Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1091: The acting is too good

After the meal, Irene, who was back home, was sent home by Yang Cheng. Irene’s home is located near a park in the central district of Shizhong. It is not a wealthy area, but it is also a community dominated by the middle class. , 4 floors of small high-rises are the main ones, and some individuals have single-family lofts.

According to Irene, she has been playing in the adjacent park since she was a child. There is a small lake in the park. When she was a child, her family often took her to boat in the lake. Unfortunately, Irene declined Yang Cheng's suggestion to revisit her childhood.

At the door of Irene's house, Yang Cheng followed to get out of the car to take her to the door.

"Pp, thank you, this is my happiest day in recent months." Irene smiled sincerely.

However, Yang Cheng didn’t pay attention to her insatiable smile. Just before the car stopped, Yang Cheng noticed that someone on the third floor with the lights on was looking down from the window, so she asked Irene’s home. The answer from several floors was not unexpected. It was on the third floor. Now that he found something that could be used, how could Yang Cheng miss it?

The diligent getting off the car and sending them off was just an appetizer. Yang Cheng blocked Irene's sight with her height, but it happened to allow the people on the third floor to see their every move.

She smiled and put her big hand on Irene's head naturally, because at the door of the house, no one would bend in the middle of the night in the winter, so she did not wear a hat when getting out of the car, and even the mask was pulled to her chin. , That beautiful face appeared in front of Yang Cheng without any hindrance.

At this time, when he did this intimate action, Irene behaved very naturally. Before, her body would be unconsciously tight, but now it won't.

But how could the cunning Yang Cheng be satisfied with this. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel that the people behind the third-floor window had not left, but there were a few more spectators.

In that case, let him play a good show. The big hand covering Irene's head slid down the hair, and her fingers inadvertently touched the skin that can be broken by blowing. Irene stretched her body subconsciously. Yang Cheng deliberately said, "Don't move, there is something dirty on your face."

A word made Irene relax her vigilance, and her big, vicious hand directly covered her cheek, swiping a few times on the tender skin with her thumb, but there was nothing.

"Okay." Yang Cheng smiled with satisfaction, his eyes were clear from beginning to end, and there was no sordidness that made women sensitive.

Irene lowered her head embarrassedly. This action made Yang Cheng almost laugh. With a genius tacit understanding, he believed that the audience watching this play upstairs would definitely make up for this scene: Daughter Or her sister’s boyfriend personally sent her home, and said goodbye downstairs. Before leaving, she touched Irene's cheek, while Irene lowered her head shyly.


After the play, Yang Cheng immediately separated from Irene, said something and waited for a while. In Irene's surprised eyes, she returned to the car and took off a few paper bags.

Hand it over to Irene, "The bibimbap we just ate was delicious, and the fried chicken that the waiter bought was also delicious. It is not appropriate for you to come home empty-handed so late. I asked the waiter to prepare more. A few, go back and serve as a supper for the family."

Irene covered her mouth, and the emotions of surprise and touch were intertwined on her face. This man was so sweet. Irene felt her heart melt slowly.

Since Yang Cheng is ready to perform a good show, how can she let the surprise stop there?

Without giving Irene a chance to speak, they took out a string of unique crystal bracelets from their pockets. This is when they were walking in front of a jewelry store when they were visiting the market. Yang Cheng observed Irene very carefully. Slowing down in front of the store, her gaze was attracted by the crystal bracelets in the display cabinet. Yang Cheng knew that kind of look. The gold worshiper also had this look when she saw the limited edition Hermès bag.

I didn't say anything, silently took out his mobile phone and edited a message to Andrew, who followed behind him invisibly, asking him to buy the crystal bracelet, and stuffing it into Yang Cheng's pocket when Irene was not paying attention.

But when it came to Yang Cheng’s mouth, it became, “I think you like this bracelet. I think it’s not bad. The style is very innovative. I bought it when you go to the bathroom. The important thing is that it’s not expensive. Small things worth tens of thousands of dollars, I hope you don’t refuse."

Women are always easily moved by some inexplicable trivial things. Of course, this is also a target. Some women disdain the luxury goods bought by the greasy poor silk with loan sharks, but they are worthless to the rich and handsome. She cried bitterly when she issued the card.

Fortunately, Irene is not that kind of woman. At least when she faces most men, whether you have money or not, you have the same attitude. Unfortunately, she is facing a fighter among the old drivers today. The routines that women moved to the death are endless.

Irene should be thankful that Yang Cheng is not the kind of **** who plays with emotions. He still disdains doing things like cheating. As long as it is a woman he likes, after trying to get it, he can be treated fairly or even far beyond the standard. It's a principle. You still have to pay when you go out. The price is different for different grades. What about the woman who makes him tempted and takes pains to get it?

Anyway, he can be very proud to say what he wants except for not getting married!

At this moment, under the gaze of her family, Irene raised her head, her face was held up, and she was moved to tears. The gift was worthless, but she felt the deep heart, the meticulous care, even if she The ice should be melted, let alone a woman with flesh and blood.

Suddenly there was a breeze, bringing up Irene's hair. The tips of her hair were wet and glued to her cheeks with tears. Yang Cheng really wanted to laugh loudly, God's help, and when I look back, I will buy pig head meat to honor the old man!

Looking at Irene’s charming little face incomparably spoiled, her heart pounding and pounding, she was almost reaching her throat, but her hand was still very calm, she carefully moved the ends of her hair away, and her movements were extremely slow. For a moment, it resembled a scene in a Korean drama. The camera circled overhead shots from high altitude. The hero and heroine said goodbye in front of the house, and the love deepened. As long as the heroine closes his eyes, the hero immediately sends him to the wolf.

The voice in Yang Cheng's heart almost yelled from her throat, "Your uncle, you closed your eyes! The drama is about to enter."

It's a pity that Irene didn't hear the call from his heart, so she almost dodged her head and let Yang Cheng miss her last chance to be in Yingliu.

"Thank you pp, I like gifts very much." Irene muttered with her head down.

It's very quiet here, there is no noise, so even if Irene's voice is low, Yang Cheng can confirm that he heard it without error, comforting herself in her heart, and saying, "No thanks, just that sentence, you are happy."

The acting is almost done, and it’s too late to continue. Yang Cheng immediately stepped aside and said, “You should go up and take a good rest. I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning, can I pick you up at 7?”

Irene nodded, and the steps she had just prepared to go out suddenly took back, and raised her head again, the tears on her face remained unresolved, arousing love, "pp where do you live?"

Yang Cheng had asked Hansen and the others to make a hotel reservation, but still pretended to have no decision. Therefore, it was difficult, and he said haltingly, "I haven't decided yet. Is there a hotel near your house?"

He is holding the last hope, hoping that Irene can see him paying so much today and take him home for one night.

Well, in fact, it proves that people can't be too narcissistic. The reality is always so skinny. This doesn't mean Irene lighted her head with joy, "Yes, not far from my home."

After saying a word, and especially kindly helping to guide the way, Yang Cheng smiled and nodded to show that he understood, but in fact he didn't even hear a word.

"That's fine, go upstairs, I'll go to the hotel."

There were no twists and turns this time, Irene entered the unit door and waved goodbye to Yang Cheng, but Yang Cheng didn't move at all, doing a full set of plays, she had to show reluctance and watch Shili.

When the unit door was closed, Yang Cheng didn't lift her eyelids. She still pretended that she didn't know someone was watching. Shi Shiran got in the car, but didn't mean to start the car.

Until Yang Cheng secretly observed that there was no one behind the third-floor window, she got off the car, lit a thin cigar and leaned on the car, posing as a melancholy beautiful man, quietly waiting for the last scene of the egg to be staged.

According to normal thinking, Irene enters the house, and her family frantically surrounds her to ask It is annoying to ask Irene, her family will inadvertently say that the young man downstairs has not left. Then, Irene quickly ran to the window to check and witnessed the scene where Yang Cheng could not leave with a cigar in his mouth.

If you're lucky, Irene will run downstairs again and ask Yang Cheng why she is still not leaving?


, I can’t think about it, the more I think about it, the more it’s like a romantic drama with Mary Su foam soap.

ps has been completely white for 10 minutes, the cervical spine is sore to death, the legs will stand up straight and will not bend, have not waited for the scene as expected, well, the one-man show cannot be performed, honestly go back to the hotel to take a bath and sleep.

He got into the car with his cigarette in his mouth, and without looking upstairs, started the car and drove out of the street.

What he didn't know was that behind the third-floor window, Irene also waited for him for nearly 10 minutes. In fact, Yang Cheng's judgment was correct, but her sister was quick to ask, so she said something about her brother-in-law. Let's go.

Irene, who took a long time to react, rushed to the window, but she didn't dare to look directly, she just hid behind the curtain and watched silently, until Yang Cheng's taillight disappeared, she looked back with a complicated expression.

But then she was going to have a headache again. Seeing the three people staring at her with six pairs of eyes, Irene knew that there would be no three rounds of interrogation tonight and she would not want to sleep.

However, Yang Cheng's acting was so good, Irene tried her best to explain, but she couldn't get the understanding of her family. She had already been determined that she was in love, and she also talked about a loving and righteous brother-in-law.

what? How do they know Yang Cheng is rich? Nonsense, the Irene family can be regarded as the best in the middle class, how can you not recognize such a big trident? Look at that domineering look, fools know that it's not cheap!

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