Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1015: Coming from Boeing (1)

   The video proves that the driver in the accident is by no means as simple as his background. Who on earth is trying to murder Earl Carnarvon? If it came from the golden mask of Tutankhamun, would he now transfer the target to Yang Cheng? Everything needs to be investigated slowly.

   The next morning, Yang Cheng waited in the living room after eating breakfast. He contacted Boeing on the way to London. A large order was delivered to the door. It was recommended by an important customer of the company. Boeing paid great attention to it.

   Dennis Mulenberg, the global vice president in charge of defense, space and security affairs, flew from South Korea to London to meet Yang Orange.

   The weather in London today is a bit cold. Although there is no rain, the lower air pressure can always give people an uncomfortable feeling of depression.

Early in the morning, Carson personally took the convoy to the Shaudson Airport to pick up the people back to the manor. After the necessary greetings, this sharp-looking German-American Jew with deep-eyed eyes took the lead in raising his doubts, "Mr. Yang, said To be honest, when I received the notice from the board of directors, I was shocked. Is it possible that Yuanshan Capital wants to get involved in the arms trade field?"

   Yang Cheng rarely wears a business suit at home, and even the movements of crossing his legs are unconventional, like measuring with a ruler.

   "No, no, our family doesn't have the idea of ​​grabbing jobs with Boeing. You don't need to worry about this."

   Dennis Mullenberg spreads out his hands, "The global market opens its arms to anyone~"

   Having said that, Dennis's expression is obviously not so stiff. It stands to reason that with the size of Boeing and the weapon production terminal in hand, there is no need to worry about whether the Yang family will enter the market to grab the cake.

   "I'm serious, Yuanshan Capital is developing well in the real estate field. Even if it transforms, it will not risk entering an industry that has never been involved before." Yang Cheng did not want Boeing to have a misunderstanding, and explained patiently.

Dennis didn’t entangle this topic anymore, and instead said, “Tell me about the purchase of fighters? In fact, we have known that Egypt is planning to purchase 24 multi-purpose fighters for patrols and guards in the direction of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, but as far as I know. The negotiation between them and Dassault Company has come to an end, and it is difficult for us to participate at this time. If it weren’t for Mr. Yang to call in person, I would not fly to London specially. You know, I just finished bidding in Korea. I haven't had time to take a breath and rest."

   Yang Cheng smiled and expressed his gratitude, and asked in passing, "Oh? Then Boeing must have won a big victory, right?"

Dennis opened his hands, "Although it was a bit difficult to tell, we lost miserably. Lockheed Martin was the big winner. 40 F35 orders were enough to hold them to death. We only got 15 orders for improved F15s, and we barely gotten a gap. "

   Dennis ridiculed his rivals.

   Yang Cheng laughed. He didn't expect this to be the case. He was going to follow the vine and say something nice.

He touched his nose with a smirk, "Something is better than nothing. For these small countries, Lockheed Martin's F35 is indeed attractive enough, with strong stealth capabilities and all-weather multi-directional attack methods. It can be said that in addition to the price, it can Meet all the needs of small countries to guard the sky."

   Dennis the thief laughed, "Hey, no one knows F35 better than us. When the **** Koreans happily greet the fighters and go home, they will embark on a job of no return for Lockheed Martin."

   Yang Cheng was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

Dennis loosened the buttons of his suit, "Mr. Yang, seeing that we have a new cooperation, I will provide you with a piece of news for free. F35 is a paper tiger at all. Lockheed Martin's design emphasizes stealth performance too much, so that it is mass-produced. Later, I discovered that this aircraft is not expensive and must be parked in a constant-temperature hangar, otherwise the stealth coating will quickly age, and there will be nowhere to hide under the radar.

The more deadly problem is the F35 engine. Although the performance is claimed to be the first in history, the F35 body weighs close to 30 tons. Let alone the mainstream fourth-generation aircraft, even those powerful third-generation aircraft, the F35 can only be lowered and beaten. . "

   Yang Cheng opened his mouth. It turned out that the F35 that was blown to the sky was a joke? Strength only exists on paper?

   He doesn't think this is a deliberate slander by Dennis as his opponent. If this model is really good, Dennis will complain at best, and can't find the shortcomings.

Dennis seemed to say that he was addicted, and then vomited, "Damn Korean, short-sighted, and the brains of Lockheed Martin’s salesperson were so hot that he bought an F35 that was close to 200 million U.S. dollars apiece without much hesitation. Wait and see. Well, our improved "Silent Eagle" F15 can explode F35 into **** in close air combat.

   And they thought they could escape the sanctions of the greedy lords of Congress by taking Loma’s ass? Stop dreaming, this country exists as a **** for the United States to control Northeast Asia. . . "

   Speaking of this, Dennis suddenly shut up and almost missed it. He glanced at Yang Cheng with a guilty conscience. Seeing that Yang Cheng's expression remained unchanged, he quickly stopped the topic.

Yang Cheng was unmoved on the surface, but smiled in her heart, allowing a staid and serious German to stay out of the chatterbox. It can be seen that the sticks have really provoke this Boeing senior executive, and there will be absolutely no fruit in the future. eat.

As for what Dennis originally wanted to say, Yang Cheng could also guess that arms trade can never be considered with market economy thinking. This is not a one-off deal that you want to say. In many cases, small countries are trapped by the comparison effect. Strings of land fall into this scam.

This scam is manipulated by arms dealers or other ZZ entities, but the threat it brings is real, so even if you know that this is their means to force you to subdue, you have to pay for it, because you have to pay for it. The people of the People’s Republic of China are responsible. Therefore, it is difficult for a leader to resist the pressure and not bow to the arms dealer, or even refuse it on the grounds that your country has no demand, because the arms dealer is so rogue because he can create demand.

This is the case in South Korea. Due to its geographical restrictions and lack of natural resources, it has been a vassal of a large country since ancient times. No matter how it jumps, it can’t get out of the palm of a large country, especially the current master. Just do it.

When Bangzi feels that his country is becoming prosperous and strong, and that his military equipment is in advanced and first-rate, he feels that he can make his own voice appropriately, and he does not need to be forced to buy and sell. He finds that neighboring countries have introduced advanced and sophisticated weapons. , And you don’t have the R&D capability, what should you do? Obediently pay for the money.

   Now the stick is holding Loma's stinky feet, but it is unwise to offend the bigger gangster-Boeing. The loss inside and out is impossible to estimate, Yang Cheng mourns for the stick.

Dennis moved to the topic, "According to Mr. Yang’s suggestion, we can use the F/A18 Super Hornet to compete with Dassault’s Rafale. If the deal is reached, I make my own claim and can provide Mr. Yang with 2% of the total transaction volume. Rake."

   Yang Cheng smiled. Dennis is very generous. The 2% rake is at least a small profit of tens of millions. This transaction is done without loss. It not only hits Nasef Savilis but also has the money to take, the best of both worlds.

However, this money is not so easy to earn. "According to Sisi ZF's budget, a total of 5 billion US dollars of funds, in addition to the purchase of fighter aircraft, but also to purchase two frigates. How much Boeing can get depends on how much you are willing to pay. tried."

   Dennis looked straight, "Boeing is willing to pay the utmost sincerity~"

   Yang Cheng nodded, "My friend recently had an event in France, and he will find a way to increase the quotation of Rafale to 100 million U.S. dollars, so Boeing's opportunity will come."

   Dennis’ eyes lit up, “If the final purchase price can reach more than US$100 million per frame, I can make my own decision and increase Mr. Yang’s rake to 3%.”

The purchase price of the Super Hornet for the US military is US$72 million. Boeing is also making money at this price, but there is not enough oil and water. If it can sell for more than US$100 million, the situation will be different. For this, an additional 1% will be paid. For Boeing, it is also a big profit.

Of course, Yang Cheng will not be hypocritical, and don’t lose heart with the money that should be earned. “When the time comes, I hope Mr. Mulenberg can come forward to meet with the person in charge of Sisi ZF in person and talk in detail. Don’t hesitate public relations expenses, ZF Egypt The corruption in this country is fatal to this country, but it is a boon for us businessmen who make money~"

Dennis laughed. Yang Cheng's words came to his heart. He is Jewish and he has no sense of belonging to the United States or performance and making big money are the kingly way. As for Egypt, will it be? Therefore, bankruptcy is not in his consideration at all.

"Don't worry, Mr. Yang, Boeing has a dedicated public relations department, which is equipped with beautiful women who are enough to be on the stage of Victoria's Secret. Whether it is for money or for women, as long as there is a request, I can satisfy them. Compared with order transactions The huge gains in the future are worth paying at any price. Even if I want to lick Sisi’s leather shoes myself, it’s okay to pay enough money~"

   Dennis Mullenberg interprets the capitalist's face vividly and vividly, and Yang Cheng also likes to deal with this kind of dealings, without thinking about it, using money to open the way.

  He was in a good mood, and asked Carson to take out the cigar and roast one for Dennis himself. The two bit the cigar and swallowed the clouds, and a deal that could affect the turbulence of ZZ in a certain area was born.

After chatting a few words, Dennis sighed, "Mr. Yang, please allow me to say something to my heart. If it's not for your skin color, I really think you and I are compatriots, no, no, in some ways, you are better than mine. My compatriots are even stronger."

Yang Cheng held a cigar in his mouth, spread her hands on the back of the sofa, and played with the cigar cutter in her right hand. She said in a very domineering posture, "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that I can make money and also be my friend. Bring benefits, right? My friend?"

   Dennis smiled and applauded, "Yes, my friend, when this business is completed, I will give you a small gift personally, I believe you will like it."

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