"Stucci, I will give you this golden fruit."

Ryu took out the golden fruit and handed it to Stushi. After all, Stushi is responsible for the management of the country. If her strength is too weak, she can't hold the ground.

Maybe Stuty's strength is good, but at most the combat effectiveness of the navy headquarters is at the level of a lieutenant admiral, which is worse than that of Flamenco.

"Thank you Lord Ryu."

Stushi took the golden fruit and took a bite.

Looking at Stussy's twisted expression, Ryu fell silent. Is it really that unpalatable? He was thinking about eating the fruit of childishness just now.

Now after seeing Stussi’s expression, Ryu hesitated. Even if he coveted the power of childlike fruits, is it really good to taste this unpalatable taste?

And he wants to get the childlike fruit ability, there is another way, that is to draw the figure projection of the sugar, and then defeat the sugar to burst the childlike fruit ability.

But this is a matter of luck. Ryu doesn't think that he is so lucky, just to be able to draw the sugar figure projection.

What's more, even if the sugar projection is drawn, it may not necessarily be able to burst the childlike fruit ability.

"This is the 28 most unpalatable thing I have ever eaten in my life." Stucci spit out.

It's unpalatable, and Stutsi feels like he's almost suffocating after eating.

"Kunoku will be handed over to you, manage it well."

Ryu intends to leave Wano Country and return to the Holy Land Marijoa.

Taotu must stay here, because Taotu will continue to watch the progress of the Hades battleship.

After that, Ryu left and returned to the holy place, Mary Joa, and took Yamato back with him. After returning, he took out the childlike fruits.

"System, spending points can clear all the side effects of devil fruit dropping, I don't know if you can know the unpalatable side effects of devil fruit dropping?"

Ryu asked the system.

Holding the childlike fruit in his hand, it would be a pity if you don't eat it.

"Yes, if you consume 500,000 points, you can eliminate the side effects of Devil Fruit, fear of sea water, sea floor stones, only one, and unpalatable taste."

The system informs Ryu.

Ryu only needs 500,000 points to eliminate the side effects of Devil Fruits, but if you eliminate the side effects of Devil Fruits for others, you will need 1 million points, which is twice as expensive as Ryu's own elimination.

"Then eliminate the side effects."

These 500,000 points are very worthwhile for Ryu, and the value of the fruit of childishness is definitely not comparable to these 500,000 points.

In the redemption mall, to redeem a childlike fruit with no side effects, the points that need to be consumed are 3 million points.

After taking a bite of the childlike fruit, Ryu found that there was no taste at all, the unpleasant taste was erased, but the whole fruit had no taste.

But as long as it doesn't taste bad, Ryu is not so hypocritical.

After eating the childlike fruit, Ryu called Yamato over and stared at Yamato closely.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Being stared at by Ryu's gaze, Yamato felt a bad feeling in his heart, and stepped back vigilantly.

"What are you staring at me for?"

"It's nothing, just want to use you to try the ability I just acquired."

After that, without waiting for Yamato's objection, Ryu's hand was already placed on Yamato's head, and Yamato was instantly turned into a cute bear toy by Ryu.

After Ryu turned Yamato into a bear toy, except for Ryu and Yamato himself, no one remembers Yamato anymore.

Many including Guy don't remember Yamato anymore.

Yamato, who has become a toy, has his own will and his own emotions, and Ryu can feel Yamato's fear.

"Don't worry, I will change you back soon." Ryu said to Yamato.

Ryu took the initiative to disarm the Devil Fruit ability and changed Yamato who had become a bear toy back again. After becoming a human, Yamato looked at Ryu in a little horror.

"This is the Devil Fruit Ability?"

Yamato asked Ryu.

"Yes, this is childlike fruit ability. How did you feel after becoming a toy?" Ryu asked Yamato.

"If you want to know, you can experience it yourself. Anyway, I don't want to experience the feeling of becoming a toy in my life."

Yamato felt that this time, he was fed up with himself, completely unable to move freely, and the feeling that his body was not obeyed, it was enough to experience it once.

"I've decided, if you don't practice well in the future, this will be the punishment for you, what do you think?" Ryu smiled like a demon at Yamato.

"I originally liked you a little bit more, but I didn't expect you to hate you more than Guy."

Yamato couldn't help but said.

"By the way, you didn't just eat a devil fruit, right?" Yamato asked Ryu.

What is now showing is the childlike fruit ability. I have seen Ryu take her directly to the space with this ability, and the ability to master thunder and lightning, which is similar to the fruit of thunder.

Yamato can be sure that Ryu definitely ate more than one Devil Fruit.

"You guessed it right, I now have the power of three devil fruits."

The thunder fruit, the frozen fruit, and the childlike fruit just eaten, the power of the three devil fruits, and each one is not weak.

"I heard that you can only eat one devil fruit. If you eat another one, you will burst into death. How did you achieve the power of three devil fruits?"

Yamato really can't hide his curiosity. Everyone has curiosity, but Yamato's curiosity is only heavier.

"I'm just asking, it's okay if you don't tell me."

Although Yamato is still young, she also knows that there are some secrets that cannot be inquired, so Yamato will not break the casserole and ask them to the end.

If Ryu doesn't say anything, she won't keep asking.

"Since it's okay if you don't tell you, then I won't tell you."

Ryu said with a smile.

Yamato curled his lips, but he also suppressed his curiosity.

"You should go to practice." Ryu sent Yamato to practice. Don't waste such a good talent. It would be a shame to waste it.

"If it weren't for you to find me, I'm still practicing now, and I actually treat me as an experiment for experimental ability." Yamato was very depressed.

After dismissing Yamato and leaving, Ryu entered the system practice space to practice armed domineering, seeing and hearing domineering and swordsmanship.

Nowadays, Ryu's swordsmanship, looking at the entire Pirate World, is definitely the top. Coupled with Ryu's own power, the use of swordsmanship can beat the invincible hand of the Pirate World.

After practicing for several hours, Ryu planned to leave, but when Ryu was about to leave the system space, the system reminded him.

"You still have another chance to draw a character projection. Do you want to draw?"

"I almost forgot, thank you for the system reminder." Ryu will indeed forget this when he pats himself on the head. If the character projection extraction opportunity is not selected, it will be refreshed next month.

So if Ryu does not draw this month, it would be wasted.

"Extract the system."

At the same time, Ryu hopes to be lucky enough to draw a powerful character projection.

For example, people like white beard, red dog, and yellow ape are fine.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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