Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1007: secret? Not a secret!

   Yang Cheng didn't understand, who did Earl Carnarvon offend, so he would kill him for murder?

   Yes, he has already determined that this incident is not an accident, because a person who has been honest in his entire life can't suddenly turn into a murderous monster who cares about his life. There must be an incentive.

   "Boss, do you want to send someone to check?" Hansen asked.

   Yang Cheng felt that there was something wrong with the matter, but for the time being, he did not associate the matter with himself, only thinking that it was Count Carnarvon’s own enemy revenge, so he did not want to wade in the muddy water.

   "Forget it, we don't want to participate. Just send someone to watch and pay close attention to the progress of the incident. In addition, you tell Carson and let him visit the Earl of Carnarvon on behalf of the North Sea Manor~"

   Hansen sneered, "Boss, the operation has not been completed yet. I don't know if people are dead or alive."

   Yang Cheng patted his forehead, "You are right, then wait for the results to come out and notify Carson."

  . . . . . .

   The next day, Yang Cheng woke up from the chanting of the "Quran", and the voices of the whole city combined into a wonderful unaccompanied music, like the sound of Brahma hanging in the air.

   sat * and moved his neck, making a crisp ‘quack’. This chuang was too soft, so soft that Yang Cheng was uncomfortable, and the bones were stretched.

   As the singing outside the window ended, Yang Cheng's cell phone rang, and Mohammed Mansour couldn't wait to invite Yang Cheng to his home for breakfast.

   It seems that not only Nasef Savilis has a foothold in Luxor, but also the Mansour family.

I got on the car sent by Mansour and shuttled continuously in Luxor's "City of Life". The route was completely irregular. It seemed that I wanted to get rid of the eyeliner. He looked at Hansen next to him and got a positive answer. .

The car drove for a full half an hour, and finally came to a picturesque oasis on the coast of the Red Sea. On this rare oasis in the desert, palm trees surround a modern double-storey villa. The villa is white and blue. The swimming pool and the Red Sea complement each other, and those who don't know think they are in Beverly Hills.

   Egypt is full of sunshine all year round, and today is no exception. Just at 8 o'clock in the morning, the sun is almost reaching its highest point.

The car drove along the small road into the oasis, and the green grassland greatly satisfied Yang Cheng, who was suffering from visual fatigue. Not far away, a little girl about 4 or 5 years old was sitting on the grass with a white rag Lado was playing, and the servants and bodyguards next to him looked at the little girl nervously, for fear that she would fall, Yang Cheng guessed that she should be Mohammed's granddaughter.

   came to the villa soon, Mohammed Mansour was dressed in a white robe and a typical Arab chief, standing on the steps with the help of a servant.

After Yang Cheng got off the car, they exchanged greetings as usual. After that, the two entered the villa restaurant. Compared with the common interiors of *family, this villa completely uses the most commonly used modern decoration in Europe and America. It is stepped on the white marble floor without any violation. Sense of harmony.

In addition to the Egyptian breakfast, such as hummus, chickpea cakes, etc., the table also specially took care of the taste of Yang orange, adding a variety of western bread, butter, chicken ham, and rice porridge mixed with milk and jam. , The servants also serve cakes and desserts from time to time, which is a hearty breakfast.

After eating, Mohammed, who had never said a word except for the initial greeting, finally broke his silence, "Mr. Yang, let's talk about business, how do you want to deal with the Saveris family, but before that , Can you tell me the conflict between you and the Saveris family?"

Yang Cheng looked at the face very similar to Sheikh Mansour, and snorted Egyptian yogurt and said, "Call me Jason. To be honest, I am also baffled. I came to Egypt to deal with personal affairs, but Nasef Savi Reese suddenly came to seek cooperation. The content of the cooperation was still the grain trade that I was not familiar with. That's all. Coincidentally, during our conversation, one of my subordinates was caught in the game, and Nasef was very active. He followed and put pressure on the Jing Bureau to release people. If you are replaced by Mr. Mohammed, will you have the same suspicion?"

After a pause, like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, he added, "I am a person who is used to stifling all dangers in the cradle, so Mr. Mohammed should not think that I am making a fuss because of my instinct. Tell me, what Nasef Savilis did to me is more than that."

   Mohammed likes to be silent just like his name, so quiet that even the sound of the waves can be heard in the house very clearly.

Yang Cheng finished drinking the yogurt, and then said, "As for our cooperation, I think we can start in the field of communications. There are two reasons. One is because the Mansour family is stronger in the field of communications. The basis of the battle; the second is that my new era media can give you more ammunition support.

   As long as one pillar of the Saveris family is cut off, their business structure will become less stable. "

Mohammed nodded, "It seems that you are well prepared. The pillars of the Saveris family are the three main lines of architecture, tourism, and communication. Cutting one of them will cause problems in their capital flow, which gives me the right Take the opportunity, this plan is good."

   Bright eyes met Yang Cheng, "So what do you want?"

   Yang Cheng blurted out, "Help me promote my Internet products in the Arab world."

   Mohammed also thoughtlessly, "Yes~"

   then looked at Yang Cheng deeply and said meaningfully, "Besides, because of your friendship with Sheikh, you can contact me if you have any questions in Egypt, and I will solve it for you."

   Yang Cheng's thoughts moved. It seems that his careful thoughts have not concealed Mohammed's insight. He didn't feel embarrassed, and immediately asked, "Mr. Mohammed must know something about the desert of death, right?"

He thought this way: since Mohammed made it clear that he would help, it proved that the other party didn’t care about him doing things in Egypt, but the status of the Mansour family in Egypt, the secrets he could learn must be better than that of Abraham’s intelligence dealer. Know a lot.

   Mohammed opened his eyes and murmured, "Death desert~"

   After a while, he got up and said to Yang Cheng, "Follow me~"

Followed Mohammed to a study room on the second floor, closed the door, Mohammed was struggling to support a cane, Yang Cheng took the initiative to help support, the two stood in front of the bookshelf, Mohammed from A yellowed note was drawn from an ancient Arabic book.

   was spread out on the desk with the help of Yang Cheng. It was full of Arabic script like tadpoles. Yang Cheng couldn't understand at all, so he could only wait for Mohammed to help explain. Instinct told him that this notebook is not easy.

   As expected, Mohammed sat down and asked Yang Cheng, "Do you know Howard Carter?"

  Yang Chengru was struck by lightning. Of course he knew that this name was about to grind his ears out of ears. It was regarded as the root of the whole thing. He had no idea that he would hear the name again here in Mohammed.

   nodded in a daze, "The discoverer of Tutankhamun’s tomb~"

   Mohammed laughed out for the first time today, "That's right, you know the Desert of Death, how can you not know Howard Carter?"

   Yang Cheng frowned. He felt that Mohammed seemed to have misunderstood something, but he did not speak out. He wanted to know what secrets were hidden in this notebook.

   Mohammed didn’t sell it either. “The outside world only knows that Howard Carter discovered the golden mask that shocked the world, but no one knew that he was the only person in the world who retreated from the desert of death~”

With a "pull", Yang Cheng’s **** was like a rocket booster, and he sprang up and took the chair upside down. The big mouth could swallow a cow. Well, it’s a bit exaggerated. The panic in his eyes could not be concealed completely.

   The servant outside the door opened the door to check the situation, and Mohammed scolded out coldly.

   Yang Cheng is not ashamed of it anymore. In his heart, the desert of death is equated with hell. Who can be resurrected if he dies? According to Abraham, the Dead Desert never let a living creature come out of it, but now Mohammed actually said Howard Carter came out of it. Is this really a joke?

   Of course not, how could Muhammad make a joke about this? Is that true? But ~ how can it be possible?

   Mohammed pointed to the chair hit by Yang Cheng, "Don't be surprised, sit down and listen to me slowly."

   Hearing the Yang Cheng is like an obedient child in a kindergarten. He quickly straightened the chair and sat down in a posture of listening carefully.

"No one knows when the desert of death existed. Horror legends have been passed down from generation to generation. All Egyptians know that it is a restricted zone of life, but there are always people who are not afraid of death trying to challenge life. Howard Carter is one of them, but he does not Not curious about the death desert, but interested in what is buried under the death desert."

   Mohammed’s words are like a siege hammer, thumping in Yang Cheng’s heart one after another.

"This notebook was left by the guide Howard Carter hired in Egypt that year. That year, Howard Carter became famous for his excavation of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. It can attract attention wherever he goes. This is not what he thought. Yes, because after Tutankhamun, Howard Carter aimed at a larger target. If the eyeliner is too much, the target will be exposed, so he used the death desert to make a round and put those who tried to follow him to find more tombs. Tomb robbers or careerists are introduced into the desert of death."

Yang Cheng's heart trembled, and he couldn't help swallowing. Howard Carter was too ruthless. In order to keep the secret of the exclusive treasure, he deliberately fabricated rumors of the pharaoh's curse and killed all the insiders. Not only that, according to Muhammad According to the statement, Howard Carter did not want more people to share fame and fortune, and directly led all those who followed him to the death desert to die.

   But as Howard Carter’s guide, why didn’t he die? Have you left a note?

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