Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1051: Target from Xiao Hua

   "Which team is taking the lead?"

   Yang Cheng asked coldly.

Sean Marx shook his head, "I don't know, boss, this news is a bit catchy. There is neither actual evidence nor clear signs of receipt, but Lenovo's recent transactions have been rejected one after another. I think this is not easy. , Maybe this news is true, so I can't help but tell the boss."

   Yang Cheng raised his hand and was too lazy to listen to these nonsense, "There are only a few NBA teams that are capable of organizing a joint offensive. You can check it with me. I don’t believe I can’t find out."

   Sean Marx scratched his head, "Boss, let me tell you the truth, a team capable of making a complete blockade of this size simply cannot exist in the NBA, unless..."

   Yang Cheng frowned deeper, "Unless? Unless what?"

   "It's the league office. Only the league office can make so many teams obedient."

   "Adam Silver? Is he crazy? Dare to target me like this? Does he want to make the NBA better? Why does he do this?"

Sean Marx couldn't answer Yang Cheng's series of questions. With such questions, Yang Cheng came to the VIP box on the top floor of the arena. He was originally going to watch the game from the sidelines, but he received such a bad news before the game. The news was in a bad mood. He entered the box and drove everyone outside of Sean Marx out. He poured a glass of whiskey and took a sip, threw himself on the thick leather sofa, turned the glass and said, "Talk about it," There must be some basis for your guess."

Sean Marx did not dare to conceal this time. He took an iPad and handed it to Yang Cheng. "Boss, this is yesterday’s news. Adam Xiao Hua was very certain when interviewed by espn. Introduce gambling in the next five years."

   Yang Cheng swept through ten lines at a glance. As Sean Marx said, the news is all about Xiao Hua's desire to introduce gambling.

In fact, this is not the first time he has publicly stated that NBAdu has legalized the ball. Before taking over as the president of the league, Xiao Hua had stated many times that he was exploring ways to legalize gambling. Of course, he did not give a specific Now that I dare to give a five-year timetable in front of the authoritative media, it shows that this matter has officially entered the agenda and will become a reality in the future.

   But Yang Cheng doesn't understand, what does his introduction of gambling have to do with targeting the Nets? There seems to be no connection between the two.

   The reason why Xiao Hua seeks to legalize du ball is mainly because this project can bring huge profits and income to the NBA.

When Xiao Hua served as David Stern’s deputy, he has been committed to the commercial development of the NBA. After he became president, he has been seeking to maximize profits. For this reason, any unthinkable decisions are predictable. For example, he The introduction of short-sleeved jerseys, on the one hand, allows NBA jerseys to be used as daily wear, on the other hand, to pave the way for advertising on the jerseys. Xiao Hua also contributed to the NBA’s new huge broadcast contract, which made the NBA’s profits and players’ income violent increase.

   But why does he target the Nets?

Sean Marx said at this time, "In fact, as early as last year, Adam Silver asked the general manager of each team's attitude to gambling many times in private. I don't know what other people say, but I made it very clear at the time. Pessimistic attitude, I do not approve of the introduction of gambling into the NBA. This should be a very pure athletic event, bringing the purest sports feast to spectators and fans, so I firmly rejected it. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. , If the boss you want the Nets to support, I will say nothing, after all, eating a full stomach is more important than pursuing faith."

   After saying this, the helplessness and bitterness on Sean Marx's face cannot be concealed. It can be seen that he has a love for basketball under the appearance of capital's greed.

Yang Cheng squeezed the glass. When acquiring the Nets, Yang Cheng went to the league office to meet with Adam Silver. During this period, he also tried his own views on gambling. At that time, his statement was rather ambiguous and he did not explicitly support him. It was not completely denied either.

But if you ask Yang Cheng for his true opinion, he will undoubtedly sneer. This **** project is more disdainful than shit. Compared with jerseys and broadcast contracts, the legalization of du ball is simply an excellent reason for people to give up watching the NBA. , Because the legalization of du ball means that the NBA may deliberately manipulate the game in pursuit of profit and directly affect the result of the game, thus making the game lose the taste of competitive sports.

   However, with regard to this question, Xiao Hua once said that the transparency and supervision of law enforcement can be increased to avoid partial whistle and whistle that affects the game. Unfortunately, this is even more nonsense. Who does the referee listen to? Not listening to the alliance?

You must know that basketball and football are two concepts. On the football field, even without the intervention of the du ball group, various accidents will occur. A miracle has happened more than once on the football field, so even ordinary people are not necessarily fake. I can tell.

   But basketball is different. The rules are clear. Can you blow out the ball thrown into the basket? Of course it is possible, but if the reason is too nonsense, fools know that it is a match-fixing. Over time, who wants to watch this sport full of falsehoods?

Therefore, from a personal point of view, Yang Cheng feels that Sean Marx’s views are the same as him, and should be clearly stopped. However, from the perspective of the team and management, Yang Cheng will talk to some women who are engaged in functional technical work. We are the same, for the sake of money, you open your thighs obediently, anyway, there are so many strokes.

Sean Marx said bitterly, "It seems that, except for me, most of the other teams should have expressed their support, at least they did not express their position clearly, and I who explicitly rejected me became the object of Adam Xiaohua's murder. I'm sorry boss. I’m the one who hurts the team. If necessary, I will resign and shoulder the responsibility."

   After knowing the reason, Yang Cheng was not so angry. Instead, she had a calm expression, "What anxious, do you want to resign? Don't worry, there is me."

Not to mention, Yang Cheng does have a kind of magic in him. Regardless of his age, he can always bring people a full sense of security. As soon as he said this, Sean Marx felt the heavy burden on his body disappeared in an instant. No longer taking Adam Silver’s targeting seriously, he felt that it was only a matter of time before Adam Silver was played to death in front of Yang Cheng.

   "Is that Wade?"

   Just when Sean Marx was wandering around the world, his omnipotent Yang Cheng has turned his attention to the court. The two sides have stood in their respective half of the court. The referee brought the ball to the center, and the centers of both sides were about to jump the ball.

   Yang Cheng pointed to the cheek chewing gum on the TV screen in the box and asked.

   Sean Marx was taken aback and nodded, "Yes, the boss, Dwyane Wade, the head of the Heat, was able to beat Kobe in the league's second minute."

   Speaking of Wade, Sean Marx showed a smile unconsciously, it seems that his general manager is still a fan of Wade.

   "How old is he this year?" Yang Cheng was also quite interested.

He guessed right. Sean Marx really admired Wade and respected him for his loyalty and fighting spirit. In the finals, Wade surpassed a high fever and showed elephant-level data and led the team to win the championship. Perseverance, better than his good friend James, I don't know how many percentage points.

   But appreciation goes to appreciation. He will not do anything unfavorable to the team just because he appreciates a certain team, which violates professional ethics.

"Boss, do you want Wade? I have reservations about this. Dwyane was born in 1982 and will soon be 34 years old. His career has entered the end of his career, and he has undergone major surgery and was removed. Although the meniscus is in good condition, he is definitely not a good helper for Paul."

Yang Cheng is not a die-hard fan, so he doesn’t know much about the NBA. This is because Wade often appears on the page of fashion magazines with a black face, otherwise Yang Cheng doesn’t necessarily know this former man. Super quintile.

   Hearing Sean Marx say this, his thoughts about swapping Wade immediately faded, joking, why did he get an old man who is about to retire at a high price? Give people an old age.

Sean Marx added another But it’s good to be a third-level player in exchange. At least Dwyane’s experience in the finals is what the team needs, and his condition is very good this season. He is still averaging 20 points per game. He is the number one shooting guard of the Heat. The most important thing is that Dwyane was fooled by their general manager Pat Riley and signed a contract that did not fit his status. We are not under pressure to sign, and Dwyane's appeal is very strong. It is not difficult for him to join in to attract other All-Stars of the year. "

The game has begun. Yang Cheng stared at Dwyane Wade, who was advancing with the ball. He was just a disguise and then accelerated Korver’s defense and easily pierced the Nets’ defense. The basket is successful, the start speed of this first step vaguely shows the style at the peak.

   Just this action made Yang Cheng's eyes bright, "Is it difficult to trade Wade?"

Sean Marx hesitated, "Compared with the blockade set by the Heat, Dwyane’s personal attitude is easier to solve. James left the Heat to make him frustrated. He proposed a deal at the beginning of the season, but Pat Riley used his feelings. I kept him, but I can see that he has lost his nostalgia for Miami."

  Yang Cheng nodded and made a decisive decision, "In that case, make a deal, let the other party raise the bargaining chip, anyway, except for Chris Paul, we have no non-sale items."

   Sean Marx immediately said, "I understand the boss, but do we need to discuss it with the head coach? If Wade does not meet his tactical requirements, I am afraid it will destroy the team's tacit understanding after the run-in."

  :. :

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