The five old stars in the flat hat who were so embarrassed that they could only conceal their embarrassment with desperate attacks.

In the face of the violent and frenzied attacks of the Five Old Stars, Ryu only needs to use the Kamui blur to be immune to all the attacks of the Five Old Stars.

Including the attacks of other five old stars, just as Ryu said, it is very difficult for the five old stars to touch a piece of Ryu's clothes, Kakuzu.

The Eim's face observed next to him was very solemn. Even after observing for so long, she did not find any shortcomings about Kamui's blur, as if this ability had no shortcomings at all.

"I don't believe that there will be no weaknesses."

Yim feels that any ability in this world has weaknesses, even this seemingly unsolvable Kamui blur may have weaknesses.

Indeed, it is easy to deal with Kamui's blur. For example, the same spatial ability, such as the door fruit ability, may directly enter Ryu's Kamui space by opening the door, and then attack Ryu.

It's a pity that Eim doesn't have a door fruit in his hands. The door fruit is actually quite a powerful demon fruit. Can the power related to space be weak?

It's a pity that the people who use the fruit of the door are too weak.

In fact, Yim's movements are completely under Ryu's gaze, and he has a complete insight into all of Yim's movements. If Yim wants to find his weakness, let Yim look for it.

Kamui is not Ryu's hole card, and even with Yim's strength, he may not be qualified to force Ryu to use his hole card.

"Uchiha Ryu, can you only do this trick?"

Seeing Ryu constantly using this trick to dodge attacks, the furious golden old star shouted at Ryu.

At the same time, the five golden old stars are also using the radical method, otherwise they really can't find a way to crack them, they can only watch the invincible Uchiha Ryu.

"Using the radical method, right?"

Ryu asked flatly to the golden five old star.

"Actually, I am doing this for your own good. If I am serious, I will kill you in the blink of an eye, so that you can live a little longer. Wouldn't you be unhappy?"

Now that Ryu hasn't taken a shot, it is a good thing for the five old stars, which can make them live for a while.

"Since you are tired of living, let's send you to death first."

Ryu raised his hand slightly, and the terrifying repulsion exploded, and directly blasted the five old golden stars out. The bones of the five old golden stars who were blown out were broken, and the internal organs suffered a lot of injuries.

The blood clots vomiting out of the golden old star's mouth were all mixed with internal organs.

Such a serious injury, although the golden five old star would not die, but also fell into a half-disabled state.

The other five old stars looked at the five old stars of the blonde and looked very ugly. The battle had just begun, and the five old stars of the blonde were beaten into this look, which was really miserable.

Moreover, the strength of the five golden old stars is not weak, and it is not weaker than their strength.(Read more @

"It's not dead yet, it's pretty resistant, but it should be over."

Ryu stared at the five golden old star and said lightly.

"Sky Cong Yunjian."

The golden lightsaber appeared in Ryu's hand, and was thrown out by Ryu, directly piercing the heart of the golden five old star.

No matter how strong the vitality of the five golden old stars is, after being penetrated by Ryu's heart, there is only one dead end.

After finishing losing the golden five old stars, Ryu looked at the other five old stars, his eyes were very flat. Now the five old stars have been killed by Ryu.

"The power of Shining Fruit?"

Yim glanced at Ryu and Yellow Ape, which was obviously the power of Shining Fruit, but Yim didn't show much shocked expression on his face.

Mainly before, the five old stars had already told Eim that Uchiha Ryu possesses a lot of power of devil fruit, so Eim can't talk about how shocked it is now.

"It seems that relying on the five old stars cannot test how much Uchiha Ryu is."

Now Yim knows too, relying on the strength of the five old stars, Uchiha Ryu's strength can be tested out.

"Which one of you wants to die first?"

Ryu asked the five old stars with a flat hat, five old stars with long hair, and five old stars with a big beard.

None of the three of them spoke. At this time, whoever uttered Uchiha Ryu's attention first might die in Uchiha Ryu's hands first.

"Since you don't speak, then I have to choose, I will choose you."

Ryu glanced at the Big Beard Five Old Star, and then directly selected the Big Beard Five Old Star as his target.

The face of the bearded five old star stared at is as ugly as it is, so Uchiha Ryu was stared at it, and for a moment, the bearded five old star felt the thought of running away in his heart.

There is no need to save the green hills without burning firewood, and there is no need to help Eim's life, especially now that they face Uchiha Ryu, an almost invincible enemy, Eim did not help at all, just standing not far away watching .. ........

Turning around, the bearded five old star quickly used the navy six-style shaver to prepare to escape, but it was so easy to escape from Ryu's hands.

"If you let you escape, wouldn't it appear that I am incompetent."

Ryu raised his hand slightly and used the Universal Pull. After being attracted by gravity, Ryu pulled it back directly.

"You only have one way to choose."

Ryu said to the Big Beard Five Old Stars, this is not just talking to the Big Beard Five Old Stars, but also to the other Five Old Stars and Yim.

The road Ryu said was a dead end. Ryu never thought of letting go of the five old stars and Yim. As long as Ryu didn't want to let them go, they would never survive.

Then the black rod formed by the Truth-Seeking Ball in Ryu's hand directly pierced the bearded five old stars.

The bearded five old stars who were pierced by Truth-Seeking Ball were wiped out by the power of Truth-Seeking Ball. This trick directly scared the surviving flat hat five old stars and long-haired five old stars .

Even Yim couldn't keep his peace.

"What kind of power is this?"

Im asked Ryu.

This is definitely not the power of the Devil Fruit. Yim is quite clear about the various powers of the Devil Fruit. He has never known that there is such a terrifying power of the Devil Fruit.

To be sure, Uchiha Ryu's body definitely has more than the power of Devil Fruit, and it is likely that there are other powers.

"Do you really want to know? If you want to know, I can let you experience it personally. What do you think?" Ryu asked Eim with a smile.

Ryu’s words made Eim’s face turn green. Let me experience it for myself. I’ve witnessed the end of the five bearded stars. I’ve seen it with his own eyes, so unless there’s a problem with his brain, how could Eim want to experience it. a bit.

Even now Yim is thinking about how to deal with Ryu's move.

"Eim, if you don't make a move now, I am afraid that all the five old stars under your hand will be killed by me." Ryu said to Eim whose face changed in shock.

The flat hat five old stars and the long-haired five old stars looked at Eim after hearing the words, and they also hope Eim can take action, so that they can have a little more hope of surviving.


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