With Rock Shinobi out, Sand Shinobi plus Rain Shinobi and Konoha's battle, it was a losing streak. Without Ryu's shot, the defeat has been completely revealed, and it seems that the defeat is set.

Just when Konoha Shinobi was full of ambition and felt he was going to win, Cloud Shinobi suddenly made a comeback.

In order to take revenge, Third Raikage led five thousand ninjas to the frontier of the country of fire. Sarutobi Hiruzen, who received the news, immediately dispatched Hatake Sakumo to deal with Third Raikage.

Originally, Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted Uchiha Ryu to go, but Danzo told him not to let Uchiha Ryu go.

Uchiha Ryu's prestige is already too high, and the previous notoriety has been wiped out. If Uchiha Ryu gains prestige, I am afraid that his Hokage will be completely unstable.

Out of these considerations, Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Hatake Sakumo to go, and Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that Hatake Sakumo had no problem dealing with Third Raikage.

After all, Third Raikage is just the "weakest" shadow.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen sent Hatake Sakumo to death?"

After Ryu knew that Hatake had been sent to deal with Third Raikage, this thought popped up in his mind.

Is Hatake good? It's really powerful. Konoha White Fang is already known as the Ninja World, but why should he fight Third Raikage?

Unable to break the defense, Hatake Sakumo put out the strongest attack, and was unable to break the defense of Third Raikage. After all, Third Raikage was a guy who resisted Ryu Susanoo for more than a dozen punches without dying.

It takes a bit of effort for Ryu to deal with Third Raikage, I hope Hatake Sakumo will not be beaten to death.

"Flying Thunder God technique touched."

Ryu stood up suddenly and looked in a certain direction in Rain Country.

"Flying Thunder God Kunai I don't give many people. Could it be that Nawaki is in danger."

Thinking of Nawaki in an instant, Ryu didn't have time to think too much, using Flying Thunder God Technique to move in a long distance space.

In fact, it's not a long distance. If you haven't gone out of the country of rain, it's not a long distance at all.


Ryu who appeared in an instant saw the form clearly, a shuriken pierced an Anbu-dressed ninja, and then Raikiri with one hand and Rasengan with one hand, eliminating the other two ninjas.

Then Ryu looked at Nawaki, his pupils shrank slightly. Nawaki was a bit miserable at this time, his right arm disappeared, there were many scars on his body, and a penetrating wound on his abdomen.

If it weren't for Nawaki, a member of the Senju tribe, who possesses Sage Body's vitality, I'm afraid he would be dead.

"Healing Jutsu々..."

Ryu uses the learned medical ninjutsu, which is an advanced medical ninjutsu, and Ryu may not be able to learn it without Tsunade's guidance.

"Are you okay?"

At this time, Ryu asked Nawaki, who had a weak breath. He just held Nawaki to his life. He was hurt too badly. Ryu was going to die a while later.

"Yes...you are here, Ryu."

Nawaki's pale face didn't have the slightest blood, and he barely showed a bleak smile at Ryu.

"Where is your right arm?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu asked Nawaki, if he could find Nawaki's right arm quickly, he might reattach the broken arm.

"Taken away."

Nawaki sat up reluctantly, lowered his head and said.

"I will take you back to Konoha camp to find your sister."

Hearing that Nawaki's right arm was taken away, Ryu frowned. It seemed that he was still late. It was not only these three ninjas who wanted to attack Nawaki, but some people left with Nawaki's arm.

Those three ninjas should take care of the funeral.

Taking off the masks of the three ninjas, Ryu can't know the identity of each other, and there is no ninja forehead protector on him.

Check it later, Nawaki's injury can't keep him going. Ryu's medical ninjutsu skills are not good enough, but Nawaki is barely out of danger.

Using the Flying Thunder God Technique, took Nawaki back to the camp and went to the logistics department to find Tsunade, but Tsunade was not there, she and Orochimaru and Jiraiya went to deal with Hanzō of the Salamander.

"Now you can only hope that your sister will come back soon, otherwise it will be difficult to keep your little life."

"Even if I don't die, I will give up."

Nawaki looked at his arm bitterly, his right hand was gone, and he wouldn't even be a ninja in the future.

"It's just the loss of one arm. You think it's a big deal. There is no way to get you another arm."

Ryu said to Nawaki.

For example, First Generation cells, it is not difficult to use First Generation cells to create an arm for Nawaki, but Nawaki may not be willing.

"Also, it's not that you can't make seals with one hand, and you can't get stuck with one hand, so you don't need to be dead and alive."

"Hehe, Ryu, do you know that I was betrayed by my companion."

Nawaki said in a low voice.

When Ryu first arrived, there were two corpses on the ground. They were Nawaki's companions, but it was because of their sneak attack that Nawaki lost an arm and fell completely into the wind.

And the reason why they died was not killed by Nawaki, but killed by the elite ninjas who attacked him. Perhaps it was to kill them.

"Then you are really miserable. I told you a long time ago that the battlefield is not for you."

Looking at Nawaki sympathetically, Ryu continued to use medical ninjutsu to help Nawaki hang his life, and some other medical ninjas also helped Nawaki hang his life.

Those medical ninjas couldn't stabilize Nawaki's injury, and their medical ninjutsu was not even as good as Ryu.

When Nawaki almost couldn't hold it, Tsunade finally came back and hurried back.

She knew that Nawaki was seriously injured and was dying, because Ryu sent Uchiha to notify her, so she could quickly return.

"How is this going? "

Tsunade watched the miserable Nawaki sink into anger, and the terrifying Chakra cracked the ground.

"Hurry up and take back your aura, or he will die." Ryu reminded Tsunade.

Withdrawing his breath quickly, Tsunade hurriedly treated Nawaki. Ryu was watching by the side, and he had to say that Tsunade's medical ninjutsu far surpassed him.

Under Tsunade's treatment, Nawaki's injury stabilized, but his life was saved, but the loss of his right arm left Tsunade speechless.

"How did Nawaki get hurt?" Tsunade asked Ryu coldly.

It's not against Ryu, Tsunade is angry now, she didn't expect her brother to be injured like this.

"Ask Nawaki yourself."

Ryu frowned, then said lightly. (Of)

After that, Nawaki told Tsunade about how he was seriously injured. Tsunade stood up like an angry lion.

"Ryu, take me to the place where Nawaki was injured."

Taking a deep breath, trying to calm his emotions as much as possible, Tsunade squeezed his fist, still having difficulty suppressing the anger in his heart.

"I will take you over."

Ryu used the Flying Thunder God Technique and took Tsunade to the past. Fortunately, Ryu subconsciously left a Flying Thunder God technique in that place before.

"It's really early to come as a coincidence."

Looking at the two ninjas cleaning the battlefield unexpectedly, the two of them were stunned when they saw the sudden appearance of Ryu and Tsunade.

"Konoha forehead protector, is it made by Sarutobi Hiruzen or Shimura Danzō?" Ryu looked at the forehead protector on the heads of these two ninjas. These two guys who cleaned the battlefield were obviously accomplices of the ninjas killed by Ryu. .


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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