"Where is Ace?"

After agreeing to borrow Pluto, Ryu asked the Sengoku.

"Now being detained in the Great Undersea Prison, I have arranged for the Navy to take care of it closely, and there will be no accidents."

Sengoku immediately replied to Ryu.

At this time, the Warring States Period planned to transfer Ace from the Great Undersea Prison to Marine Headquarters Marine Fando in a few days.

Ryu did not continue to ask either.

"Next I will stay in Malin Vandor for a while."

After speaking, Ryu left the Sengoku office.

Sengoku doesn't know why Ryu stayed in the navy headquarters, but since Ryu wants to stay here, he must entertain Ryu well, at least not to make him dissatisfied.

What if it provokes his dissatisfaction and does not lend himself the ancient weapon Pluto?


At the same time, the New World in the second half of the Great Passage, on the Whitebearded Mobile, had a somewhat unpleasant atmosphere.

"Father, I must save Ace."

The Whitebeard Pirates group is relatively united, and Ace falls into the hands of the navy, even if they desperately want to rescue Ace.

"Ace is my son, a member of our big family, I will not give up Ace."

Baibeard squeezed his fists tightly, and even the air was squeezed by Baibeard.

To execute Ace publicly, this must be a conspiracy by the Navy, but Whitebeard is not afraid of conspiracy. Even if there is a conspiracy, he will bring the Whitebeard Pirates to rescue Ace.

In fact, the red hair had already sent someone to inform White Beard, this time the incident is probably the navy's conspiracy to deal with the White Beard Pirates.

At this time, it is estimated that the Navy has set up a big net, just waiting for the big fish of the White Beard Pirate Group to enter the net.

But there are some things that you have to do even if you know there is a conspiracy, such as rescue Ace.

The White Beard Pirates Group has begun to gather crew members, including those who follow the White Beard Pirates Group.

There are a total of 43 pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirate Group. These pirate groups are not affiliated with the Whitebeard Pirate Group. They usually do their own activities, but they all worship Whitebeard.

As long as Baibeard is in trouble, those pirate groups will come to support Baibeard.

This is the power under the White Beard Pirate Group, and the other Four Emperors Pirate Group also have many powers under it.

The actions of the White Beard Pirates have been noticed by the navy, and the Navy is also preparing to enlist the king, Qiwuhai, to prepare for the conflict with the White Beard Pirates.

Because of Ace's affairs, the whole sea is surging, but it has no effect on Ryu.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Peach Rabbit has come to Marine Headquarters of the Navy from the Kingdom of Alabastan, and also brought another Pluto.

The Pluto ship has not been decorated yet. It is the Pluto found from the Kingdom of Alabastan, and it is temporarily loaned to the navy for use.

"Master Ryu, don't you worry that the navy borrowed the ancient weapon Pluto will not return it...?" Taotu asked Ryu.

"Do you just don't believe in the navy side?"

Ryu looked at Taotu in surprise, knowing that Taotu originally stood on the side of the navy, but now Taotu will question the navy's borrowing of Pluto and not return it.

"If it's only the navy, I'm not worried, but there are five old stars, even the Marshal of the Warring States must obey the five old stars."

In fact, Taotu believes in the Warring States Period, but doesn't believe in the five old stars above.

"Whether the five old stars want to make a move, just give me a chance to smooth out the five old stars."

Ryu didn't worry about the Wu Lao Xing's move, and even he was eager for the Wu Lao Xing to make a move. Then there would be a reason to deal with the Wu Lao Xing.

I didn't want to deal with the five old stars before, but the system task is to make him the only king in this world and control the entire Pirate World, so the five old stars can't be kept.

"Well, you don't have to worry about Taotu, do you think someone can take my things?"

Ryu said with a chuckle.

Taotu nodded lightly, as if there was no need to worry about who would dare to take Ryu's things, as long as he had the strength in this world, he could keep everything he had.

"The Whitebeard Pirates should be able to see it, this time it is for them, Ryu-sama, do you think Whitebeard will really come to fight Ace?"

Yamato asked Ryu.

"He will definitely come. You don't know Baibeard. Ace is one of the sons that Baibeard attaches more importance to, so he must come to save Ace."

Although Ace is the son of Whitebeard's old rival Roger, Whitebeard attaches great importance to Ace. If Ace does not die, then Ace will be the successor of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"At that time, Lord Ryu, will you take action?" Yamato looked at Ryu with shiny eyes.

"White Beard is old, even in his heyday, he is not worthy of me."

"Then can I make a move?"

Yamato wanted to try, how strong is the rumored strongest man, White Beard, and whether she can play against White Beard now.

"Are you trying to get beaten?"

Ryu looked at Yamato with a strange look. Ryu knew how strong Yamato was. Ryu knew even better than Yamato himself.

If the current Yamato faced White Beard, there was a high probability that he would be hanged. He was not the opponent of White Beard at all, and the gap was far away.

Don't look at White Beard now that he is old and still has injuries, but even if Guy fights with the current White Beard more, he is not absolutely sure that he can beat White Beard.

"¨" Lord Ryu, do you have so little confidence in me? "

Yamato is in a bad mood, is he bound to be beaten? Can't you beat White Beard? I underestimated her.

"Do you think I'm underestimating you?" Ryu looked at Yamato who was in a bad mood and asked her.

Yamato nodded, "Yes, I just feel that you are underestimating me. Even if I can't beat Baibeard, I won't be passively beaten."

"You can try if you don't believe it, as long as you are not afraid of being beaten."

Ryu doesn't matter. Since Yamato doesn't believe him, he will let Yamato try.

"it is good."

As an iron-headed baby, Yamato would absolutely not believe it if she didn't try it.

After taking a look at Yamato, Ryu showed a pity in his eyes. It seems that (Zhao Li Zhao) Zi Yamato is going to suffer a little loss, but it is okay to let Yamato suffer a little loss. If she doesn't suffer a loss, she may swell up in the future.

But in Yamato's heart, the idea at this time was to prove himself, didn't he feel that he would definitely be beaten against White Beard? She must not be too embarrassed to face the white beard herself.

"I went to practice."

When Yamato left, he took Taotu and Hancock away by the way, and Yamato was going to let Taotu and Hancock come to point him.

There is still some time before Ace is executed, which means that she still has time to improve herself. Although it is not so easy to improve her strength in a short period of time, it is at least better than not practicing.

Ryu shook his head slightly, then entered the system space, and glanced at his eight million points. Ryu did not intend to use these points for the time being, but to draw character projections.

[Ding, you have drawn the red-haired Shanks projection! 】


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