After Tsunade achieved his goal, after a full meal in the Uchiha family, he resolutely left.


Looking at Tsunade's back, Nawaki intuitively told him that something big was about to happen, so Nawaki immediately found Ryu, and he desperately wanted to know what Ryu was talking about with his sister.

And why did my sister keep him in the Uchiha clan.

"Ryu, what did my sister do?"

"I thought you were so stupid that you couldn't notice anything. I didn't expect you to be so sharp."

"Hurry up and tell me what the hell is my sister going to do?"

Nawaki became more anxious. His sister seemed to be doing something dangerous. No, he was left with one family member. He must not let her sister be in trouble.

"Your sister is going to avenge you.~"

Ryu did not hide from Nawaki.

After Nawaki heard it, he immediately ran out to chase Tsunade, but was held down by one of Ryu's hands. Of course, Nawaki's power could not break away from Ryu's-hand.

"Ryu, if you still treat me as a friend, then let go." Nawaki roared with red eyes.

"You can't do anything if you go, it's a cumbersome thing. I will go there and I will never let Tsunade happen."

With other people's Wood Style ninjutsu, how could Ryu watch Tsunade have an accident, but Tsunade has a high probability of not having an accident, but she will not be well.

"Please Ryu."

Nawaki was silent for a while, then asked Ryu.

"If you can, please take me with you."

"Well, it's okay if you are willing to follow me, but I tell you, it may be dangerous and life-threatening."

After Ryu finished speaking, he walked outside, and Nawaki didn't even hesitate to follow Ryu, even if there was a great danger, he would not be afraid.

When Ryu left the Uchiha clan with Nawaki, a hidden place, Tsunade came here, and this hidden place was the entrance of the root organization.

It is difficult for ordinary people to find. Tsunade can not find it on her own, but Tsunade went to Orochimaru and asked Orochimaru to help her find this entrance.

"Old thief Danzo, at the time because of the Ninja World War, I endured it for Konoha Village. It's time for you to pay for Nawaki."

Tsunade kicked open the door of the root organization, and then went straight in. The ninjas he encountered basically fell on the ground with a punch.

Tsunade's fist, no one can bear it, ordinary ninjas are simply unable to block Tsunade.

And Tsunade's movements were quickly known to Danzo. After all, Tsunade didn't sneak in secretly, but directly went in.

"So courageous, is Sarutobi Hiruzen's good disciple the betrayal he thought? But it's a good time to get rid of Tsunade."

Danzo's eyes were a bit sharp, and he clenched his fists. This time it might not be an opportunity for him. The existence of Tsunade was always a threat to him.

Tsunade already knew that it was Nawaki he attacked. Sooner or later, it might explode, and Danzo still needs experimental products. Tsunade came in time.(Read more @

Now Danzo has regretted it. There were too many Senju clan that had been eliminated at the beginning, which made it difficult to find an experiment now.

"Danzo, get out of me."

Tsunade punched and kicked, making the entire root organization's base unbearable, and it felt like it was about to collapse.

"Tsunade, you are too presumptuous."

After Danzo came out, he looked at the wounded members of the root organization with anger on his face, especially the things destroyed by Tsunade, which were all money.

The current Danzo is no better than before. In the past, the Danzo Yoshimura clan helped Danzo provide money, but the Shimura clan is now annihilated.

Even the wealth of the Shimura clan was taken away by the Uchiha clan. Danzo is now short of funds and even has to ask Sarutobi Hiruzen for money.


Tsunade stared at Danzo with a cold gaze, and now he was sure that Danzo was the one who harmed her brother, so there was no need to keep his hands.

It's been a long time since the Ninja Wars. The reason Tsunade didn't have trouble finding Danzo in the first place was actually improving his strength.

If it was said that Tsunade was still at the quasi-film level when dealing with Orochimaru and Jiraiya against Hanzō of the Salamander, then now he has completely entered the film level.

This is also Tsunade's confidence, she is not here to die.

"Take it for me, no matter what you kill."

Danzo saw Tsunade shot, a Body Flicker Technique avoided, and then let the members of the root organization join together.

To be honest, Tsunade is very impulsive. Killing Danzo by himself is almost a death. There are also many masters in Danzo's root organization.

"Go away."

The strange force fist bombed out, and a Jōnin was flew by Tsunade's furious punch and died suddenly.

"Whoever dares to stop me is my enemy."

Tsunade said indifferently.

But even if Tsunade spoke out, ninjas with roots still stopped Tsunade, because they were all brainwashed by Danzo.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Even if Danzo asked them to assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen, they would never hesitate.

"Wind Style·Vacuum Jade."

Danzo, who was hiding in the distance, seized the opportunity to fight Tsunade with a ninjutsu. He just relied on hiding in the dark to carry out a sneak attack, trying to solve Tsunade in this way.

Fighting with Tsunade head-on, Danzo would definitely not do such a thing. He felt that he was a person who defeated the enemy by his brain.

"Summoning technique·Katsuyu."

Tsunade gave the slug Katsuyu out to Summoning and asked Katsuyu to resist Danzo's attack. Although Tsunade had been dealing with the root organization ninja, his attention was focused on Danzo.

If the root organization ninjas cooperate, it is not without threat to Tsunade, but the person who threatens the most is Danzo.

. .. 0

"Summoning beast?"

Danzo glanced at Tsunade's Katsuyu. There was no Summoning beast before. It seemed that Tsunade was already prepared for his organization this time.

"You can't waste time, you must solve Tsunade before Sarutobi Hiruzen arrives."

If he waits until Sarutobi Hiruzen comes, he will never allow himself to kill Tsunade. The chance to solve Tsunade is right in front of him, but he can't let it go.

"Kill me Tsunade regardless of gains or losses."

Danzo again ordered to his men, and Danzo was hiding in the dark again, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

"No, it won't kill Danzo at all."

When Tsunade came here, he knew how strong Danzo's background is, the Yamanaka clan, the Nara clan, and even the Aburame clan and Akamichi clan.

Even Tsunade can't underestimate their secrets. If they are not careful, they may die. Tsunade is under siege.


When Ryu was handed over to Rasengan of Tsunade, she also learned it. At this time, it happened to be useful. A Rasengan smashed a target, and the ninja who was hit would not survive.

When they first broke in, Tsunade would still keep his hands, at least he wouldn't kill them with dead hands.

But now Tsunade can't take care of it anymore. They are really getting in the way. If you want to kill Danzo, you must kill these talents.

Danzo is also very distressed. Those killed by Tsunade are the elites he cultivated carefully, each of which consumes a lot of money and energy.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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