Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1000: News from the intelligence dealer

   "What? Do you have anything to say?"

   Abraham and Yang Cheng looked at the big eye to the small eye for a long time without uttering a word, Yang Cheng had to speak first.

   "That~ have we seen it before?" Abraham glanced at Hansen timidly, swallowed and asked.

Yang Cheng shrugged, business matters, and counted on Abraham to inquire about intelligence, "Don’t be afraid, I’m not your enemy. We’ve never seen it before. Don’t worry, I’m looking for you through Craig Harrison’s introduction. , Craig, do you know him?"

Abraham breathed a sigh of relief first, but then became nervous again, his body tight, as if Yang Cheng spit out an unfavorable word and turned and fled, "Craig? Who are you? I do know him, but he is dead. ."

Yang Cheng squinted. He didn’t believe that Abraham didn’t know Craig was still alive. What he said could only prove one thing. Abraham mistakenly believed that he and his gang were looking for Craig to seek revenge and wanted to get it from him. Craig's whereabouts, but he cared about his friendship with Craig and decided to die. From this point of view, the nature of this guy is good.

   "Don't pretend, Craig is working with me now. He is in Egypt. If you don't believe me, you can talk to him."

   As soon as Yang Cheng's voice fell, Hansen had dialed Craig's phone and threw the phone into Abraham's arms.

   Abraham didn't doubt that he had him, and took a few steps back with his cell phone, with a look of alertness he picked up the cell phone and said a few words.

   Yang Cheng watched Abraham's expression change several times in an instant, shocked, surprised, angry, and finally turned into a sigh.

Hang up the phone, lowered his head and paced slowly, until Yang Cheng and others became a little impatient, then he came over like a very important determination, and said to Yang Cheng, "I owe Craig my life. I can’t refuse his request. Let’s say, what do you want me to do? Let’s say it first. I have been away from the battlefield for many years and my connections there have been cut off."

   Yang Cheng interrupted him directly, "What I asked you to do is not life-threatening. Don't be afraid. Now you can finish your work first, and then come to us."

   Abraham shook his head, "No, I know your business is urgent, I will let someone take the place of the job, and I can go with you now."

That being the case, Yang Cheng was not hypocritical, and took Abraham directly away from Saladin’s Castle and sat in the car. Yang Cheng asked Abraham, who was always bowed and depressed, "You have been back to Egypt for so many years. Would you really feel at ease to be a little tour guide?"

   Abraham is nearly 40 years old, but he looks like a child in front of Yang Cheng. He replied, "What kind of news do you want to know? I will try my best to answer."

   Yang Cheng was satisfied with his attitude, "I will give you a good reward afterwards. Now, please think carefully about whether a team with the name of exploring mineral veins has entered the territory of Egypt recently."

   Abraham pondered for a moment, "I can't give you an accurate answer, because every day teams under various names enter Egypt, but their real purpose is not that simple."

   Yang Cheng shook his head, with sharp eyes, "You don't care about the others, I only ask you the team that is famous for exploring energy or metal mines. They entered the port of Alexandria about 6-7 days ago."

Abraham bit his lip, frowned and thought for a while, "I don't know, at least I haven't received any news in this regard. The last one was under the flag of detection. In fact, the team that came to the tomb entered the territory a month ago, but They did not enter the country from Alexandria, but sneaked in from Sudan along the Nile River."

   Yang Cheng was about to cross over this question, but Hansen raised his mind and said coldly, "Where are these people now?" He suspected Eiffel and the others might have a conflict with this group.

Abraham shook his head confidently, "I don't know, they entered Luxor with all their equipment, and then they disappeared completely. As you know, Egypt is full of deserts. Just entering the desert is equivalent to wearing invisibility. Yi, no one can know where they are, not to mention that this kind of information is not valuable, we will not waste resources and energy to track it."

   Yang Cheng asked again, "Think about it again. A team 6-7 days ago, they also appeared in Luxor, and they might even have bought equipment from the black market."

Abraham thought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "I remember when you said that. About 7 days ago, there was indeed a Brit who bought a military-grade metal detector in Luxor, and he didn’t Bargaining, a lot of dollar bills were sold. It was very generous. The person who sold the instrument complained about it for several days and regretted that he offered the low price."

  British? metal detector? If there are no other people, it should be Eiffel.

   Yang Cheng secretly sighed that Craig recommended the person to be reliable. It seemed to be weak, but the intelligence gathering ability was really strong.

   "Can you help us contact the person who sells the metal detector? Don't worry, your intermediary fee will not be less." Yang Cheng asked urgently.

   Abraham bit his posterior teeth, "You are Craig's boss, I am willing to introduce you to you, but the guy who resells the equipment is not as good as I am."

   Yang Cheng sneered, "Does he like money? The problem that can be solved with money is not a I hope he can cooperate well, otherwise he can make money and spend money."

   Abraham couldn't help but shudder, who is this Nima?

   Hansen immediately ordered the car to drive. It doesn’t need Yang Cheng to say that, Luxor and the others have decided.

On the way, Yang Cheng hurriedly asked Abraham a few more questions. Unfortunately, Eiffel's actions were too secret. Apart from buying equipment to show up, he hasn't made any big moves since then. Abraham certainly doesn't treat people of no value. Too much attention.

   The distance is relatively long, and Yang Cheng is okay to chat with Abraham, "How old are your children? Boys and girls?"

   Speaking of his family, Abraham's face was filled with a happy smile, "Girl, only 3 years old this year, she is my little angel, I am willing to give everything for her."

Yang Cheng thinks so deeply. The daughter slaves of this year think so. Although he is not too interested in children, if he really has a daughter, he must be spoiled by him. Whoever dares to bully his little princess will have to Be prepared to die than life!

   "Do you live in the old town on weekdays?"

   Abraham probably could see Yang Cheng’s personality, knowing that he was not a domineering person, and he was disciplined in doing things, which also allowed him to slowly relax and speak with confidence.

   "Yes, but I'm almost able to buy an apartment in the wealthy area with just a little bit of money. I want my children and wife to live the best life~"

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