Eim has resurrected Roger and Locks, Ryu doesn't need to be too concerned, whether it is Roger or Locks, in fact, the strength is only that.

When the two of them add up, it is unknown whether they can be compared with the five old stars.

"You used the power of the Devil Fruit to resurrect them?"

Ryu asked Eim.

Ryu was also a little curious about Eim's methods of resurrecting Roger and Locks, and wanted to know what power Eim used.

"Huh, do you think I will tell you?"

Yim snorted directly, how could he tell Uchiha Ryu this secret, directly controlling Roger and Lockes to kill Ryu.

"Do it with me? You should play with my clone first."

Ryu used the Wood Clone Technique, and the separated Wood Clone directly blocked the front, blocking Roger and Locke.

"You actually still have the ability to do this?"

After seeing the Wood Clone used by Ryu, Yim's brow furrowed. Uchiha Ryu's abilities are too much. So far, I don't know how much Uchiha Ryu's ability-power is.

"But the avatar's strength shouldn't be compared to the main body."

A gleam of light flashed across Yim's face. If the avatar is still comparable to the body, it is estimated that she doesn't need to fight anymore, just choose to surrender.

Well, Eim's guess is indeed correct. Wood Clone's strength is definitely not comparable to the body, but even if it is not comparable to Ryu's body, the strength can completely crush Roger and Locks.

Even with Eim, he couldn't beat Ryu's two Wood Clone.

"Wood Style·Birthday of the Tree World!"

One of the Wood Style clones uses Wood Style, and Wood Clone is able to use some of Ryu's blood abilities, and even Rinnegan's blood abilities can be used.

Countless trees directly trapped Roger and Locks. The trees made by Wood Style seem to have vitality. Even if you break the trees, they can grow out in the blink of an eye.

This trick may not be able to solve Roger and Locks directly, but it can completely trap both of them.

After seeing the two people trapped, Yim's face turned ugly, and the tools he resurrected didn't look so useful.

"Emm, do you have any other cards? Take them out quickly. If you don't take them out, you really won't have a chance."

Ryu said calmly to Yim.

"Don't be proud of it too soon."

Eim looked at Ryu angrily, then looked at Roger and Locks.

The Wood Style Tree World Birth can trap them for a limited time, and it won’t take long for them to break through the blockade, but Wood Style Tree World Birth is also powerful.

A mere wood attack had no small impact on Roger and Locks.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The two of them were resurrected. Although they were controlled by Yim, their bodies were still flesh and blood. Locks was better, and his skin was thicker and more resistant, and Roger looked particularly miserable.

Karp looked at this scene with a little silence. Once Karp was not sure that he could beat Roger or Locks one-on-one, but now the two of them can't beat the two clones of Uchiha Ryu.

How could a person's strength be so strong? This is no longer a human being, this is already the realm of gods.

Ryu didn't make a move, and two clones could solve it.

"Super large jade spiral shuriken!"

The two Wood Style clones simultaneously used the super-large jade spiral shuriken, which was powerful enough to injure the powerhouse of the sixth level. This was a six-level immortal technique.

Roger and Locks, who were hit, were directly wiped out and disappeared completely.

But for them, it may also be a relief, it is estimated that they are not willing to be controlled by Yim.

After getting rid of the two guys Roger and Locks, the two Wood Style clones of Ryu disappeared.

At this time, Yim didn't have any panic on his face. Even if Roger and Locks, who were resurrected by her, were easily killed by Ryu, Yim didn't care, but there was some joy on his face.

"Your strength is almost consumed, right?" Eim asked Ryu.

In fact, Yim didn't think about relying on the strength of Roger and Locks to defeat Ryu, even the five old stars were easily tortured, even if there were Roger and Locks, it was useless.

What's more, the two guys controlled by her couldn't exert their pre-birth power at all.

Roger and Locks, the main purpose is actually that Eam wants to be used as a consumption, and wants to consume Ryu's terrorist power.


There is a question mark on Ryu's face. Are you underestimating me, thinking that my strength is almost exhausted? Ryu thinks Eim's idea is a bit funny.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

"Do you think my power is exhausted?" Ryu asked Eim.

In fact, Ryu's consumption is almost equal to nothing. It is almost impossible for Yim to consume Ryu's power, even if she is exhausted.

"You are holding on."

Eim didn't believe that Uchiha Ryu made so many shots without any consumption. Although there is no change in the expression on Ryu's face now, Eim feels that Uchiha Ryu's consumption is definitely not small.

"Then you just assume that I am trying to force it."

Since Eim thinks this way, Ryu doesn't refute it anyway. The refutation doesn't make any sense anyway. When Eim and him do something, he will know his reality.

"Let me see how you can hide from the outside."

Eim hit Ryu with a punch, and the invisible force bombarded Ryu's body, causing Ryu's footsteps to move lightly, taking a step back a little.

....... ...... .......

"Good strength, it can already make me feel a little bit of pain, very good."

Ryu didn't have any defense at all, so he used his body to catch Eim's attack, but Eim's attack could not make Ryu suffer any injuries.


Yim couldn't believe it. She didn't release the water at all just now. She attacked with all her strength, but she didn't cause Uchiha Ryu to show any injuries.

Eam can tell that Uchiha Ryu is not pretending now, but is really not injured.

"There is nothing impossible, why do you think it is impossible?" Ryu raised his eyebrows slightly, and then asked Eim faintly.

The unbeliever Yim continued to attack Ryu, but at best he was scraping Ryu.

"Are you scraping me?"

Ryu asked Eim faintly. Now Eim’s attack is indeed no different from Gua Sha for Ryu. Ryu can feel a little bit of pain at best, no different from a mosquito bite.

After the continuous attacks found that there was no way to help Ryu, Yim finally couldn't keep calm, turned around and wanted to leave, but Ryu, who had been attacked so many times, could easily let Yim go.

Raising his hand, using the burst of gravity from the Universal Pull, I directly pulled the Yim who wanted to get away. Under the terrifying gravity, it was difficult for Yim to get away.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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