Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1106: Congested morning

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"In fact, I really didn't blame Andrew for this matter. The goal of the mission at the time was to rescue an important informant. This informant was not a good person. He was a pervert with pedophilia. In the process of solving it, the informant could not bear it. She attacked an 8-year-old girl, but Andrew found out that the shot ended, and it destroyed an important C~I~A operation.

Afterwards, the director in charge of the review was furious and wanted to send Andrew to a military court. It was his comrades who came forward to save the people, but the qualification to join the C~I~A was completely lost, even though Andrew’s assessment of various projects Zhongdu ranks first. "

Hansen concisely narrated this story to Yang Cheng.

After saying that, a anger immediately appeared on Yang Cheng's face, bastard, he was scumbag himself, but he would never act on children, so what's the difference with beasts?

Hansen is right, this is a sheer perversion.

For this kind of scum, no matter how ruthless it is, it's a disaster to keep it. If you kill it, you will kill a hundred, so that more children will not be harmed.

Yang Cheng said indignantly, "Andrew, you did a good job. If you encounter this kind of **** again, just do it. If something happens, I will bear it for you. Humph, C~I~A group of **** have always done nothing for the task. , Don’t care about civilian life or death at all."

Andrew was very moved, but didn’t say anything. He sighed, “Boss, this has passed, and I don’t want to recall it. I just felt sorry for the little girl back then. I can still dream of her sometimes. Those eyes are So clear and transparent, like a little angel fallen into the world."

At the thought of that girl, Andrew couldn't help but choke.

Yang Cheng was also quite sorry, and knew what that girl would end up without even asking, but from another angle, sometimes death is a relief.

Talking all the way, Maybach quickly returned to Manhattan.

Andrew, who had adjusted his emotions, asked, "Boss, shall we go home or go to the company?"

Yang Cheng was about to talk about going to the company, but with a thought, an address blurted out. It was the location of the Hilton Hotel. He was going to meet Paris Hilton to see if he could open up the situation from the Hilton family.

The more I thought about it, the more annoyed, if it wasn't for the strength of the Ito family, he would have the heart to directly break the contract.

As a result, when the car approached Central Park, it encountered a big traffic jam. All the cars were stuck on the road almost motionless. Yang Cheng was also helpless, but the car had no wings.

Seeing that the driver of the car in front had already got off to check the situation, Yang Cheng knew that there must have been a major traffic accident ahead, and could not move half of the time, so he simply pushed the door and got off.

Hansen asked Andrew to follow him immediately.

At this time, Central Park is already a world of ice and snow. The temperature has been below zero these days, and the snow has been well preserved. Some tourists who have just lifted the ban can't wait to come to Central Park to see the snow, even if it is just after 7 o'clock in the morning. .

Of course, Central Park never lacks people who get up early and walk their dogs for morning jogs. Most of these people are celebrities and nobles in the Upper East Side and Upper West Side. They never lack perseverance for having a strong body.

The sun has just risen, and the white snow looks like a glacier-like pale blue when backlit, and it is so beautiful. Looking further away, the new skyline of Manhattan is particularly spectacular against the snow scene.

NYPDs have always been known for their low efficiency. This big congestion lasted for an hour before it was loosened. Yang Cheng didn’t want to keep congesting like this, so she didn’t go to Paris Hilton at all and turned right and went home. After getting off the car for a while, his cold seemed to recur again.

After entering the house, Yang Cheng sneezed twice. Yang Sen and Liu Yun who were eating breakfast looked over together, their faces were full of surprise.

Liu Yun put butter on the bread, and asked, "Where did you go in the morning? I haven't gotten better yet."

Yang Cheng handed the windbreaker to Old John and sat next to Liu Yun with a chill, but she was rushed to the opposite side with disgust.

He sniffed his nose, thanked the maid who sent the hot milk, took a sip, and made the body a little warm, and then said as if he came to life, "With Gina Hespel of C~I~A We met."

Yang Sen frowned when he heard the words, "What's the matter? Why did you make an appointment so early to meet?"

Yang Cheng probably briefly recounted the process this morning, Yang Sen reluctantly shook his head, "I can't tell whether you did this thing right or wrong, but I always think this woman is not easy to deal with."

Liu Yun tilted her head and asked, "What? I remember that you still looked up this woman's black material?"

Yang Sen nodded, "Yes, judging from her past methods, it shouldn't be so soft."

Yang Cheng has a bottom in her heart, so she is not as worried as Yang Sen, "Who knows, maybe people have been sitting in the office for a long time and their temperament has changed?"

Yang Sen disagrees, "Wrong, this kind of agile person will not be rubbed off by the stable life of the on the contrary, the edges and corners will become sharper because of the longer the stability."

Liu Yun didn't understand this, or she was too lazy to spend her brain on these conspiracies, biting on the bread covered with butter, and said indifferently, "Okay, early morning, I was told this."

At home, Liu Yun's words were the first order, and Yang Sen and Yang Cheng didn't dare to talk back.

But Yang Cheng picked up a small cake and put it on the plate in front of him, reminding, "There was a traffic accident outside, there was a big traffic jam, otherwise I should be home an hour ago."

It's okay for Liu Yun. She doesn't need to commute to and from work on time. Yang Sen can't. She stood up quickly and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, I have an important meeting to be held later."

Yang Cheng curled her lips, "Don't worry, Fifth Avenue is blocked with dogs, no one can fly out, everyone will be late."

Yang Sen ignored the incident, and didn't need money when talking coldly, and Yang Cheng was not responsible for delays.

"Old John, call me a helicopter." Yang Sen shouted at the kitchen.

. . .

After breakfast, Yang Cheng went back to the room and took a hot bath. He picked up the phone and called Paris Hilton to ask her to have lunch, so he took a breather.

"Good morning~" Paris's charming voice came.

Yang Cheng has long been used to this, "Good morning Paris, haven't you woken up yet?"

Paris yawned lazily. "The party last night was at 3 o'clock, what do you think?"

Yang Cheng was speechless, this woman was really a veritable party monster, "Well, I'm sorry to disturb your dreams."

"It's okay, you have immunity." Paris yawned one after another, but he didn't forget to take Yang Orange to take a shower.

Yang Cheng has a black line, has he used himself as a foreigner?

Wrongly said, "Thank you, are you free at noon? Have lunch together?"


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