After Ryu completely became the master of this world, the Pirate World was also included in the system space by the system. So far, Ryu became the veritable master of this world.

However, there are still some things to be dealt with in the follow-up, such as some remnants of the former world government, some remaining pirates, and some new pirates who have just gone to sea need to be attacked.

And those criminals in the dark world, it is impossible for Ryu to keep them.

"Dragon, the matter of destroying the boss of the dark world is left to you. I hope you don't let me down." Ryu said to the dragon.

The dragon nodded, but looked at Ryu and stopped talking.

"Just say what you want to say, there is no need to cover it up."

Looking at the hesitant dragon, Ryu said, as long as the dragon doesn't make very excessive conditions, Ryu will not refuse.

"There's something about Luffy." Long finally spoke. Now Luffy is still being held, and Long wants to get Luffy out.

"Your son can be released, but I don't want pirates to appear in this world again, do you understand? I think you also know how harmful the pirates are."

Ryu said 28 to the dragon.

"I understand that Luffy will never be a pirate in the future."

The dragon breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Ryu can let go, it is enough for the dragon. For fear that Ryu is unwilling to let Luffy go, there is no way.

"You can announce a piece of news that in the future, only adventurers will be allowed to appear in the sea, and no one will be allowed to become a pirate. If a pirate appears in any village, the tax will increase by 10%."

This punishment is very serious, no, it should be said to be quite serious, but only such a serious punishment can be forbidden by the pirates, otherwise it will be difficult to fundamentally cut off the pirates.

The dragon also felt a little serious, but this was Ryu's order, and only such a heavy punishment could put an end to the pirates.

Soon, the news was spread to all parts of the world through newsbirds, causing an uproar. I didn't expect that the presence of pirates in the village would affect them.

In the past, they didn't care so much about whether there would be pirates in their village, and they didn't care so much.

But now that when it comes to your own interests, you can't let it go. If anyone dares to become a pirate, then they will be the enemy of their entire village.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed, and the originally turbulent world has begun to get on the right track. Now there are no so-called pirates in the sea, but registered adventurers.

Luffy has also become an adventurer, and continues to search for the ultimate island, which is another way to fulfill his dream.

The pirates that existed on the sea were basically completely wiped out, and even the remnants of the original CP organization were all wiped out.

As for those people in the dark world, although part of them were wiped out, they were not completely wiped out.

It's not that Ryu can't do it, but that they are left behind now. Where there is light, there must be darkness. The darkness cannot be completely eliminated, so as long as you control it in your own hands.

Although the current dark world has not been completely cleaned up, the king of the dark world is Stutsi, and Stutsi is completely loyal to Ryu, which means that Ryu controls the entire dark world.(Read more @

After the whole world is on the right track, Ryu has nothing to do. Now many things can be left to others.

Ryu can now safely be a hand-off shopkeeper.

"Husband, my concubine feels that we should train some people who are responsible for government affairs, such as the five old stars trained by Yim."

Hancock suggested to Ryu.

Taotu nodded when she heard the words, because now they do a lot of things, and now they are a little tired of work.

"I still like to study history."

Robin said to Ryu tiredly.

She was most interested in studying history. As a result, she was pulled over by Ryu to deal with the affairs of the entire world government. Although it was not impossible to deal with, Robin was obviously not interested.

Seeing the exhaustion on their faces, Ryu nodded, really need to take care of them, after all, they are their own women, but you can't make them too tired.

They are too tired, Ryu will feel distressed too.

"That's it, Kalifa, you are responsible for finding the right person to be my spokesperson." Ryu handed this task to Kalifa. Now Kalifa is Ryu's secretary, and of course the secretary does something.

Kalifa nodded, and a few days later, he found three suitable candidates, and Ryu used Distinguished Heavenly Gods to completely change the will of these three people and make them completely loyal to him.

With the spokesperson, Ryu's life is more laid-back, especially now that Hancock and the others are liberated and have time to accompany them. Ryu's life is now happier than the gods.

"It's time to return to Naruto World to have a look."

A few months later, Ryu came to the system space, ready to return to Naruto World to see Mikoto, Kushina, and others. Perhaps for them, it might just be that they didn’t see Ryu for a second, but Ryu hadn’t seen him for nearly two decades. They are gone, so I miss them very much now.

When Ryu returned to the Naruto World, the time that stopped flowed again, and the time in the Pirate World stopped immediately.

When Ryu returns to Pirate World, the time in Pirate World will flow again.

Walking out of his room, looking at Mikoto who was doing housework, Ryu came directly to Mikoto and hugged Mikoto lightly.

"What's the matter?" Mikoto clearly noticed something wrong with Ryu, as if he was extremely close to her today.

"Nothing." Ryu smiled, not missing them too much.

They don't know what's going on, but Xiao Meng, who is a system wizard, can guess what's going on.

After that, Ryu embraced Kushina, Tsunade and Terumi Mei intimately again, which made them a little bit inexplicable, but they still liked Ryu's gentle hug very much in their hearts.

After spending nearly half a year in Naruto World, Ryu became restless again, and he planned to leave.

Not to return to the Pirate World, but to go to a new world.

"Ryu, are you going to a new world again?" Xiaomeng asked Ryu.

Facing Xiaomeng’s question, Ryu nodded slightly. Xiaomeng is the one who knows everything about Ryu, so Ryu talks about these things.

"Then I want to return to the system space." Xiaomeng said.

If you continue to stay in the Naruto World, it is estimated that Ryu leaves the Naruto World, the time in this world will stop again, and then she will stay here again.

Although it may be only one second for her, Ryu spends more time.

Xiaomeng wants to go to the system space and be by Ryu's side, and this is also Xiaomeng's responsibility as a system wizard. If he stays in the world of Naruto, wouldn't he not even have his own responsibilities?

"Okay, as long as you are not afraid of loneliness." Ryu looked at Xiao Meng and nodded to win.

"I'm not afraid of loneliness, as long as Ryu you often go with me, Ryu, don't forget me."

Xiaomeng raised her head, looked at Ryu pitifully and said.

Faced with this kind of cuteness, Ryu of course was embarrassed to refuse.


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