Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1109: Primary memory metal? ? ?

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In London, the temperature in mid-January has risen a lot compared to when I left before. Although it is still cold, at least during the day at noon, the temperature of nearly 10 degrees can make people feel a little warm.

When the Jason landed at Saudson Airport, the entire London and the counties surrounding London were obscured by dark clouds. It is said that a heavy rain is coming.

However, no amount of rain could stop Yang Cheng from returning to the manor. There was no accident along the way, and he arrived at the manor smoothly. As soon as he got off the bus, Yang Cheng ran towards the small building reserved for researchers. Carson drove the battery car to follow behind, and kept shouting at Yang Cheng, indicating that he could ride faster.

The small building has long been strictly guarded by security personnel. Whether it is a human or an insect, it is the same treatment. Only entry is not allowed. Even the person Carson arranged to deliver the food can only be placed at the door and the person inside will come in person. take.

Strictly guard against all accidents, and resist any threats as far as possible.

After the small building was renovated, Yang Cheng has not come in yet. Unlike the previous run-down, the interior is now completely new. The ground floor is the living area of ​​the researchers. The living room, kitchen, and living room are all available, and even specially built for them A recreation room enriches the amateur life of experts.

Yang Cheng understands that no matter how old-fashioned people are, they also need entertainment to soothe their nerves. Although their entertainment may be limited to reading books and newspapers, as the boss, Yang Cheng has to think more about them.

But he didn't come to visit. He didn't have any interest in the floors on the ground. He walked through the corridor and went straight to the elevator at the end. Carson's authority was usually limited to this. His fingerprints and iris could not allow him to go underground through the elevator. At most, he would sit in the living room with experts on weekdays and talk about their needs and the progress of the project.

Of course, Yang Cheng's fingerprints and iris are easy to use, and he has the highest authority in this small building, no nonsense, quickly passed the scan verification, and took Carson and Hansen into the elevator.

The second basement floor is the place where experts spend the longest time every day, except for eating, sleeping, and going to the toilet. They spend the rest of their time here.

Fortunately, the so-called "human rights" were taken into consideration when the original renovation was carried out. The use area of ​​the second underground floor has been greatly expanded, and the layout of closed compartments is not adopted, but a transparent layout is adopted, even for a long time. Staying here will not feel blocked.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw a huge workbench. The workbench was filled with various experimental instruments. There were hundreds of large and small test tubes, and there were even instruments for metal cutting.

At this time, several researchers wearing white lab coats and masks and protective goggles were working hard.

Around the workbench, only one side of the wall is placed with a safe for experiment materials and spare tools, and the other side is electronic equipment. Most researchers and assistants are discussing things in front of a large screen. Everyone's attention was focused on the project, and no one noticed Yang Cheng and the others.

Yang Cheng didn't rush forward to interrupt the work of the experts. Instead, she stood at the elevator entrance and asked Carson in a low voice, "First, what progress has been made?"

Carson replied without hesitation, "According to experts, the material of the golden mask is likely to use incredible materials, and the source of this material is most likely to be meteorites falling from the sky. Meteorites are in the process of traveling through space to the earth. There has been a change that is difficult to explore, and when this change passes through the atmosphere, it produces a qualitative change due to intense friction, giving an ordinary meteorite the characteristics of memory metal."

"Memory metal?" Yang Orange cried out in surprise, her heart beating wildly.

At this time, an expert noticed the arrival of Yang Cheng and others, and at the same time he heard what Carson said. He walked closer and said, "Yes, it is memory metal. Although it cannot reach the level of memory we expected, it has been It has the preliminary characteristics of memory metal, of course, what Mr. Carson said is not accurate."

Carson was not dissatisfied, but explained respectfully, "Dear Professor Smith, I am just conveying it on my behalf. Metal research is not my major."

Yang Cheng pursed his lips and smiled, it was the first time he saw Carson, a staid old man being taught.

He stretched out his hand and shook his hand, "Professor Smith, this is the first time we have met."

Even if Professor Smith is an American, he is definitely a senior expert in the study of ancient Egyptian history. Otherwise, he would not be invited by Ritz to join the research team. Of course, the necessary remuneration was to make him temporarily give up his position at Cairo University. The important reason is that this old guy is not as lofty as other professors, but what cannot be denied is his absolute authority in academics.

"It's nice to work for you, dear Mr. Yang, your generosity has made my family spend the most difficult time." It can be seen that this is the heartfelt gratitude of Professor Smith.

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "I am a businessman and I advocate fair trade. Professor Smith is worth any price for your knowledge. Please don't mind."

He took the initiative to give up his qualifications to be a benefactor of a professor, as he said, I pay for your work, everyone gets what they need, and no one owes anyone.

Yang Cheng didn't want to talk nonsense, he was very eager to know if this memory metal could be used for him.

"Professor, can you please elaborate on your research results? Carson is right. He is not a professional, and there is no way to describe it completely. Professor please don't be surprised."

Smith is not an old-fashioned academic expert. He has a very personal relationship. He pulled down his mask and smiled and invited Yang Cheng to sit down at an open desk. He personally ground a few cups of coffee, as if he were the owner.

"Mr. Yang, I don't know how much you know about ancient Egypt, but I must first emphasize one point: The sky is of great significance to the ancient Egyptians, and this meaning can be described as a cross-age!"

Professor Smith is worthy of being an expert in the industry. From this opening remark, we can see that he has extraordinary charm when he teaches. No wonder the students he teaches are mostly talents in various fields in Egypt.

"Objects that fell from the sky were regarded as gifts from gods in the eyes of ancient Egyptians. This meant that jewelry or treasures made of meteorites could become gifts for the royal family or the upper class."

Yang Cheng listened very carefully and didn't dare to let go of any clues, but obviously, this opening remark seemed to have nothing to do with Memory Metal.

Professor Smith briefly introduced some ancient Egyptian attitudes towards meteorites, and finally turned to the topic, "After our research, we found that the materials used in the golden mask of Tutankhamun and the necklace found by the British 100 years ago The materials used are exactly the same, no, no, it is precisely from the same meteorite, but the forging and rolling techniques used are different."

Yang Cheng's small heart was beating again, and there were two objects using the same material before and after. What does it mean?

"It was an extraterrestrial meteorite with a history of 5,000 years. The meteorite was beaten into flakes by the ancient Egyptians, then the meteorite flakes were rolled into a tube, and finally made into beads for the necklace. But when it was discovered that year, this necklace It looks very strange, it is a form that is difficult to understand, and after research, it is found that this necklace does not seem to be in line with the aesthetics of the Egyptians at that time.

So a scientist came up with a whim and put forward a guess that everyone at the time sounded incredible, that the beads on this chain of necklaces were deformed. "

Yang Cheng couldn't wait to ask, "Is it because of the characteristics of the memory metal that caused the beads to restore their original shape for thousands of years?"

Professor Smith nodded affirmatively, "Yes, this is the only reasonable explanation. In other words, this alien meteorite may be the world's earliest memory metal material."

Yang Cheng was immediately puzzled, "Then why this news has never come out? It stands to reason that the discovery of memory metal materials should be the biggest news for scientists Smith shook his head, "It's not that simple, although During the research, a scientist at the University of London conducted a detailed analysis of the necklace with gamma rays and proved that the beads were made of meteorite fragments.

But at the beginning, scientists believed that the material used in the beads was just the most common iron. In addition, this analysis also speculated on the manufacturing process of the beads for the first time. Scientists believed that the ancient Egyptians used forging and rolling techniques, and they repeated meteorites. It is beaten to make it flat, and then rolled into a tube, and finally made into beads for necklaces. People used this method when they first entered the Iron Age. Therefore, the speculation of memory metal only exists in the mouths of scientists. , More as a bold conjecture, but no one has come up with real evidence. "

According to Professor Smith, this necklace was discovered during excavations in a pre-dynastic cemetery in Lower Egypt in 1911. The science and technology of that era, not to mention the study of memory metals, is already very powerful. .

"When did people discover the difference in this necklace?"

“In the past few years, scientists at the University of London conducted a thorough analysis of the beads with the help of scanning electron microscopy and computer tomography. The scan results showed that the metal contained in the beads had a high nickel content, which further verified that the beads were made of meteorites. In addition, they It was also discovered that this metal possesses a completely different crystal structure, called the'Wildman structure', which is only found in iron meteorites.

During the research, they found that the areas that fell off the weathered surface exposed the meteorite source metal below. These areas are vividly called "small windows" by scientists. It is the discovery in this study that gave us enlightenment. An important reason for making breakthroughs from the golden mask. "

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