Time passed, a year has passed since the design of Pluto was obtained in a blink of an eye, and it has been more than a year since Hancock was sent back to Nine Snake Island by Ryu.

At this time Hancock has become the king of Nine Snakes Island, the empress of Amazon Lily, and the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates.

Hancock's achievements did not surprise Ryu. After all, with Hancock's current strength, becoming the empress of Nine Snake Island is much easier than her in the original book.

Although there are all daughters on Nine Snake Island, they all worship the strong. Hancock is strong enough to naturally make them worship.

And Hancock also ate the sweet fruit, the charm of the sweet fruit, so that she can easily become the empress of Nine Snake Island.

Pluto has been built halfway, and it is estimated that it will not take a year for Pluto to be built.

However, the built Pluto may be weaker than the first Pluto ever built.

The main reason is that some materials are not found at all and only substitutes can be used, but even if it is not as good as the original Pluto, it is definitely many times more terrifying than the current battleship.

"Hancock, you can't stay in the Holy Land Mariejoa for a long time, and you have to go back to Hydra Island."

Ryu said to Hancock.

After becoming the empress of Nine Snake Island, Hancock came back to ask Ryu for credit.

"The concubine knows." Hancock knew, and she would definitely let her manage the island of Nine Snakes next, although she wanted to stay in the Holy Land Mary Joa.

But this is Ryu's order, Hancock will not refuse.

"Lord Ryu, if you have time, you can go to Hydra Island. My concubine has built a huge palace on Hydra Island. It is almost finished now."

That was a gift that Hancock built to Ryu. In order to build that luxurious palace, Hancock took the Hydra Pirates to sea.

Nowadays, the reputation of the Nine Snakes and Pirates has expanded several times than before. In the first half of the Great Channel, it belongs to one of the overlord-level Pirates.

As for the second half of the Great Passage, it is still the world of White Beard, Guy and Charlotte Lingling. Oh, the Red-Haired Pirates have recently entered the new world and have gained some fame.

Shanks and Guy encountered more encounters, and a battle broke out. In the end, the two sides retreated. No one knew who won, but the red-haired Shanks and Guy broke out and did not die. They were proud enough.

No one dared to look down upon Shanks of those great pirates in the new world, and the red-haired pirates became famous in one battle.

The New World has faintly decided to have the Four Emperors, but there is no such title as the Four Emperors yet, but the White Beard Pirate Group, the Beast Pirate Group, and the BIGMOM Pirate Group have already occupied most of the power in the New World.

The other so-called big pirates have been oppressed and have little room for survival.

The appearance of Shanks in the sky has also changed the situation in the new world. If the Red-haired Pirates continue to grow, they will also become an overlord.

This is a situation that everyone can see, and the navy can also see the situation. Not surprisingly, the new world will be divided by Baibeard, Guy, Charlotte Lingling and Shanks in the future.

When the time comes, the power in their hands will expand to the extreme, and the navy's deterrent power will decline.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The appearance of the four emperors of the sea is indeed a shame to the navy, and all the pirates dare to claim the emperor in the sea.

Pulu Pulu! ! !

Ryu glanced at the phone bug and took it over.

"What's the matter with Taotu...?"

At this time, Taotu was in the country of peace. At first, Taotu left the construction of Pluto to Stushi, but afterwards, Taotu still felt uneasy and went to the country of peace.

"There is indeed something to report. Recently, many Guys are approaching the dock intentionally or unconsciously. I don't know if Guy knows any news."

Taotu is very cautious.

"Perhaps you know, it's been a year. Guy himself has a lot of power in the country of Hezhi. If he still doesn't notice it, it would be too stupid."

"It seems I need to talk to Guy more."

Although Ryu is not afraid of more Guys, if he is too affected by Guy and delays his completion of Pluto, he will not be able to make up for it with Guy's more lives.

Tell Taotu that she doesn't need to do anything temporarily.

Although the current Taotu is very powerful, it is obviously not enough to threaten Guy more, so Ryu must be let out.

"I'm going to see your father this time, do you want to go with me?"

Ryu glanced at Yamato, and then asked Yamato faintly.

Yamato's expression changed slightly. Since Jhin was sent to the Holy Land Mary Joa, she has never seen her father Guy any more.

Nowadays, Guy is so serious about practicing, mainly because he wants to wait for the opportunity to find Guy more and ask Guy for an explanation.

Without her consent, he traded her out. This matter was so much that Yamato couldn't forgive Guy.

"I'll go with it."

Yamato made a decision instantly.

"Then follow me."

Ryu uses Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space passage, and then walks directly into the dark space passage.

Looking at the dark passage that looked like a black hole in front of him, Yamato hesitated a bit, not knowing whether he should follow in, always feeling a little scared.

In the end, Yamato gritted his teeth and followed in. Would it still harm her? If it really hurts her, there is no need to use such a method.

Through the spatial passage of Huangquan Pirazaka, Ryu came directly to the country of Wano. For Ryu's fast speed, Taotu has already been surprised.

Taotu is not Yamato. She has seen Ryu use Hiroizumi Hirasaka more than once, and even experienced it more than once.

"¨" Lord Ryu, what are you going to do? "Peach Rabbit and Stushi looked at Ryu and asked.

Now there are two solutions. The first is to directly destroy the Hundred Beasts and Pirates and Guy Duo, and the second is to warn Guy Duo not to act rashly.

"I'll talk about it after seeing Guy Duo first, and send someone to notify Guy Duo."

Ryu wants to see a lot of Guy, but he won't go to Guy many, so he loses face and ask Guy to see him in person. If Guy doesn't come, Ryu will send the three major generals to "invite" him.

Many Guys had to come when invited by Ryu. If they didn't come, they would face Ryu's threat.

When Guy sees Yamato by Ryu's side, his expression is slightly silent. In fact, for (Wang Zhao Zhao) this daughter, Guy is still very accommodating and attaches great importance to it.

At that time, Yamato was traded to Uchiha Ryu, it was also compelling, and Uchiha Ryu would not kill Yamato, and Yamato would be fine.

"There are many Guys, do you know why I am looking for you?" Ryu motioned Guy to sit down more, and then asked Guy more.

"do not know."

Although I don't know, Guy Duo has actually guessed in his heart, and it seems that the recent small actions have been discovered.

"I heard that you are going to plot wrongdoing. If you tell me more than Guy, is it true?" Ryu smiled and asked Guy more.

When he looked at Ryu again, Guy suddenly felt that Ryu was dangerous, and he felt a bone-chilling feeling.

"Kunokuni is the territory of His Highness Ryu, how dare I make a plot here." Guy had to bow his head when facing Ryu. After all, he was able to mobilize the three major people in the future to deal with him at any time.


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