In the trial space, Ryu saw Uchiha Madara again.

This is not the first time I have seen Uchiha Madara. He has also challenged Uchiha Madara's projection before, but he failed miserably.

Although the projection is not the same as the real person, there is still an aura of watching the world.



After the meeting, the two sides used the full body Susanoo at the same time. The Susanoo, who was more than 100 meters tall, seemed like two towering peaks.

Ryu and Uchiha Madara's Susanoo have the same color, but the masks on their faces are different. Ryu thinks that his Susanoo is a little better.

boom! ! !

Both sides drew their swords at the same time, slashed towards each other, and then backed away at the same time.

"Come on Uchiha Madara, let me see what you can do."

Ryu still has to deal with Senju Hashirama. If you can't beat even an Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan's Uchiha Madara, how can you deal with Senju Hashirama?

The battle between the two Susanoo gods was similar at first, but as time passed, Ryu fell into a disadvantage.

Although the projection does not have his own emotional fluctuations, he has his own combat experience.

Uchiha Madara's combat experience is terrifying, and Susanoo is much smoother than Ryu.

"No, with Susanoo's strength alone, I can't beat Uchiha Madara."

Although Ryu has slowly stabilized, it is not enough to continue this way, which is not good for Ryu.

Ryu is not afraid of fighting a war of attrition, but Ryu does not want to fight for a long time.

If Chen Dun used it to deal with Uchiha Madara, I am afraid that it would not work well, Susanoo is too big, even if the boundary stripping Technique can not completely cover the whole Susanoo.

The sword energy of the long sword slashed through the mountains and hit Susanoo of Uchiha Madara, knocking him out.

"Large spiral wheel."

The black Chakra sphere was thrown out by Ryu, and then the terrifying wave of destruction instantly swallowed Susanoo of Uchiha Madara.

Even Susanoo could not stop the terrible destructive power.

"Well, behind me."

Turning around quickly, Kuna blocked the Kuna who had been cut at him, and the huge force knocked Ryu away.

When he was about to hit the ground, Ryu used Flying Thunder God to appear in the distance, staring at Uchiha Madara coldly.

I don't know how he appeared behind him in an instant. If he hadn't had a strong sense of crisis just now, I'm afraid he would have been cut off by Kuunai.

"Let's fight physical skills."

Looking at Uchiha Madara who was killed in a flash, Ryu kicked Uchiha Madara away from Kunai's right hand, and then smashed his fist.

The fierce fist slammed into Uchiha Madara's throat and was hit. Ryu could smash his neck.

"Boom!!!"(Read more @

The smoke was filled, and a piece of the stand-in tree was beaten to shreds.

"not good."

At the moment when he noticed something bad, Ryu used Flying Thunder God to leave, but a blood flower still bloomed behind Ryu.

Uchiha Madara is standing where Ryu was originally, holding a sickle in his left hand and a smear of Bloodline on it.

"Huh, I'm at a loss."

Feeling the pain coming from behind, Ryu became more vigilant. Even if he could Flying Thunder God Technique, he would still be caught if he was not careful.

"Back in time."

Ryu uses time back to act on his body to recover from his injuries.

"Han Tuan Fan, this is a good thing."

Look at the ball fan that Uchiha Madara is holding in his right hand. The Uchiha ball fan is passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan. It is rumored to be made from the branches of the sacred tree.

The sacred tree is the ultimate form of Ten Tails and the origin of Chakra.

"I hope it can burst out."

Both Uchiha Madara's flame fan and sickle are artifacts, especially the flame fan, which is not only powerful, but also symbolic.

Without using ninjutsu to attack Uchiha Madara, the Homura fan can rebound ninjutsu, and Ryu doesn't want to taste his own ninjutsu.

"Come again."

Lightning flashed across Ryu's legs, and the activated cells burst out at a very fast speed, and instantly came to the front of Uchiha Madara and kicked it out.

Facing Ryu's swift kick like lightning, Uchiha Madara immediately blocked him with a flame ball fan.

When Ryu kicked out, he used strange power at the same time. To be honest, this kick can be kicked through even a hard steel plate, but after kicking on the flame ball fan, it seems that the power has been dispelled.

Immediately after he was bounced out, Ryu stabilized his body in the air and landed steadily on the ground.

"Is this the rebounding power brought by the flame group fan?"

Unexpectedly, not only the ninjutsu, but also the kicks of the physical skills can rebound.

"Sure enough, to deal with you, you still need to use the pupil technique of time-retracement."

Ryu has never thought of using monthly reading. Although monthly reading is a powerful illusion technique, is Uchiha Madara's pupil power weak?

At that time, if you don’t manage to do it, you will be backlashed. Even if Uchiha Madara is not severely hit by backlash, he will not be better under Uchiha Madara’s resistance...

There are Flying Thunder God Kunai scattered around. This is what Ryu used Shadow Clone silently after entering the trial space, letting Shadow Clone throw it out.

At the foot of Uchiha Madara, there happened to be a Flying Thunder God Kunai, so Ryu was not polite. When Uchiha Madara was staring at him and trying to attack, Ryu used the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Large spiral wheel."

Holding a large spiral wheel in the palm of his hand, he pressed it towards Uchiha Madara who was close to him.

Just before the hit, Uchiha Madara used the Body Flicker Technique to evade.

"I know you can avoid it, but you can't escape, please come back to me."

The power of time retrospective caused the surrounding time except Ryu to go back by one second. Although it was only a second, Uchiha Madara, who had already left using the Body Flicker Technique, returned to the original place again.

Relying on this trick, even if the strength is stronger than him, Ryu can die, not to mention the strength of Uchiha Madara, it is almost the same as Ryu.

The big spiral wheel fell on Uchiha Madara, and then Ryu used the Flying Thunder God Technique to evade in an instant.


Looking at the power of that horror, even if Uchiha Madara uses Susanoo at this moment, he cannot withstand the damage of this horror.

When Ryu relaxes in a Setsuna, Kunai pierces Ryu's body from behind, and his heart is pierced.

With eyes wide open, Ryu didn't expect such an accident, and at the same time his mind was circling quickly, at this moment he had already thought about what was going on.

Uchiha Madara is absolutely bound to die, he is still alive, and he issued a fatal blow to Ryu, he must have used Izanagi.

"Back in time."

Before I could think about it so much, Ryu took advantage of the remaining breath and used time to look back to restore his body. Fortunately, the Uzumaki immortal body has strong vitality, and his heart is not instantly killed when he is pierced through.

Fortunately, Ryu has the pupil technique of retracing time, otherwise Ryu may be dead.

"Thank you for giving me this lesson."

Ryu looked at Uchiha Madara's blind eye, and Uchiha Madara taught him a lesson. If the opponent is a Uchiha tribe, he must be sure that he is really dead to rest assured.

Otherwise, you absolutely can't let go of your vigilance, who knows if the other party will use Izanagi's pupil technique before dying.


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