Windmill Village, this is a small village in the Kingdom of Goa. This village is very peaceful and has not been attacked by pirates.

The villagers here are not particularly repulsive to pirates.

"There is a pirate ship here, a ship of the red-haired pirate group that is very famous in the new world."

Taotu looked at the flags flying on a pirate ship, and his expression became slightly serious. If it was just an ordinary pirate, it would be nothing.

However, the Red-haired Pirates are not ordinary pirates. Although they have never heard of any heinous things they have done, the Red-haired Pirates are very strong.

In the New World, I fought against the Beasts Pirates. Although I don't know the victory or defeat, the Red-haired Pirates did not suffer.

It's already very good without a loss, and Taotu still understands how strong Guy is.

"Oh, it seems that the redhead has already come here." Ryu was not surprised after seeing the boat of the redhead pirate group.

Taotu glanced at Ryu in surprise, as if Ryu knew that the Red-haired Pirates would be here. Could it be that he possessed the power of an unknown prophet?

There are so many kinds of devil fruits in this world, and it is not strange to have the ability of an unknown prophet.

"What are their red-haired pirates doing in this humble village? Could it be a feast with Lieutenant General Karp."

Taotu's face suddenly changed slightly. This is the hometown of Lieutenant General Karp. If the opponent and Karp have a holiday, they might come to retaliate.

It is not impossible that he is not the opponent of Lieutenant General Karp to avenge his hometown.

"You are too worried, no, let's get off the boat."

Ryu disembarked directly, while Carly Law actively chose to stay on the boat. Taotu thought for a while and followed Ryu.

Although Kalifa is weaker, Taotu has already instructed Kalifa to send a signal immediately after encountering an enemy.

In fact, there are really no enemies in this place. Pirates will hardly appear in Windmill Village. In the original work, a group of bandits came to Windmill Village.

There are bandits in the Pirate World. The most famous is the bandit Sig who dared to challenge Shanks. The red-haired Shanks is his best record.

In addition, he was able to hold Luffy in front of the red-haired pirate group. I don’t know if it was really awesome, or the members of the red-haired and red-haired pirate group released a few sea water.

There is also the bandit Dadan. She is the foster mother of Ace and Luffy. Although she is a bandit, she cares about Luffy and them very much. She is vicious on the surface and kind in her heart.

"I don't know if Sig, the thief king, has received a lunch box."

Just when I was jokingly thinking about Mountain Thief King Sig, I just saw a group of people approaching here, headed by the red-haired Shanks and the young Luffy.

Shanks was still relatively young at this time, but he has now lost his left arm. After seeing Shanks losing his left arm, Ryu knew he was late.

I can't see the most brilliant bandit, that guy has already died in the mouth of the king of the sea.

The king of the sea is a sea beast, and it can be regarded as a small sea king. For ordinary people, it is a very powerful guy.

And the strongest record of the King of the Seas was to bite Shanks's left arm, to be able to bite Shanks's left arm, there is no other explanation except Shanks deliberately.(Read more @

Otherwise, even if the sea kings came, they would be cut in half by Shanks.

Shanks has not yet become the Four Emperors, but his strength is not much worse than Guy. It is a joke that he can't really beat the King of the Sea.

"It seems that someone else is coming to Windmill Village."

Shanks narrowed his eyes slightly after seeing Ryu.

I couldn't see through and couldn't sense Ryu's strength, but the peach rabbit beside him gave Shanks a strong feeling.

Looking at Ryu and the others, they don’t look like pirates at all, they look like nobles.

When Shanks was looking at Ryu, Ryu was also staring at Shanks. This momentum was very strong. On the outside, Shanks looked like a bully, but his momentum was very restrained.

"What is the purpose of the Redhead Pirates appearing here?"

Taotu stepped forward and asked the red-haired Shanks.

At the same time, be wary of them. Taotu knows that Ryu is very strong, and it is not even a problem to deal with the red-haired pirates, but she can't count on Ryu to make a move.

She is Ryu's guard, and it is her responsibility to protect Ryu's safety. It has nothing to do with knowing how strong Ryu is.

"Don't get me wrong, we are not malicious."

Shanks stood up and spoke.

Taotu looked at Ryu behind him, and didn't know what Ryu meant. If Ryu ordered to do it, Taotu would definitely take it.

"Let them leave, my goal is not the Redhead Pirates." Ryu said to Taotu.

"You guys go."

Taotu nodded, then stepped aside, letting the red-haired Shanks and the others leave.

Luffy glanced at Ryu and the others strangely. At first, he was nervous whether they were Shanks' enemies, but now it seems that they are not.

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However, although Shanks had a smile on his face, his heart was very dignified. People like Ben Beckman did not move on the surface and were very alert.

In the end, the Red-haired Pirates left. Ryu did not fight against the Red-haired Pirates, nor did he communicate with Shanks.

"One day, I can gather a partner who is stronger than you, and then find the biggest treasure in the world, I will become the One Piece."

Luffy looked at the group of red-haired pirates slowly leaving, and shouted loudly.

Luffy was just a naughty kid at this time, but he was extra firm when he shouted these words.

"Can you tell me why I must be a pirate?"

Ryu opened his mouth and asked Luffy.

At this time, Luffy looked at Ryu. When he was a child, Luffy's personality was already carefree, and he was not at all vigilant when facing Ryu.

....... 0 0

"Because this is my dream. I want to find the legendary OnePiece and become One Piece. I am the man who wants to become One Piece."

Luffy's words seemed to be to Ryu, more like to himself.

"Dreams, fun." Ryu smiled on his face.

Indeed, Luffy went to sea to become a pirate, not for treasure, but for adventure, for his own dreams, so he wanted to become the pirate king.

"Big brother, are you a pirate?" Lu Fei asked Ryu.

"No, I belong to the pirate's enemy to some extent."

Ryu's identity is a Celestial Dragon, and of course he is the opposite of the Pirate, but this world has never been black or white, and there is no real opposition.

"The enemy of the pirates, are you the navy?" Luffy finally became vigilant.

Although he has not yet gone to sea to become a pirate, he also knows who his greatest enemy is, but Luffy is not afraid.

"You will know who I am in the future, but Luffy, you said if I told your grandfather that you were going to be a pirate, do you think your grandfather would teach you a lesson?"

With a bad smile on Ryu's face, he didn't mind making Luffy some trouble. He didn't know if it would change Luffy's original trajectory.

Luffy's face changed completely. If his grandfather knew about it, he would definitely teach himself viciously. Thinking of Karp's iron fist of love, Luffy's brain hurts.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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