Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1002: withdraw

   "There is also a saying that there is a group of marching ants living in the desert of death. The power of these creatures is too terrifying, and there is no grass in the place where the ant colony walks!"

Although this statement is reasonable, it is not within Yang Cheng’s acceptance range. He is already inclined to the first inference, and if this inference is true, then he also understands why Earl Carnarvon knows where the treasure is. But the reason is still unmoved.

   is not unmoved, but moved. As a result, he paid a huge price. I am afraid that Earl Carnarvon has sent many people to hunt for treasures, and they all became sacrifices in the desert of death.

   Yang Cheng secretly hates that he shouldn't be so impulsive. He not only harmed Eiffel, but also killed a group of bodyguard brothers. Although he was cruel in the business field, he was not a cold-blooded animal after all, and he still respected life. As a result. . .

  Yes, he didn't have too much hope for Eiffel and his party. He wondered if he should call Andrew and others back quickly. He couldn't let more people go to die.

Just as he was wondering whether to call people back, Abraham said again, "By the way, I suddenly remembered it, probably two or three years ago, I can’t remember the exact time, in a very dense time. During the period, a lot of exploration teams came to enter the death forbidden area. At the time, I didn't pay much attention to it. I thought it was those scientific research teams who were not afraid of death trying to crack the secrets of the death desert, but now it is not quite right."

Yang Cheng trembled in his heart, yes, it should be someone sent by Earl Carnarvon. The mystery that the family had studied for half a century was solved. The Earl Carnarvon was naturally unwilling to end in failure. He must have sent a lot of crazy. People came to this life forbidden zone, but it was a pity that in the end he got the news of disappearance again and again.

Probably because of this, Earl Carnarvon sealed up the sand table and stopped studying it. Even after Yang Cheng had just put pressure on, he took the initiative to contribute the golden mask, and the logic before and after this was smooth. .

   However, Yang Cheng faced the same problem as Earl Carnarvon back then. Should we continue to send people to die?

He is a staunch atheist. He feels that there is a reasonable explanation for all mysterious events in this world. It’s just that human beings are still too weak at present, and many things cannot be clarified by current science and technology. Take the death desert as an example. Most likely it was because the upper layer of Thutmose III’s treasure chest collapsed, forming a huge hourglass. As long as you figured out a way to survive the hourglass inhaling a person, it would be considered half the success.

   But he didn't dare to bet that so many people went in and none of them came out alive. Why did he think that Hansen and others could find a solution?

   Yang Cheng scratched his hair, not knowing what to plan.

   But Abraham seemed to have guessed something, and moved his lips without daring to ask.

   The atmosphere in the room was temporarily suppressed.

   After a while, Hansen’s cell phone rang, breaking the dullness.

   "Boss, it's Andrew~" Hansen glanced at the phone report.

   Yang Cheng reached out to take the phone and answered the channel, "It’s me, did you find anything? Wait, you answer me first, where are you now?"

   Andrew didn't think much about it, and honestly said, "We have entered the Thebes, and it will not be long before we reach the edge of the desert."

   Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, and he hadn't even entered, and ordered very seriously, "Listen to Andrew, I want you to take people back now, don't ask the reason, just withdraw."

   Of course Andrew was puzzled, and he didn't dare to defy Yang Cheng's orders, so he had to say aggrieved, "But boss, we found clues that suspected Eiffel and the others, don't we continue to investigate?"

   Yang Cheng frowned, "You guys stop moving first~"

   Andrew’s voice of instructions came through the phone, and then said to Yang Cheng, "Stop the boss~"

   "What did you find?" Yang Cheng couldn't sit still, stood up and paced in the room.

   "It's a series of marks. I guess it was Eiffel who left it on purpose, so as not to lose his way." Andrew said loudly. Now that the sky is still bright outside, it is not difficult to find the marks for special forces who are good at tracking.

   But how to be sure that Eiffel left it?

   Andrew said, "The traces are new, but a bit weathered. The first few marks have become blurred. According to Craig and I, these marks were left in the UK a week ago."

   Yang Cheng's heart is even more entangled. Now that the clue has been found, should he continue to investigate? But thinking about it conversely, Eiffel and his party are likely to have been killed, and it is useless to chase the past. It is not a wise move to continue sending people in before finding a way to escape safely from the desert of death.

   "Damn it!" Yang Cheng cursed in his heart~

He secretly made a few ruthless things, but in the end he flinched before the terrible legend of the death desert. He couldn't take the lives of his men to make money. He stepped back and said that even without this treasure, it would not delay him from enjoying life. , Net worth will not shrink.

   "Come back first~" He gave a death order and directly deducted the phone. He looked unwilling, holding the phone tightly, his mouth turned white.

   What's the most terrible, the most terrible of manpower out of reach!

   How about manpower? Does the other group of suspicious persons mentioned by Abraham have anything to do with Eiffel's disappearance? This question has been lingering in Yang Cheng's heart.

  "You~you don't want to robber the tomb?" Abraham asked a little Seeing that Yang Cheng had no desire to speak, Hansen had to answer, "rest assured, we are not tomb robbers."

   added, "We are just digging for treasure."

   "Actually, I don't have any ideas if you want to steal the grave~" Abraham said weakly.

   Yang Cheng couldn't help wondering, "Why? As a citizen of Egypt, shouldn't you hate those thieves who stole your civilization?"

Abraham smiled helplessly. "To tell the truth, most of the stolen Pharaoh’s tombs were made by Egyptians. Our country is too poor. Everyone wants to get rich overnight. There are deserts everywhere, where to get rich? Only tomb robbers!

At present, many upstarts in our country actually accumulate original capital by reselling cultural relics, and then they will use the dirty money to bribe Gaoguan to obtain the qualifications for mining. Any iron ore can make them earn pots. After that, they continued to bribe more guan members to form a protection net. The business became bigger and bigger and the money became more and more.

But these nouveau riche earn money and don’t think about how to repay them. They will only squeeze the poor more crazily and reduce wage costs as much as possible to make profits. Therefore, what the outside world sees as Egypt is that the gap between rich and poor is getting bigger and bigger. In countries that have become increasingly dilapidated, ordinary people cannot see any hope of turning over by hard work, so they can only take risks. "

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