"What are you thinking about?"

Hancock was keenly aware that Taotu had been peeking at Ryu, so he asked Taotu.

"Hehe, I'm thinking about how to turn your husband into mine." Taotu said to her with a smile when he faced Hancock's inquiry.

"Oh, it seems~ there is a good show to watch."

Nami looked like watching the excitement, she didn't know if she would fight, she was looking forward to it. If she fought, she would know who was better-.

At this time, Hancock and Taotu didn't know what was thinking in Nami's little head. If they knew, they might join hands to beat Nami first to let her know that they must be better than her.

"Che, do you think I will be afraid of you taking your husband?"

Hancock looked at Peach Rabbit with disdain.

Even if Taotu really took action, Hancock was not afraid. Anyway, he never thought of enjoying Ryu exclusively, and Hancock was not afraid that Taotu could compete with him.

As long as he couldn't shake his position, the other Hancock didn't care.

Although the fight with Taotu is not small, Hancock does not reject Taotu in fact.

"You can try that."

In fact, Hancock's disdainful eyes made Taotu annoyed this time, and she really wanted to try this time.

"Crane and clam fight, the fisherman gains."

Looking at Hancock and Peach Rabbit, Robin suddenly thought of something Ryu had said.

The two of them fight, who will be the one who will gain the final gain? It must be Ryu.

"Go back to Hydra Island first."

Ryu said.

Now the flying pirates group are all dead, and the entire flying pirate group is destroyed on the sea together with the golden lion.

A few days later, news about the death of the Golden Lion spread all over the great waterway.

Perhaps the Four Seas did not know the news of the death of the Golden Lion, but the pirates and navy of the Great Channel definitely knew it.

Newsbird sends this news to all parts of the world.

"Morgans is really amazing." When Ryu got the news, he admired Morgans's ability.

Although Ryu did not deliberately hide the news that the Golden Lion was killed by him, it was not publicized. As a result, Morgans was able to get this news.

Morgans is one of the leaders of the dark world, a person with the ability to form an albatross, and the president of the World Economic News Agency. His main business is to inquire about various news and then publish newspapers.

In the original book, he was also the one who took Luffy to the fifth emperor of the sea, and because of this, there was an extra five emperors in the new world.

Before Ryu was not well-known in the sea, only some capable people knew about Ryu.

But now there are so many people who know the name Ryu. Ryu is completely famous. Knowing that Ryu, the dragon man killed the golden lion, many pirates still can't believe it.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu is famous on the sea, all thanks to the propaganda of Morgans News.

"Making money from my news seems to require Morgans to pay something."

Ryu had already got Morgans's idea in his heart, and asked Stutsy to contact Morgans to pay some fees.

As for Morgans, will he agree? Ryu thinks Morgans should not dare to disagree.

Marine Headquarters Marin Vando.

"Unexpectedly, the golden lion was dead." When Karp got the information, his expression was slightly complicated.

And the Golden Lion can be regarded as old opponents. Roger, Golden Lion, and White Beard are all Karp's old opponents, and Karp was pursuing them at that time.

"This is a great thing for us."

The Warring States period was in a good mood. In the past few years, the Warring States period has sent people to look for the Golden Lion.

Knowing the ambition of the Golden Lion, after he escaped from Propulsion City, Sengoku has been worried. Now that the Golden Lion is killed by Uchiha Ryu, Sengoku can finally be relieved.

"Yeah, it is indeed a good thing."

The fewer pirates on the sea, the better for their navy of course.

"Golden Lion's bounty, just send it to him." The Warring States Period considered it for a moment and said to Karp.

Although Ryu did not come to claim the golden lion's bounty, Sengoku plans to send someone to it.

"It's fine for you to decide, there is no need to tell me." Karp said, picking his nose.

I don't know why the Warring States period has something to tell him. You can talk to the three generals and ask me what to do.

"Then there is one thing related to you, I want to talk to you." The expression of Warring States became serious.

After seeing the serious expression of the Warring States Period, Karp felt that he had some goals, and there must be no good things. At this time, Karp felt that it was better not to say the Warring States period.

"The matter of your grandson Luffy, how do you plan to solve it?"

The Warring States Period seriously asked Karp this question, and this question directly turned Karp's smiling face into a bitter face.

"Ahaha, don't be so serious, I will definitely find a way to get that kid back."

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Karp was also very angry, but if he wanted to say how helpful he was in catching Luffy, it was not. In fact, Karp didn't want to catch Luffy back.

Because if he catches the loop fly, he will be imprisoned in the Great Undersea Prison. Karp does have a sense of justice in his heart and his heart is toward the navy, but he is not without selfishness.

"Kapu, don't think I'm joking with you anymore. In fact, Wu Lao Xing also asked about your grandson's affairs, and even Marshal Kong contacted me personally."

The Warring States Period solemnly said to Karp.

"What, the five old stars have asked, the ability of that boy Luffy, it is impossible to let the five old stars pay attention?" Karp's brows frowned.

The five old stars are paying attention, what does the five old stars mean, do you want to catch Lu Fei?

If the Five Old Stars sent someone to catch Luffy, with Luffy's current ability, it seemed that he couldn't hide it at all.

........ ...

"because of you."

The Warring States faintly said to Karp.

Looking at the expression of the Warring States period, Karp can be considered to understand that grandson betrayed the navy and became a pirate. What he thinks, the five old stars can't ignore it, because Karp is not an ordinary lieutenant admiral.

If it was just the grandson of an ordinary lieutenant admiral who betrayed and became a pirate, Wu Lao Xing would certainly not have that leisurely attention, but this was Karp's grandson.

The five old stars mainly wanted to know whether Karp would betray or not. If Karp betrayed, even the five old stars would not be able to accept it.

"You can be considered tired by your son and grandson." The Warring States Period looked at Karp and said.

The son is the most ferocious criminal in the world, especially now that the revolutionary army is very rampant, and the five old stars have given orders to find a way to catch the dragon first.

Now grandson Luffy has become a pirate, which makes Wu Lao Xing worry about Karp's thoughts.

"Oh, I have been in the Navy for a lifetime. Although I am dissatisfied with some things, I will not betray the Navy."

Karp sighed and said to the Warring States period.

"I know you. As your friend for so many years, I also believe that you will not betray your beliefs, but the five old stars may not believe you."

Of course, the Warring States period believed in Karp, his old friend. He knew Karp too well. Karp would certainly not betray the navy, but would the five old stars believe in Karp?

Karp scratched his head anxiously, what should I do? Should he let him go and get his grandson back?


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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