Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1035: Take the olive branch?

Parade conflict? This matter can be big or small, and Yang Cheng can't judge whether this matter will affect Tangrad's attitude towards him for the time being, so he can only remember it first.

In the evening, Yang Sen and Liu Yun returned home with a smile, and found Yang Cheng lying on the sofa. They couldn't help but wonder, "Don't say a word when you come back?"

Yang Cheng stretched out with a yawn, got up and gave his parents a hug. Then he said, "Come back and do something, how are you doing?"

Yang Sen and Liu Yun are not the kind of stereotyped parents. Moreover, with Yang Cheng’s personality, it is impossible to listen to the opinions of the elders in everything, so they did not follow up. Yang Sen went upstairs to change clothes, and Liu Yun sat down and talked with Yang Cheng directly. I got up, "You and Luo Yue are doing well, right?"

Yang Cheng wondered, "It's pretty good, why do you suddenly ask?"

"Why do you say? It doesn't matter how old you are, the children of other families can get soy sauce on the ground, what about you? When will your dad and I see the next generation?" Liu Yun was too lazy to go around the corner, and simply said directly.

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, still wondering why, it turned out to be anxious to hug his grandson, "After next year's grandson, we will find a time to get married. Is your old man satisfied?"

Liu Yun smiled, obviously satisfied with the answer, but she still patted Yang Cheng's arm and said hard, "Don't look like you are wronged, I'm also doing this for your own good. Only when a man has formed his own family can he be truly mature. What's more, whether it is your new era media, Yuanshan Capital, or even your grandfather’s industry, you need the next generation of heirs to stabilize the military, even if it’s just a daughter."

Yang Cheng fell into thought and nodded slowly, "I see~"

At this moment, Yang Sen walked downstairs and waved to Liu Yun, "You go change clothes first~"

Liu Yun gave him an angry look, "If you want to get me away, just say it, make any excuses, huh~"

Yang Sen's momentum became weak. He was only a grandson in front of Liu Yun. After Liu Yun disappeared at the top of the stairs, he glared at Yang Cheng, who was snickering, and said, "You handled the Zhao family's affairs well. Handle, this time the Zhao family suffered a sorrow. If we want to provoke us in the future, we have to think twice."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Small things, I am mainly worried about the relationship between the Zhao family and there. The relationship is too deep. If the Zhao family's strength is won by the gambling, the strength of the Zhao family will immediately rise up a step. Otherwise, it will be completely ruined and the Chinese world will be left. We are now carrying the banner, and all eyes will be on us, even if we are low-key, we can't avoid it."

"Yeah, this is also my concern, but we are not qualified to intervene in the decision of the Zhao family. We can only find a way to add weight to them and increase the probability of their success. A strong Zhao Jiading is always in front of us. All the firepower is strong." Yang Sen said solemnly.

"My sudden return to New York this time was actually influenced by the Zhao family. The Zhao family hopes that we can fully cooperate with Tangrad. I think we can have a more in-depth chat with Tangrad." Yang Cheng said. reason.

Yang Sen suddenly said, "No wonder you came back so suddenly.

You were faintly optimistic about Donrad in your previous talks. I was skeptical at first, but now I suddenly want to understand that this Donrad really has a hand, and he successfully wins over the Jews with a daughter, and he is a diehard asp. The elements have now successfully won the Zhao family, the representative Chinese family. Compared with Mrs. Zipton, who is infinitely beautiful and has countless enemies in private, Donald is absolutely clever. "

Yang Cheng nodded, "Now it is meaningless to clearly define which power Donrad belongs to. Everyone is betting on both ends. No matter who is in charge, no one can completely offend the other side. The balance between ASP and Jews is wonderful. ."

"Well, in fact, whether Jewish or asp, their internal unity is far less than that of decades ago. Most of them are fighting on their own. As long as the main line is not deviated, no one will mind to make more profit for themselves."

Nowadays, Jewish forces in the United States are roughly divided into two groups. One part is early immigrants, dominated by Wall Street forces such as Goldman Sachs; the other part is later Jews, among which the media forces headed by Murdoch are the most prominent. There are subtle differences in the concept of power, and the criteria for choosing chess pieces are also completely different.

The Jews represented by Goldman Sachs and Soros are more accustomed to betting on both sides, secretly favoring Donkey Party candidates, while Murdoch and others favor Donald, especially in the later dang civil decisive battles, they are more full-fledged Helping Donald is involved in extremely complicated relationships.

As I said earlier, Donald’s Jewish son-in-law is definitely a key figure, but Yang Cheng doubts whether the other party can still play a ten-percent power after losing the advantageous weapon of the "New York Observer" newspaper.

However, this person was able to win over the Israeli columns, which is also an important reason why Donald has not lost the support of the Jewish forces despite the two-sided situation.

We must know that under this Jewish son-in-law, Donald even changed his previous neutral position on the Palestinian-Israeli issue and completely turned to the Israeli side.

Regarding the Iranian nuclear issue, unlike Mrs. Zipton’s support of the Iranian nuclear agreement, Donald completely turned to Israel, saying that he would tear up the nuclear agreement signed with Iran, and publicly claimed that if he was elected, "the first" The first priority is to tear up the agreement with Iraq", "fight against Iraq, which is trying to create chaos and dominate the regional order," and "will not hesitate to launch war~".

In addition, in addition to the ease of relations with Murdoch and the establishment of an offensive and defensive alliance, the Jewish son-in-law also successfully won the strong support of the casino tycoon and Jewish Sheldon Adelson of the Las Vegas Sands Group. I know that Adelson is called "the American standing behind the wing of Israel" by the American media.

In order to cheer Donald, Adelson not only spent tens of millions of dollars on Donald’s jg election expenses, but also directly acquired an influential newspaper in Nevada, which helped Donald in public opinion. Facts have also proved that Adelson is betting right in the dubo field he is good at. After Donald took office, he has brought him dozens of times of income.

In short, Donald has completed the wooing of the backer without being noticed by outsiders, which is far less than Mrs. Zipperton.

"In this case, I think we can follow the olive branch handed over by the Zhao family to express our inclination. Of course, we cannot completely give up on the donkey party, let alone offend to death. No matter how the public opinion of Mrs. Zipton is very amazing, all the way It’s not that it doesn’t exist that crushes the upper ranks."

Yang Sen heard this, after a long period of thought, finally nodded, "Then you go and do it, the family will fully support you in the future."

. . . . . .

The next morning, Yang Cheng appeared in the headquarters building after a long absence, and the old employees who walked in together cast surprised eyes. The big boss hadn't come for a long time.

As for the newly hired employee, Yang Cheng didn’t recognize Yang Cheng for a while, but he knew that he had a strong background when he walked with the wind and accompanied by bodyguards. When I asked a familiar employee, I realized that it was the big boss. Lamenting that the boss is young, he does not forget to hold his head high and try to make a good impression on the boss. Isn't a promotion and salary increase at your fingertips?

It's a pity that they thought well, but Yang Cheng kept looking ahead and didn't even notice the actions of these new employees.

Take the president's exclusive elevator to the top floor, Susu was already waiting outside the elevator door, and as the door opened to both sides, he called the boss sweetly.

There were no outsiders at this time. Yang Cheng messed up Susu's well-dressed shape with a bear hug, and the little girl pouted and dared not to speak, almost bursting into blood.

Reached out and pinched the meat on Susu's face, and deliberately said, "Why are you fat?"

Susu swears that if it weren't for Hansen and the others, she would have to kill Yang Cheng. It was so annoying. She messed up her clothes when she first came, and said she was fat? You are fat! Your whole family is fat! No, no, you are fat as a big bad guy!

Yang Cheng doesn’t know about Susu’s psychological activities in such a short period of Of course, I don’t care if I know it. The little girl has the qualifications to make a temper. There is still something to deal with at the moment, and there is no time to fight with the little girl. Feeling swearing, so when Susu was entangled whether to rush to take a bite, Yang Cheng had already walked into the office, and without looking back, he ordered, "Call Eddie and Ryze up."

Susu shuddered, and then remembered that he was in the company at this time, and he could not be rude, and hurriedly said that he ran to call, and then neatly handed Yang Cheng a cup of freshly ground coffee and stood respectfully at the table. , Waiting for Yang Cheng's inquiry.

Sure enough, the next second, looking at the newsletter, without raising his head, he asked, "How is the company recently?"

Su Su had a draft in his mind, "Everything is normal, the two presidents are in good order, and all departments are developing steadily. It is just that a group of new employees have arrived this year, and office space has gradually become insufficient, especially in the network department. Employees complain that the environment is a bit crowded."

Yang Cheng's heart shuddered. This is a big problem. If employees can't concentrate on their work, the company will not be far from bankruptcy. Although in his previous life, he felt that the current working environment is quite good for these coders, but it is evil. The capital world pays attention to civil rights in the United States. Now the office space is indeed a bit tight. It seems that the acquisition of the Chrysler Building must be put on the agenda quickly.

You don't need to talk to Susu about this, but he asked again, "What else?"

Susu hesitated and said, "Also, there was a quarrel between Eddie and Ryze a while ago. Although the quarrel was privately in the conference room, the company knew about it. Everyone Guessing whether the two presidents are fighting for power."

Yang Cheng's face suddenly turned dark, especially the coldness in her eyes, which made Su Su shiver uncontrollably. Someone was going to be unlucky in her heart.

"Why did they quarrel?"

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