Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1079: Lu Yu Girl Group

   "I don't have to say what you should do, right?"

   Li Zhiyu's eyes rolled, and the thief smiled, "I know I know that there is no good thing in this group of guans. I will try my best to find their handle and let them use it for us."

Yang Cheng smiled with satisfaction, "Very good, that's it. I don't care what you use, seducing, duping, accepting bribes, etc. All means, as long as these officials are obediently obedient, there are few profitable projects. Come on?"

   Li Zhiyu slapped his hands excitedly, "Brother Yang is still great, why didn't I think of this brilliant idea?"

Yang Cheng did not answer, and continued, "Also, for those merchants who want to find guan members to work with, you can also drag them into the clubhouse. As long as their transactions with guan members are completed in the clubhouse, you can control them at the same time. The handle of both parties, of course, the merchant's qualifications to join the clubhouse must also be firmly controlled, and nothing can be dragged into the clubhouse."

   "I understand that I understand that I am the best at this. I can't do anything else. I pretend to be a professional." Li Zhiyu got more excited as he said that, seeing that posture can fly into the sky with a touch of a match.

"Everything in the clubhouse must be kept strictly confidential. It is best to know the legend of the clubhouse throughout Korea, but no one knows what it is inside. Let them know where the door opens, but they can't find the way to get in. It is the highest model of pretense."

"I know what to do with Brother Yang, but what about the club's format? Is it golf? Or something else?" Li Zhiyu took the opportunity to ask more, lest the club be opened and a certain place would make Yang Cheng unhappy. Up.

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, "This will limit those who don't like golf, and there is no need to set a theme."

After a pause, he had an idea, "Let’s do it, you buy a marina on the Han River, I think of a way to buy a second-hand top yacht, refit it and send it to Seoul, and build a club based on this top yacht. , Only club members can use this yacht. I think this gimmick should be enough."

Li Zhiyu nodded again and again, "Enough is enough. At that time, any transaction can be completed by boarding a yacht and sailing into the open sea, creating a safe environment for members, but in fact all their actions are under surveillance. This idea It’s great. At that time, we can also set up high-end gambling games on the yacht, and use high loans to securely trap those guan members. If anyone is disobedient, naturally there will be other members to clean up, Yang Ge, I can’t wait."

   Yang Cheng laughed, "Let’s do it. It will take time to acquire and renovate the pier. I will arrange for someone to find a suitable yacht for modification. I think the Han River is wide and deep enough for large yachts to travel."

"Brother Yang, I will send someone to investigate the detailed data of the Han River soon after I go back. However, as far as I know, the biggest obstacle to a large yacht is not the river, but the Han River bridges. If the yacht is too high, it may be difficult to get under the bridge. Drive by."

   Yang Cheng waved a big hand, "Then you go to investigate first, and report to me as soon as possible. I will take the data to find a suitable yacht."

   When things talked about this, Li Zhiyu couldn't wait to leave first. He was busy with things, and his sleepy state was reversed. At this time, he was extremely excited, even more excited than he was in *.

   Yang Cheng smiled and watched Ferrari disappear into the street with his tail flapping, sighing in his heart, "What a simple child~"

  . . .

At noon, I had an appointment to have lunch with Sunny, but suddenly someone couldn’t come. Although she apologized in every possible way on the phone, she didn’t change the fact that the pigeons were released. Yang Cheng could only be a single dog and she was alone in a couple’s restaurant. There is dog food sprinkled by others.

  No, it is accurate to say that he is not alone, and Hansen and the bodyguard are accompanied, but this doesn't make Yang Cheng feel much better.

   filled his stomach in a hurry. During the period, he sent messages to his little lovers who had had a leg. As a result, no one was willing to come out to accompany him. They were all involuntarily. The big stars are really not so idle.

   came out of the restaurant and sat in a warm car. He didn't want to go back to the hotel in a daze, so he got out of the car and walked on the street.

It happens that the restaurant is located near Hongdae. Yang Cheng has also heard about this long-famous street in Hanzong. Just after eating, it is noon again, the sun is full, and it feels less cold, just stroll around. It can also help clarify ideas.

Hongdae is actually the abbreviation of Hongik University, a famous art school in South Korea, but in the mouths of the locals, the word also represents the unique university street culture formed around Hongik University, generally referring to Hongik University The area near the main gate and subway Hongik University entrance station.

During the day, cafes, fashion shops, art graffiti, street performances, and flea markets that reflect sensibility, freedom, and avant-garde cultural tendencies can be seen everywhere. The parks and parking lot alleys in front of the school often hold large and small music performances or celebrations. ;

At night, Hongdae is surrounded by passion and restlessness, street bands, B-BOYs perform open-air performances, young hormones are released in CLUB, or follow the "footsteps" of Korean dramas to find the filming locations of Korean dramas in Hongdae. Therefore, locals often say that a day in Hongdae begins at noon, and the real awakening is after sunset.

   In short, Yang Cheng walked around for a while and found that every place here seems to be full of charm that attracts youthful vitality. No wonder young people in Korea like to gather here. There are indeed different places.

When he bought a cup of hot cocoa in a coffee shop while walking, he heard a restless sound. A group of people cheered. Yang Cheng looked over curiously. It turned out that someone was performing in front of the newly opened restaurant. It seems that it is still a girl group, otherwise it would be difficult to attract so many'wild wolves' calling.

   Yang Cheng, who had originally planned to leave, suddenly stopped because of a sudden glance, and Hansen almost buckled the milkshake on Yang Cheng's head.

   Yang Cheng didn't pay attention at all, his eyes were completely caught by the almost perfect profile, and he didn't expect to meet acquaintances here.

   Yang Cheng, who consciously has a good memory, will naturally not forget the owner of the profiled face. He once met with himself at S-M Company, and seemed to have a little misunderstanding because of eavesdropping. What is her name? What is the name of her team?

   Damn, Yang Cheng, who thought she had a good memory just now, started to grip her hair hard, she was very familiar with her name, but she couldn't remember it.

   I don’t actually blame him. Time has passed so long and I didn’t care too much at the time. How could I have a deep impression? It’s not easy to recognize and remember the misunderstandings.

   But since I encountered it, I have nothing to do anyway, just watch their performances. Anyway, it is a girl group under my own company, so I can support and encourage them appropriately.

   Soon, Yang Cheng found himself a perfect reason to strike up a conversation.

The closer she gets, the more she realizes how beautiful the girl that shocked her is. She is not tall and looks very petite even in high heels, but her cold angelic face is really very resistant. Yang Orange felt that no woman's appearance in her impression could give him such a deep first impression.

   Because Hansen and the others helped open the way, Yang Cheng squeezed into the front row of the crowd very smoothly. Although the position was not in the middle, it was an excellent position to appreciate the side.

   His eyes have completely fallen on the girl, and her four members are not within Yang Cheng's sight at all.

   By the way, there was a flash of light in Yang Cheng's mind. He vaguely remembered that this girl was called Irene, or was the captain of the women's team, did he give her her business card? Why did I never receive a call?

   Yang Cheng couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. This girl didn't play the cards according to the routine. Doesn't she understand the obvious action of giving her business card?

   While blaming it, I’m afraid I’ve forgotten it. If I didn’t happen to meet him today, I’m afraid I can’t remember that there is such a little beauty waiting for him to favor.

Yang Cheng was drinking coffee and admiring a group of elf-like little beauties dancing in the front, especially Irene, who was still in the middle just now, following the formation to move to the very edge, this looks really positive. , Yang Cheng has no idea how many times today.

It's a pity the figure is bruised, the height is not more than 1.6 meters, although the figure is petite, it belongs to the slightly bloated one. Of course, this is a perfect figure in the hearts of ordinary people. In the group of female stars who need to be on TV, this is called slightly fat, but Yang Cheng doesn't care, but feels that this figure feels good to the touch. He doesn't like the skinny figure, which is like a bamboo pole.

However, Yang Cheng felt like a mirror in his heart. This almost perfect face must have been fine-tuned. It is impossible to move. There is no plastic surgery technology in this world that can do this, so Irene’s face The value itself is not low, and only with the help of experts and tinkering can create a perfect face.

Look at the full and smooth facial lines, the staggered height of the brow bones, prop up the three-dimensional shape of the facial features, what is important is that it gives a very light texture, coupled with the delicate eye makeup, there is a kind of introverted charm, positive It is this kind of faintly fascinating charm that appears on the milky white and flawless skin that can catch the man's eyes and turbulent little heart.

Yang Cheng rubbed his chin, as if he was in the Louvre watching an ingenious and exquisite work of art. From time to time he exclaimed. If it were not for him to be surrounded by strong men, several young and energetic college students would be prepared. Come over and argue with Yang Cheng, why should she stare at my goddess semimi?

   Not long after, the song ended. 5 stood in a row for the girls, bowed at 90 degrees to thank the audience, and introduced their names in a clear and loud voice. They were called red  velvet, and Yang Cheng finally remembered.

  :. :

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