Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1018: Or beauties

   "How come, Father Zhao treats his elder sister so much, this is a crime of non-war, I can't blame you."

Yang Cheng is right. Even if the ship sinks, you can’t blame Zhao Anqi. This is uncontrollable. Of course, if Zhao Anqi is a professional manager, she might be dismissed as a scapegoat. He is the heir of the Fumao Group and the executive chairman. Father Zhao will not vent his anger with his daughter. He is safe.

   His gentle tone made Zhao Anqi's heart warm. In order for Yang Cheng to stop, she used all the tricks, but she did not expect that the beauty scheme would work best in the end.

   "I know, but you can't let the whole world watch your sister's jokes, right?" Zhao Anqi said rather crookedly.

   Yang Cheng is speechless, no matter what age a woman has, she has the power to act like a baby, especially a beauty like Zhao Anqi, who is born with the means to restrain men.

   It’s not that Yang Cheng is not up for it, but it’s only the woman who is so amazing.

However, he doesn’t have a brain, and he couldn’t explain some things to death. He just said ambiguously, “Pirates also want face. I think Sister An Qi, you can talk to them patiently and give an amount that both sides can afford to face. , This matter will definitely be solved perfectly."

   Zhao Anqi perfectly understood Yang Cheng's overtone, "Um~ how much do you think is appropriate?"

Yang Cheng pretended to think seriously for a moment, "20 million, this time the entire pirate army was dispatched, and even went to the southern waters of the Gulf of Aden to do it. They must have lost their money. If they can't recover the cost, they will definitely not give up, let alone An Qi. Sister, it’s not a loss if you exchange 20 million dollars for the goods and crew of a ship. While earning a good reputation, it also allows the company’s crew to work harder and kill two birds with one stone. As for the loss, as long as the matter is solved perfectly, I will Help you say something good in the media, and the stock price will rise back in a few days."

Zhao Anqi sighed inwardly and sighed Yang Cheng's evil spirits secretly. This move really caught the Zhao family by surprise. Not only did they destroy their overall plan, but also took the opportunity to stabbed the Zhao family. Most importantly, her heart One place was about to move, and I have to say that Yang Cheng's strategizing this time and the current way of dealing with it made her look at her with admiration.

   The solution has been obtained, and Zhao Anqi no longer talks nonsense, "I know, do what you said, this time my sister owes you a favor, C~I~A I will ask the older sister to help."

The implication is that the two sides are even, although Yang Sen temporarily squeezed Gina Hespel's life gate through the collected handles and asked her to throw a rat avoidance device, but in the future, she has to guard against her cold guns. Now Zhao Anqi’s words are equivalent to a clear statement. The Zhao family will not trouble the Yang family in this matter.

   The two representative Chinese families in the United States have completed a confrontation silently. It is impossible to talk about who will win and who will lose, but they have also made each other realize the strength of each other. I am afraid that it will be difficult for the two sides to fight again in a short time.

   Zhao Anqi said again, "The cooperation we discussed before will continue. I hope that we will not affect our follow-up cooperation because of some misunderstandings."

   Yang Cheng pondered, "I know sister An Qi~"

   After discussing business affairs, Zhao Anqi didn't want to hang up, and curiously asked Yang Cheng's location, "Are you in the UK now?"

   Yang Cheng shrugged, "Yes, C~I~A has been staring at me recently, I don't want to go back to the United States to find unpleasantness."

   Zhao Anqi thought that Yang Cheng was still entangled in the previous things, and said strangely, "Isn't the misunderstanding solved? Why are you still stuck? This is not what a gentleman should do."

   Yang Cheng froze for a moment and noticed the change in Zhao Anqi’s attitude. She couldn’t help but talk, "Does Anqi like bad men?"

   Zhao Anqi sipped in embarrassment, "Don't be out of shape~"

   Yang Cheng disagrees, and after a few words, Zhao Anqi still has official business to be busy there, and hastily made an appointment with Yang Cheng to go back to China for dinner, and then reluctantly hangs up the phone.

   Hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng still has some thoughts. Mocking a mature woman who is in her second spring is sometimes more fun than molesting an innocent girl.

After recollecting it for a while, Yang Cheng remembered calling Mohammed and informing him that after reaching an agreement with the Fuma Group on the price of 20 million U.S. dollars, the two talked about their common enemy, Nasef Savilis. .

   "I will trouble you, Mr. Mohammed this time, the US$20 million Fumao Group will pay as much as possible, and I hope that it will be released as soon as possible."

   "I see, thank you very much this time."

   "Cooperation? It's not worth mentioning."

   "When you have time to visit Egypt, the door of the Mansour family will always be open for you."

  Yang Cheng turned around, "How is your work in France?"

Mohammed’s tone changed from relaxed to serious, “It’s very difficult. My people have found a lobbying company for help. The prospects given by the other party are not optimistic. Dassault Company values ​​this order very much. They will not allow anyone to jump out and make trouble. Yes, my people can only act secretly. The few MPs who have been in contact for the time being have expressed their unwillingness to participate in this matter. Even if I offer a high price, I am unwilling to oppose Dassault."

Yang Cheng is very optimistic, "I think the reason why they disagree is that the risks outweigh the benefits. If the other way round, let them see that the benefits far outweigh the risks, they will definitely work hard, and don’t overestimate the French. Product."

   Mohammed hesitated and asked, "You mean I didn't have enough chips?"

Yang Cheng affirmed, "Yes, the Gallic roosters have already lowered their noble heads in front of the Mohammed is very determined to deal with Nasef. Hearing Yang Cheng’s advice, He said happily, "I will increase the bargaining chip, let us see what happens. "

  French people have a crazy enthusiasm for enjoying life, but enjoying life always requires financial support, right? How to enjoy life without money? Do you naively think that the beautiful scenery of the Blue Coast is free?

Since the 1990s, the corruption problem in the French Guan market has become more frequent. This is caused by the longing for a higher quality of life by the Guan members. The high taxes in France have led to their very young working age. There is room to pay for expensive vacations, but it is better to let the French give up their vacation than to let them die. Therefore, the French guan members can only find another way and use their power to do something convenient, and they can get a lot of money. Beautiful knife, why not do it.

   Thinking of this, Yang Cheng had to remind, "By the way, you must pay attention to the efficiency of the Frenchman. If it can be solved in two days, they will never finish it in one minute!"

Mohammed, who was deeply impressed by this, unexpectedly launched a long-form complaint, "You remind me, **** it, it took the person I sent three full days to contact the official, but the guy It was to accompany my dog ​​to see a doctor that I delayed the meeting time. I really want to blow his head with a gun! God bless me, I shouldn't speak swear words, but I really can't bear it!"


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