Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1026: Look down on the pound?

After the game officially started, Joe Lewis and Coventry VI were able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, because they chose a relatively ample time point, but what they did not expect is that Yang Cheng also appeared extremely calm, and seemed not to care about winning the game. Negative general.

   Coventry didn’t know Yang Cheng, so he couldn’t help asking, “Jason, you don’t seem to be in a hurry?”

   Yang Cheng smiled and shouted a classic slogan, "Friendship first, game second, come to the White club to pass the boring time, why bother about winning or losing? And I don’t think I’m losing."

   Coventry was amused by Yang Cheng's slogan, and slapped his hands, saying, "Your state of mind is very worthy of my study. Unfortunately, this game today aroused my eagerness to win."

   Yang Cheng smiled without saying a word, less than 1 minute has passed since the timer started, everything is still unknown.

   Joe Lewis suddenly changed the subject, "By the way, Jason, will you settle in London in the future? I think we can deepen our cooperation."

   Yang Cheng didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "For example?"

   "Like~" Joe Lewis took a long voice, looked at Coventry, and stared at Yang Cheng again, "Like a bad pound~"

   Yang Cheng chuckled in his heart, look at the pound? He wants to short the pound? Is this old man crazy?

Joe Lewis’ horror for Yang Cheng was expected, “Believe me, I’m not crazy yet, but I’ll be 80 years old soon, and I’ve gained a lot from my life, but I lack a place to establish a reputation. and so..."

   He didn't finish what he said, leaving it to Yang Cheng to make up for himself.

Also make up a fart, use toes to think and guess what the old guy is holding, making money for a lifetime, but he is always criticized by the outside world for being stingy, greedy for pleasure, and turning a blind eye to his classic investment case, which makes his heart proud. How can Joe Lewis accept it?

So, he was ready to do something big when he was not far from death. Soros became famous by sniping the pound. Now Joe Lewis, who sees the opportunity, is ready to follow suit. Success is in history, and failure doesn’t matter. With the wealth accumulated over the years, he can still be a rich man. Even if the British expelled him from the country, he can still travel around the world on a yacht.

   The abacus crackled, but why did you pull Yangcheng into the water? Yang Cheng is far from death.

But after thinking about it, he knew why the old guy would ask him if he decided to settle in London. If he wanted to settle in London, it would be a bit unrealistic to join his short-selling army. On the contrary, Yang Cheng could become his strong ally. Success rate.

Yang Cheng was helpless, mainly because he didn’t trust Joe Lewis’ abilities. If the old stock god, Soros, or any Wall Street tycoon sat opposite, he would settle down and seriously consider the possibility of joining, but Joe Lewis, As he said, there hasn't been any outstanding record in the foreign exchange market in his entire life. It is no wonder that he has such a weird idea when he is dying.

As soon as he was about to open his mouth and tried to divert the topic, Joe Lewis said, "What caused the US subprime mortgage crisis? You should know better than me. I have been in the UK for so many years, and I know the market changes very well. , Combined with the current ZZ situation, the pound's decline is unstoppable."

  Yang Cheng frowned. The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States has different opinions on the cause, but if you put aside all the conspiracies and the tricks of the traders behind it, just analyze it from the market perspective, the reason is actually very simple:

At that time, IQ was still questioned by the outside world as the general manager of Xiaofeixie. He did something that he believed to be right. He claimed to put ZF in a cage. To put it bluntly, it was to keep ZF away from the capital market and try not to interfere with capital. In the market, this zheng strategy was not thought of by Xiaofeixie alone. It was promoted by big forces. Of course, now we have to put aside the conspiracy to explain, then what impact does this zheng strategy have?

You should know that under normal circumstances, Americans have to go to the bank for a loan before buying a house. The bank will generally check whether the lender is able to repay the money, such as checking your payroll, tax payment, etc., first confirm that you have the ability to repay. Will lend you a loan.

However, this strategy of Xiaofeixie directly prevents ZF from intervening in these things and leaves it to the market to make decisions. Therefore, banks charge more loan interest in order to make more money. These conditions have become extremely loose, almost as long as you are willing. The point where you get a loan when you buy a house.

However, the bank still feels dissatisfied, that the amount of these loans is still too small, and the interest earned is not enough to eat. In addition, ZF does not interfere, and the crazy bankers are completely free from the courage, even those who cannot afford the down payment. , As long as you apply for a loan, you can also make loans without thinking about whether the lender is capable of repaying the money. This is the so-called "subprime loan."

   Banks are not stupid. The ultimate goal is to make money. When they released a large amount of subprime loans, they suddenly realized that doing so was too risky for themselves, but the greedy bankers were not willing to lose these interest easily.

   So they thought of the receiver. To be safe, they found an insurance company to purchase insurance for these sub-prime loans, which means that once bad debts occur ~ ~ the insurance company is responsible for compensating the bank for losses.

   The bankers are shrewd, and insurance companies are not idiots. At first, the large insurance companies that are able to take over scoffed at this and were unwilling to talk about it.

However, in the capital world, the courageous people have always been starved to death. Those small insurance companies that have been overwhelmed by giants have seen the opportunity to turn around. In order to collect premiums from banks to expand the basics, they are ready to gamble. He quickly reached an agreement with the bank and took over at a huge risk.

The result really made both parties bet right. After the small insurance company took over, the housing prices in the United States have really not fallen. Even if bad debts occasionally occurred, the bank took the house back and the money obtained after the auction was enough to cover. With loans and even the appreciation of housing prices, the bank actually made a little bit of money. No matter how small it is, it is money. With the money back, the bank's worries gradually disappeared.

Similarly, small insurance companies basically took bank premiums for nothing, so banks issued a large amount of sub-prime loans. Small insurance companies that tasted the sweetness also began to undertake a large number of such sub-prime business, and then small insurance companies developed. The insurance company in China is jealous, and the house price has not fallen. This kind of business is simply a waste of money. The good thing of sitting on the ground has not happened in decades. The big insurance company couldn't bear it, and took the initiative to find the door to undertake this kind of business. We are happy to see the results. After all, big insurance companies are also capable of withstanding risks. Everyone can be regarded as a strong alliance and make money together.



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