Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1045: The former agent (large

   "Rebellion? Damn, Richard, you want to apologize to me. This word is too serious, and when did I belong to Mrs. Zipperton? We are only the cooperation of tm. How can we rebel?"

   Yang Cheng burst into foul language for a while, and he didn't know if it was intentional or sent it with emotion.

   Richard Debin also calmed down. He knew that shouting would not solve the problem. "I need you to immediately pull down the news about Donald and show your sincerity."

   Yang Cheng laughed immediately when he heard it, and immediately agreed, "No problem, I can't withdraw the one posted today, but I promise that the news about Donald tomorrow will completely disappear from all media platforms under our group."

The reason why he agreed so simply and quickly is definitely not because of Richard Debin’s face, or Mrs. Zipton’s Yin Wei, because he feels that Donald’s resources are invested enough now. There will be more charges, and there is no need to keep up with this news at the moment. If you see a good one, you can just accept and sell Richard Debin as a face. Why not?

Not to mention, Richard estimated that the anger hit his brain. He didn't think so much. He subconsciously thought that this time was an accident, and his tone became relaxed, "To be honest, you almost stabbed a big basket this time. ."

   Yang Cheng was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

Richard Debin said in a playful tone, "What can you say? Mrs. Zipton smashed several beloved antiques angrily. If it weren't for the people below, maybe what happened? You know, the woman initiated There is no reason to be crazy."

   Yang Cheng laughed dryly, and the conversation turned, "By the way, the recent water on Wall Street has been made more and more muddy by your two dangs. Can you please be gentle?"

   Richard Debin disagreed, and retorted strongly, “Jason, in fact, it’s Wall Street every time you do things. You are just a bunch of gangsters who have to build a memorial archway.”

   Yang Cheng didn't feel embarrassed at all, "So what? Everyone complements each other. I just hope you will be a little bit smaller when you are wooing. Do you know what the outside world thinks of Wall Street? We are a bunch of bugs."

Richard Debin smiled, "Hehe, what's wrong with this? Okay, I admit that the candidates' attitudes towards big banks are disgusting, but as you said, everyone gets what they want, no one else. Look down on who."

   Yang Cheng was helpless and couldn't talk about this topic anymore. Finally, he emphasized again that he is a businessman and he will never fail to make money. He believes that Richard Debin understands the potential meaning of the words.

  . . . . . .

It's another winter. The winter in New York is disgusted by everyone, whether it is a Wall Street banker or a homeless man in Brooklyn, no one likes the winter in New York. The cold, humid, and occasionally cold wind from the Atlantic pierces the bones. , Even if you wear a thick windbreaker, you can't resist nature's "mouse" on people.

At this time, Yang Cheng wrapped in a black goose down coat and walked on the street. After coming out of the company, he did not choose to return to his warm home. Instead, he came to Tomkins Square Park in the East Village. The East Village was called by the locals. Probably pointing to an area in the east of Midtown Manhattan, which corresponds to a West Village.

Although it is called the village, it is not backward. At least there are more well-known attractions such as Tomkins Park and Union Square, and there is no shortage of mid-to-high-end gourmet restaurants. He came here to find someone. He took the initiative to find someone a few days ago. The former agent of C~I~A, Donny Fick, came to the door. After he left, Hansen's people watched him, investigating whether the background experience is true, and monitoring his movements.

Not to mention that some interesting things really happened. Yang Cheng didn’t go out in person, and came out to relax. The room was really warm, but it was a bit boring after staying for a long time. After arriving in the East Village, he took the initiative to get out of the car and start walking. , Anyway, Donnie Fick couldn't walk there, Yang Cheng suddenly came and was interested in taking a good stroll in the East Village. It was a long time since she had been here.

People from other parts of the United States who travel to New York have such an accurate description of the two villages in Midtown Manhattan. They went to the West Village in Midtown Manhattan because they were looking for the filming locations of the American TV series Sex and the City and Friends, while going to the East Village was fate. For food.

The filming location of the classic movie "When Harry Meets Sally" is located in the East Village. It is also a century-old Manhattan store called Katz. This store’s sandwiches are a must, Yang Cheng missed it very much. You have to be addicted.

  East Village and West Village are both in Midtown Manhattan, very close to the Upper East Side, but not far from the Lower East Side. It can be said that this is the representative residence of the middle class in the United States and the birthplace of the so-called American spirit.

East Village does not have the prosperity and fashion of the lower city, nor the high coldness and nobleness of the upper city. On the contrary, it is full of freedom and enthusiasm for life. If you travel all the way from Xiacheng to the East Village, Meet various typical American apartments with fire escapes.

Unlike Soho and Little Italy, where the main color is dark brown and red, the apartments here are full of small and fresh collocations, which makes the whole block get rid of the heavy old feeling, and become light and rhythmic. The most important thing is The artistic atmosphere is strong but the warmth of life is not lost.

   Yang Cheng wandered the streets of the East Village recklessly. It seemed that there was no goal. He could stop and stay for a while on everything passing by, making Hansen and the others confused. Are they here for tourism or for work?

However, the ideas of Hansen and others are not within the scope of Yang Cheng's thinking. He enjoys the walking alone of today. In front of him is a small restaurant decorated with a Mediterranean blue theme. Looking from the window, the stool inside is It is the same blue as the chandelier, and I am inexplicably bright after seeing it;

   A light pink apartment, although it seems to have a sense of history, but against the blue sky, it is easy to arouse the girl's heart in the subconscious mind;

   The next one is a strong local style, the golden pattern looks unique, stands out in a group of petty-bourgeois apartments, just like the gorgeous lace skirt of a lady;

Later, I saw a pure white apartment with a sky blue fire escape. The classic blue and white color scheme is full of fairy tales. Especially the light blue fire escape is extremely rare. It is usually black. It can be seen from this apartment. There is also a little fairy living in the master's heart;

Next, I passed a small restaurant, separated from the street by a small courtyard. The walls were already occupied by graffiti. The picture should be a Manhattan street scene. The Manhattan Bridge is the most recognizable. The graffiti culture is definitely the East Village. On behalf of, a black pigeon stood motionless on the eaves of the gallery. If it weren't for the sudden flapping of its wings, anyone would think it was a sculpture.

   went around, walked for about half an hour, almost a few kilometers away, and finally came to Katz following the memory. After walking so far, just close to emptying his energy, Yang Cheng felt it necessary to eat more.

   Katz’s signature delicacy is beef sandwiches. It sounds ordinary, and there are countless shops that are famous for beef sandwiches in New York, but when you go in any time you are overcrowded, you know how difficult this shop is.

When you enter, the waiter will give you a small red note, take it to order, and after ordering, the chef will make the sandwiches you want on the spot. In fact, the production process is very simple, that is, the large pieces of smoked beef Cut it into thin slices and sandwich it between two slices of toasted bread, and then the buddy will write on your little note what you ordered, and pay the bill when you leave the shop after eating.

Yang Cheng ordered two servings by himself. Hansen and the others, the brawny who can eat a cow for a meal, not to mention, they have three points of staff, and they packed 10 points to eat slowly on the road. Say if you are full, you can work!

The thinly sliced ​​beef meat is soft and tough, and juicy. The mouthful of meat can bring the greatest satisfaction. The bread is crisp but not rotten. It seems to be the reason for the roast with butter. It is crispy when bitten. Crisp taste, full of fragrance.

After leaving Katz, after eating and drinking enough, Yang Cheng asked another century-old shop next to him to pack some snacks and go back for a supper at night. This shop is famous for its dried fruits and smoked fish. It was founded in 1914 and is still today Exactly 101 years.

   After asking Hansen, he learned that Donnie Fick’s foothold was nearby, and Yang Cheng simply gave up his plan to ride in the car and continued to run wild, as if it were a walk for digestion.

Many galleries have sprung up along the street. There is a long graffiti wall in an abandoned streetside park nearby. At the end of the park, beside a tree sprayed with graffiti, someone is teaching a few children. How to do graffiti, open the door to a new world for these young flowers.

Finally, when approaching his destination, Yang Cheng found that he was not far from the Flatiron Building. Starting from Flatiron, it was Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue. Unexpectedly, he went around the East Village and almost returned to the starting point. Fortunately, Hansen reminded him in time, otherwise he would really go back to the company.

   At this moment, he couldn't take care of the situation, and began to speed up his pace. Hansen was afraid that Yang Cheng would make another detour, and went straight to lead the way.

After walking silently for about a quarter of an hour, I came to Tomkins Square Park again. The wonderful scenery before suddenly changed, decadence and desolation filled the eyes, and well-dressed homeless people were everywhere. Knowing that it is daytime, if At night, the scene will be even more shocking.

However, Yang Cheng is not surprised at this. The number of homeless people in New York City is on the rise. Many homeless people are invisible. This phenomenon seems to be the norm. Some people even have jobs. But there is no place to live. This is New York and this is Manhattan. If you face such a situation, you can't adapt? Sorry, maybe you are not suitable to stay in Manhattan, go to Brooklyn? Can hold you over there.

There is a fountain in the corner of Tomkins Square Park. This is a stronghold for almost all homeless people. Most of the homeless people are homeless, but occasional sanitation and cleaning are still needed. They don’t have hot water to use. The fountain is more dependent on free domestic water. You can rinse your mouth and brush your teeth here, and there is a public toilet next to it.

In a blink of an eye, a group of homeless men are sitting on the benches next to the bathroom, listless and completely devoid of the desire to chat to relieve boredom. Among them are tall, silver-haired, stylishly dressed people. These people may be models on weekdays, but they still earn money. There is not enough money to rent an apartment.

A long way away, Yang Cheng could smell the smell coming from the bathroom. It was very disgusting, especially after eating perfect food, and then smelling the expired and decadent shit, it was even more unacceptable. Anyway, you don’t need to see it. It's so messy and messy there, but this doesn't stop the homeless people. They need such a place to shave and change clothes. If you come late and can't even get in, you also need to line up here in advance.

It sounds weird, but this group of homeless people is more superior than the homeless group in Brooklyn, because they usually hold multiple positions, such as photographers in fashion magazines, models, and movie studios. In order to get a job that is not stable, they must decorate their appearance. Even if the inside is rotten and ulcers, the appearance must be glamorous, at least not let people see you frown. If that is the case, I am afraid they are not qualified to wander in Manhattan. Up.

This group of homeless people who look the same as the white-collar workers on Wall Street actually earn so little, they can’t afford to rent an apartment, and some people may even have been wandering here for 5 or 10 years without finding a place to shelter from the wind. In shelters from the rain, they can only live on the roof at night and dress up during the day.

At this time, Donnie Fick is in such an For a former C~I~A agent with countless skills, it seems a bit abnormal, and outsiders sound more like it. It's absurd, is his identity as an agent fake?

   In fact, it is not. According to Hansen's investigation results, what Donnie Fick said is true. Of course, some information may be exaggerated, but this is within a reasonable range. If everything is perfect, there will be problems.

The reason why he chose to stay here is to better distinguish the enemy from us. He has always been under the supervision of C~I~A. No one knows the style of his former colleagues better than him, and only in such messy conditions. In order to better find out who is monitoring him, it is also convenient for him to escape urgently when needed.

   Yang Cheng met Donnie Fick on the roof of a 6-story apartment. Compared with the confidence when we met a few days ago, Donnie Fick now looks like a tarnished night pearl, extremely decadent.

Looking at the environment of the roof, dust accumulates into snow. Various reinforced concrete bricks are randomly piled in one corner. On the other corner of the roof, there is obviously a man-made tent. The red and blue waterproof cover is used as the roof. The steel bars tied together to form a triangular bracket stand on both sides, and a pile of cardboard boxes are spread on the ground, covered with a layer of foam plastic, which looks quite soft.

   Donnie Fick was doing push-ups at the suggestion she made by himself at this time, sweating like rain, watching the past with the sound of the door, and seeing Yang Cheng for the moment, there was no surprise.


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