Facing the redhead's persuasion, Hawkeye was unmoved, he would not change the decision he had made, and Hawkeye was not deceiving the redhead, he really wanted to challenge Ryu.

The redhead was unmoved by the eagle eye, and did not continue to dissuade him.

However, the red hair felt that even if Hawkeye wanted to challenge Ryu, he might not be able to see Ryu's face. Even if they wanted to deal with Uchiha Ryu, they had to pass the navy level first.

As the Warring States period they began to act, the sea was surging, and the new world was completely chaotic.

Of course, the new world was originally chaotic, but now it's just more chaotic.

"Does Don Quixote Doflamingo need a solution?"

Taotu asked Ryu.

"You will forget him if you don't mention it."

Hearing Taotu mentioning Don Quixote Doflamingo to him, Ryu just remembered that there is still Doflamingo that hasn't been resolved.

"Of course it has to be solved. Isn't he a pirate?"

Ryu never thought about letting too much flamenco out. He just forgot about him before. Moreover, Doflamingo hasn't done anything lately, so he is relatively low-key.

"Then I will go and kill Doflamingo myself."

For Doflamingo this guy, Peach Rabbit has long been unhappy, and it happens to take action to destroy this guy himself.

"Then you should be careful." Ryu reminded Taotu.

Although the character of Doflamingo is not very good, he must not be underestimated by Doflamingo. If he is underestimated, there must be a price.

"I will be careful."

Taotu nodded to Ryu, with her strength, even if facing the entire Don Quixote family, there would be no danger.

After that, Taotu left Wano and went to deal with Doflamingo alone.

However, after Peach Rabbit arrived in Deres Rosa, no trace of Doflamingo and the Don Quixote family were found.

After asking other people, I realized that Doflamingo had already run away.

"This guy runs very fast, but as long as you dare to show up, you will definitely die."

Taotu was a little annoyed, and actually rushed to the air, letting the fellow Doflamingo put one on it.

After that, Taotu returned to the country of Wano.

"I came back so soon, wouldn't it be solved by Doflamingo running away?" Hancock glanced at Taotu, and then asked faintly.

Hearing Hancock's words, Taotu's face was embarrassed, although he didn't escape in her hands, Doflamingo escaped ahead of time.

But now I still feel embarrassed. When I left, I vowed to solve Doflamingo, but Doflamingo ran away.

"Isn't it because my concubine got it right?"

In fact, Hancock had just run Doflamingo a little bit, and she didn't think that Doflamingo could let Doflamingo go, but she was right, and Doflamingo really ran away.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"When I went, Doflamingo had already run away, and I didn't even see his face."

Taotu's face was irritated, and this irritation was aimed at Doflamingo.

Originally, he didn't like Doflamingo, but now Peach Rabbit can't wait to kill Doflamingo directly.

"Run ahead of time, it seems Doflamingo is very smart."

Ryu knows that Doflamingo didn't solve Doflamingo this time. Do not blame Doflamingo. Doflamingo ran too fast.

"But he can't run away, let Stutsi send out the news and look for Doflamingo's trail."

As long as Doflamingo is still alive in this world, unless he hides his head forever, he will definitely be found.

"I have the same idea, and I have already notified Stussy before, and let Stussy help me find the whereabouts of Doflamingo. I will never let that guy go."

Taotu has already sworn that he must get rid of the damn fellow Doflamingo.

After Stucci got the news of Doflamingo, Peach Rabbit will definitely solve Doflamingo as soon as possible.

"Unexpectedly, I failed to do the task."

Hancock doesn't care why Taotu failed, but she doesn't mind teasing Taotu anyway.

Taotu also knew that Hancock would take the opportunity to run against her, so he simply turned and left, ignoring Hancock.

"It's so boring."

Seeing Taotu leave directly, Hancock felt a bit boring. When she was okay, she liked to fight with Taotu.

"I went to practice."

Yamato saw Hancock cast his gaze toward him, and immediately spoke.

Let's go away first, because Hancock won't even let her go. When her strength surpasses Hancock, she will definitely teach her a lesson.

In fact, Yamato's strength is no longer weaker than Hancock, but if you play against Hancock, you basically won't be divided.

Yamato has no interest at all in this kind of battle that is irrelevant.

"Hankuk, we are going to go to sea..."

Ryu said to Hancock.

"Going to sea? What does your husband want to go to sea?" Hancock was a little confused when he heard this.

"Of course I want to see how the pirates resisted."

Ryu also wants to see if the pirates in the sea will fight to the end.

"Then shall we call Taotu and the others?"

"No, it's estimated that Taotu's mind is now on killing Doflamingo, so we don't call Taotu, just take Nami and the others out."

Nami is a navigator, she must be taken with her, and Yamato who said before to go to practice, in fact, Yamato did not practice.

Yamato just wanted to escape Hancock.

After boarding the Pluto, Ryu contacted the Warring States and learned their location. Now the Warring States has launched a battle with the Navy and the Redhead Pirates.

The battle situation was a bit fierce, and the navy did not have the upper hand. The red-haired pirate group, united with other large pirate groups in the New World, definitely had the strength to compete with the navy.

"Red hair, I want to settle an account with you today."

Karp looked at Shanks unkindly and said that there were not many conflicts between him and Shanks, but the thing that Shanks led Luffy out of the sea to become a pirate, Karp has always been very hot.

It's just that Karp didn't have a chance before. Now when he has a chance, Karp will never let Shanks easily.

Looking at Karp who was furious, Shanks couldn't help but smiled bitterly, but Karp who was furious was hard to provoke.

"Earl Red, I didn't expect you to join in."

The Warring States period looked badly at the Red Earl, Barloric Lederfield was an old pirate, and Roger and White Beard were characters of the same era.

I thought he would live in seclusion, but he didn't expect him to jump out and fight the navy.

If the Red Earl can retire honestly and do nothing, the Navy will not bother to deal with him in the future.

Earl Hong looked at the Warring States and did not speak. He and the Warring States were considered old opponents. When the Warring States was still a lieutenant general, he fought against the Warring States several times.

In addition to the Red Earl, there is also Bundy Waldo, the world destroyer, who have joined the ranks of opposing the navy.

Perhaps they think that the pirates’ lips are dead and their teeth are cold. If the red-haired pirates are eliminated, sooner or later you will have their turn, so you will help the red-haired pirates when the navy comes to attack.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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