang warned with a serious face.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I have a sense of measure in my heart."

Ryu smiled and said, this time he did reveal a lot of strength, standing on the cusp of the storm, but what he showed was only the tip of the iceberg.

And with his current strength, he really doesn't need to worry too much, he already has the capital of Lang.

Of course, Mangekyō Sharingan Ryu will certainly not be easily revealed. When he started Three Tomoe Sharingan at the age of ten, he can still use the word genius to describe it.

But if the ten-year-old possession of Mangekyō Sharingan spreads out, the hidden Black Zetsu and the lingering Uchiha Madara will all be watching.

Having Mangekyō Sharingan at the age of ten, this is no longer a genius to describe it. In fact, it is true. Isn’t Ryu also the Mangekyō Sharingan obtained by the system plug-in.

If you rely on Ryu himself, it will take at least three to five years to open Mangekyō.

"By the way, did you research the two ninjutsu you showed before?"

Uchiha Cang asked Ryu.

"That's it."

Ryu said vaguely that he is indeed the first to use Rasengan and Chidori now. It is estimated that he will become the founder of these two ninjutsu in the future.

"It is estimated that Third Hokage will come to you for these two ninjutsu, what do you think?" Uchiha Cang looked at Ryu.

Third Hokage will definitely persuade Ryu to include these two ninjutsu in the book of seals. Of course, according to Ryu's identity, Third Hokage will not force it, but will only persuade.

"I think I can get some benefits in exchange."

Ryu's eyes flickered, and there is a reason why he deliberately showed these two ninjutsu, otherwise Ryu can defeat Uchiha Fugaku by using ordinary Fire Style.

He used Rasengan and Chidori to attract the attention of Third Hokage, and then exchanged benefits with Third Hokage.

"Come as you want."

Uchiha Cang will not interfere too much with Ryu, he knows that Ryu is very mature and has his own ideas.

Leaving from Uchiha Cang, Ryu returned home, Mikoto and Kushina were also at his home.

"Ryu, can you teach me ninjutsu?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Kushina ran up to Ryu, poured him a glass of water graciously, and then asked Ryu.

"I said why you would take the initiative to pour water on me. I originally wanted me to teach you ninjutsu, but if you don't want to talk about it, you should learn your sealing technique."

"Damn it, petty kid." Kushina drank the water she had just poured for Ryu by herself.

"I am doing it for your own good. I am greedy and not chewing. When did I master the sealing technique, when would I teach you ninjutsu?"

Ryu knocked Kushina's forehead irritably. He really did it for Kushina's good. Now it's no good for Kushina to learn too much.

"Also, if you want me to instruct you at that time, you need to pay tuition fees. I charge tuition fees. It's not cheap. Don't want me to teach you for free."

Kushina was very excited, and didn't care about what Ryu said about paying the tuition. It seems that I have to take time to learn seal art, and when I learn seal art, I can learn the handsome ninjutsu.

In a blink of an eye, it has been a week since the duel between Ryu and Uchiha Fugaku, but there are still many people talking.

Konoha Village civilians, as well as ninjas, and other major families, including the Uchiha family, are constantly talking about it.

Ryu's name is known by almost the entire Konoha Village, and he is known as a genius beyond Orochimaru.

Well, Konoha's strongest genius was Orochimaru, the Naruto disciple, but now Ryu has overwhelmed Orochimaru.

Within the Uchiha family, although the patriarch is forbidden to discuss, there are still many members of the clan who discuss.

Now the Uchiha people are divided into two factions. One faction is on the side of the patriarch and supports Uchiha Fugaku as the next patriarch.

The other faction is on the side of the great elder and supports Ryu to become the next patriarch. The faction of the patriarch originally had the advantage in numbers.

However, after a battle with Uchiha Fugaku, the number of support between the two sides has now been leveled, and even Ryu still has some advantages.

In fact, Ryu didn't have much idea about the position of Uchiha's patriarch. Besides, it was still too early. He could not be the patriarch because he was only ten years old.

"Young Master, Anbu Ninja will report, and Third Hokage will let you go."

Uchiha Noo reports to Ryu.

"It's finally here, I've been waiting for a week." Ryu smiled on his face, as expected to be an old fox, really calm.

Then Ryu went to the Hokage Building and came to the Hokage Office. Ryu saw Sarutobi Hiruzen again.

"Ryu, you are here."

After seeing Ryu, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled, thinking about how to use Ryu's two ninjutsu routines.

"Hokage-sama, open the skylight and speak brightly, do you want the two ninjutsu, Rasengan and Chidori?"

Ryu didn't wait for Sarutobi Hiruzen to say anything, so he spoke directly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was stunned, and his mind was stunned. He didn't know what to say about all the reasons he had thought to persuade Ryu to hand over ninjutsu.

Why doesn't this kid play cards according to his routine, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression is stiff, and he doesn't know what to say.

"Master Third Hokage, how about we make a deal?" Ryu looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a smile.

"What deal?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Ryu deeply. Originally, when Ryu spoke out, he thought he might not be able to get these two ninjutsu.

But now when I heard Ryu talk about the deal, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly hoped that since he wanted to make a deal, Uchiha Ryu would definitely use those two ninjutsu to make a deal.

The two ninjutsu Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that they were definitely A-level ninjutsu, and A-level ninjutsu is already very strong, and some Jōnin are not capable of obtaining A-level ninjutsu.

"If Master Third Hokage wants to take away these two ninjutsu, it won't make me wronged. Naturally, we will be a fair deal."

Ryu smiled, like a little fox.

"Yes, naturally I can't make you suffer."

Third Hokage's smile is very kind. As for what he thinks in his heart, Ryu doesn't know, but Third Hokage will never give up on this transaction.


PS: Seeking collection, seeking flowers.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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