Looking at the Sand Shinobi camp, Ryu turned on Susanoo in the third form, and then slashed at the Sand Shinobi camp with a merciless sword. This was also a greeting.

"Third Kazekage-sama, it's not good, Uchiha Ryu is calling."

"What? How many people did Uchiha Ryu take?" Third Kazekage stood up and asked the Sand Shinobi who came to report.

"Only...only himself."

"Even if he dared to come, I really thought I was going to Sand Shinobi Village~ Why can't I stop him."

Third Kazekage was so angry that he killed out angrily. After organizing Sand Shinobi's troops, he slew towards Liu-Maple.

One person came to provoke, and don't treat them Sand Shinobi as a human being. If you can't breathe out, Sand Shinobi Village will not be able to raise your head in the whole ninja world.

"Third Kazekage, we meet again."

Ryu looked at Third Kazekage flying in the air with the wings of sand and iron. Ryu never liked the guy who flew above his head.

"Get me down first."

Susanoo's slash slashed towards Third Kazekage, which was so fast that Third Kazekage had no time to escape.

boom! ! !

The ground cracked, and Third Kazekage hit the ground like a shooting star. One blow caused Third Kazekage to suffer serious injuries.

"I have eaten it in my hands several times and lost it, but I don't even know to be careful."

Ryu sneered, and then, without even looking at Third Kazekage's direction, he slew towards Sand Shinobi's troops.

"Are you tickling my Susanoo? Using Qianben to attack my Susanoo is really going to laugh off my big teeth. Are you doing acupuncture for my Susanoo?"

Susanoo's double knives are like death scythes that harvest life. As long as they wield the sword, at least a dozen ninjas will die, and sometimes they will even kill dozens of ninjas with a single knife.

No way, who would make these people stupid, standing together one by one, it seems that they are all righteous brothers, for fear that they can't die at the same time.

"Disperse, don't gather together, all the ninjas under Jōnin retreat."

Chiyo shouted loudly.

"Sister, if they disperse, their attacks will also disperse, and they won't be able to harm Susanoo." Eilaozou came to Chiyo and said.

"Do you think they can really break Susanoo by standing together and attacking?"

Chiyo asked Ezang.

Eilao Zang opened his mouth, at least that way, there was still a chance, but in the end he also knew that Chiyo was right, and he would die if he concentrated too much.

I'm afraid that Susanoo will be slaughtered before he can defeat Susanoo.

"Go and see what happened to Third Kazekage."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Chiyo and Eilao Zang gave orders and released their ten people near Song. Although they knew that the threat was not big, Chiyo could not give up the attack.

"This is a battle of adults beating kindergarten children."

Ryu disarmed Susanoo, and at the same time dozens of Flying Thunder God Kuma were thrown out by Ryu's Shadow Clone.

Ryu between Setsuna is the life-harvesting god of death on the battlefield, and this time he killed Jōnin. Perhaps the elite Jōnin can survive the battle with his experience and sense of crisis, but Jōnin is only the target of the slaughter.

In an instant, twenty Jōnin fell at Ryu's feet. Jōnin, who was the mainstay in every Shinobu village, was as vulnerable as a child in front of Ryu.

Thanks to Flying Thunder God Technique, otherwise, Ryu would not be able to kill so fast. Using Susanoo to kill Jōnin is not as fast as using Flying Thunder God Technique.

Flying Thunder God Technique can stand in an invincible position against opponents who are stronger than oneself, and can basically slaughter against opponents who are weaker than oneself.

"Uchiha Ryu, you are so hot at a young age, you will be more dangerous than Uchiha Madara in the future."

Chiyo looked at Ryu with hatred.

"Spicy? On the battlefield, don't you expect me to be merciful? It's really ridiculous."

"Now I give you two choices, either surrender or I will kill you Sand Shinobi Village and destroy your village."

Ryu held up two fingers and said coldly.

"Don't be too arrogant for me."

The spear made of sand and iron pierced towards Ryu and attacked from behind Ryu.

"Is this kind of sneak attack useful to me?" Ryu's figure has appeared behind Third Kazekage. He has left the Flying Thunder God technique on Third Kazekage before.

Even if the Flying Thunder God technique is discovered, it is difficult to destroy.

Bang! ! !

Third Kazekage was smashed into the air by Rasengan, and Uzumaki-type injuries appeared on his back. Rasengan usually caused injuries like this.

"The body surface is covered with a layer of fine sand iron, which greatly reduces the damage to yourself. Your Magnet Style is really good."

Ryu looked at Third Kazekage who had escaped again.

If it were not for Third Kazekage to cover the back with fine sand and iron to form a steel defense, Rasengan's power would at least be able to kill Third Kazekage for half life.

·· ·········Ask for flowers··· 0

"I am arrogant now. You can't help me. I think it clearly. I want to kill your people easily. This time you Sand Shinobi have been killed and injured. If I attack and kill you once a day, how long can you last?"

Ryu asked Third Kazekage.

"In this war, you have no hope of winning. Surrender is your best choice. Surrender as soon as possible to maintain your strength, otherwise what is waiting for you is defeat.

Third Kazekage was a little bit shy. If Uchiha Ryu said, they attacked and killed them once a day, would they be able to hold it?

How long has it been since Uchiha Ryu's attack this time? More than a hundred Sand Shinobi lost their lives, and this is a ninja who does not count serious and minor injuries.

"Even if I am alone, I can crush you all."

......... ..... 0

With that said, Ryu turned on Susanoo again, and then started a new round of massacre, this time Ryu abandoned those who are strong.

Those elite Jōnin are not easy to kill, and those who can become elites have experienced dozens of battles. They have rich combat experience and are very sensitive to crisis.

Ryu can't kill them in seconds, so Ryu doesn't want to waste time.

He killed the ordinary Sand Shinobi who had retreated. Those Chūnin and Genin killed more than a dozen children.

"No, stop him quickly."

Third Kazekage yelled and followed Susanoo.

But it made Third Kazekage desperate. It is not as fast as Ryu. If you attack, it will be tickling for Susanoo, and it will not break Susanoo at all.

For ordinary ninjas, it is true that Susanoo said that it is the power of gods, because they really can't help it.

Even Third Kazekage, the ninja of the blood succession, can hardly break Susanoo's defense, the key is to break some cracks, it will be instantly repaired.

The battle lasted for half an hour. Later, Ryu disarmed Susanoo. After all, the pupil power consumed was too large, and Ryu's eyes were a bit dry.

But after Susanoo was disarmed, Ryu's combat power was still not to be underestimated. Sand Shinobi, who was killed by ninjutsu such as Raikiri, Rasengan, and so on, cried out for his father and mother.

This time, except Chen Dun didn't use it, all other ninjutsu were used, and finally the seven or eight Ryu consumed by Chakra used Flying Thunder God Technique to fly away.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! only.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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