How the Big Beard Five Old Stars suppressed the Warring States Period before, and now the Warring States Period reverses how the Big Beard Five Old Stars suppressed the Bearded Five Old Stars. The Bearded Five Old Stars who were beaten up by the team were particularly embarrassed.

If it is a heads-up, even if you are defeated, you will not feel particularly suffocated, but now being beaten by two people together, this makes the bearded five old stars feel suffocated.

In comparison, the Warring States period is more comfortable, at least revenge has already been taken.

Although at first I felt that it was a bit unethical to fight a big beard and five old stars in a group, but who would not be able to beat the singles.

If he could beat the Bearded Five Old Stars by himself, the Warring States Period would not want others to help.

Compared with the battle between them, the battle between Huang Yuan and Long-haired Five Old Stars on the other side seemed to be mostly playful.

Huang Yuan does not fight head-on with Changfa Wu Lao Xing at all, and has been walking around Changfa Wu Lao Xing. When Changfa Wu Lao Xing wants to escape from the fight with Huang Yuan, Huang Yuan will kill again. Come up.

The harassment of Huang Yuan is nothing short of trouble for Long-haired Five-Lao Xing. The angry Long-haired Five Lao Xing is about to vomit blood.

"Yellow Ape, you bastard."

The long-haired five old star couldn't help roaring, if his eyes could kill people, Huang Yuan should be dead now.

In the face of the angry long-haired five old stars, Huang Yuan was not moved at all. Anyway, if you are angry, just be angry. It will not affect me at all, and Huang Yuan has never considered defeating the long-haired five old stars. Things.

Huang Yuan's thinking now is, anyway, as long as it can't be defeated.

The next thing Huang Yuan has to do is to drag it until the other people finish fighting, then Huang Yuan does not need to worry, and other people will also help Huang Yuan.

As for the effort to solve the five old stars who lost their long hair? There is no extra salary for doing what he has done with that effort. What's more, even if he wants to spend his energy to deal with the five old stars, he can't beat the five old stars at all.

In fact, if you fight head-on, Huang Yuan's strength is still worse than that of the long-haired five old stars.

If there is a fight, the person who loses in the end must be Huang Yuan.

It is definitely a great thing for Huang Yuan to stand still like this now.

"Overlord look domineering."

The angry long-haired five old stars use the domineering look to deter the yellow ape. In fact, the five old stars are all domineering, and their control of the domineering look has reached a very powerful point.

Suddenly using the domineering look of the overlord, Huang Yuan did not have any preparations at first, and was slightly affected by the sudden domineering of the overlord.

It is only slightly affected. If you want to use the domineering color to stun the yellow ape, or you want to use the domineering color to injure the yellow ape, it is very difficult, even unless the yellow ape is very watery, it is absolutely impossible to be long-haired. Star succeeded.

A little mistake in the battle of the strong may cause great danger. Although the overlord's domineering is not dangerous to the yellow ape, it finally makes the yellow ape a little stunned.(Read more @

After catching this stunned, Long-haired Five Old Star began to chase Huang Ape.

Fortunately, the yellow ape is a person with the shining fruit ability. Not to mention other abilities, this speed is horribly fast. The attack of the long-haired five old stars was not hit by the yellow ape, so he was easily dodged by the yellow ape. attack.

"Good risk, good risk."

Huang Yuan said these words in a undue beating tone, which sounds really undue assault. Anyway, the face of Long-haired Five Old Star has cooled down. Originally, the offensive against Huang Ape was not low, but now it is even more correct. Huang Yuan started an even more violent attack.

Facing the crazy long-haired five old stars who seemed to be running away, Huang Yuan couldn't be as calm as before, and his face showed an extremely solemn expression.

In the past, when facing the Long-haired Five-Lao Star, he was still able to play a role. Now, facing the Long-haired Five-Lao Star who is going all out after a rage, it is possible to take his own life into it with a little carelessness.

Long-haired five old stars really have the ability to threaten the life of Huang Yuan. Similarly, Huang Yuan actually has the ability to threaten long-haired five old stars.

If Huang Yuan seizes the opportunity to kick the five old stars at the speed of light, it is estimated that even the long-haired five old stars will not be able to bear it.

In the face of the crazy long-haired five old stars, Huang Yuan only needs to do a good job of avoiding the edge.

"Huang Yuan really knows how to make soy sauce."

Ryu glanced at Huang Yuan, this guy's fighting is not serious at all, to be precise, it is more than defensive and insufficient offensive.

It's not that Huang Yuan has no offensive strength, but Huang Yuan is playing soy sauce.

Of course, it can not be said that Huang Yuan did not have any credit at all, at least Huang Yuan relied on his own strength to hold down a five-star. This was enough.

You must know that Huang Yuan has not suffered any injuries yet. Facing the Warring States Period with the Five Old Stars, he has already suffered a lot of injuries.

It's not that Huang Yuan is stronger than the Warring States Period, but Huang Yuan is even more slippery.

"Should I warn him?"

Taotu frowned, then asked Ryu.

Why don't you warn this guy if you are so slippery? You know that other people are fighting desperately now, and Huang Yuan is too slippery.

"No need to warn him."

Ryu shook his head slightly, as long as Huang Yuan can complete the task of dragging Long-haired Five Lao Xing, anyway, with Huang Yuan's strength, there is no way to defeat Long-haired Five Lao Xing.

Taotu nodded, but she was a little unhappy with Huang Yuan. If Huang Yuan was lazy in front of her in the future, Taotu would never let him go easily.

In fact, Ryu doesn't care about this at all, as long as Huang Yuan can do things well.

I took a look at the battle between the Warring States and Douglas Barrett against the Big Beard Five Old Stars. If there is no unexpected situation, the final result of the battle will break through from the Big Beard Five Old Stars.

In addition, the lieutenant admiral can solve the immediate threat and can also help deal with the five old stars. Maybe other navies can't do it, but the strength of the lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters is quite powerful.

A powerful lieutenant admiral of the navy headquarters can fight a little bit with the general of the navy headquarters. Although he definitely can't beat him, he can also fight for a while.

There are also strong men in the revolutionary army, and there are a large group of strong men under Long's hands, otherwise, they can't hold on for so long before being defeated by the world government.

"Isn't Eim still showing up yet, is she going to show up if I have to let me tear down the entire Holy Land Mary Joa?"

Ryu glanced at the world government forces that had almost gone, and couldn't help but speak.

"Why don't you fight directly with your concubine?"

Hancock proposed to Ryu.

Since Yim hasn't appeared for a long time, then go to Yim, unless she can escape from the Holy Land Mary Joa, otherwise she will never escape.

"Forget it, I don't know how strong Yim is. If you go by yourself, you may be in great danger."

Ryu shook his head at Hancock. Eam is very mysterious. Ryu has never seen him. He doesn't know whether it is a male or a female. He doesn't know his strength, so he can't rest assured that Hancock will go by himself.


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