Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1115: The most beautiful museum in London

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Every time Yang Cheng comes to Liverpool, he will be intoxicated by the rich historical atmosphere here. To be honest, Liverpool itself is not a tourist city. Whether it is natural scenery or urban architecture, there is no place worth savoring. After all, Liverpool is a city. In industrial cities, even if the overall industrial structure is now adjusted, the air still smells of coldness.

The car is driving on the streets of Liverpool. Old buildings can be seen everywhere, and the street scene is even more difficult to talk about. It may be because of the rain. In short, in Liverpool, it is difficult for Yang Cheng to see the lively scene of Anfield. Drifting and deserted are the status quo of Liverpool today.

The historically mottled slate streets, wide and flat, with ancient buildings on both sides, plus a monument, outline the central square of a typical European city. It is rare to meet a modern girl in a trench coat, alone in the square holding a black umbrella Walking, the back looks extremely bleak.

It was originally planned that Ian Al would take Yang Cheng to Liverpool One to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony of the football park, but the rain suddenly increased and they had to cancel the plan and wait until the rain stopped.

But Yang Cheng won't stay in Liverpool for long, and even Ian Ayer's request to stay and watch the game was rejected.

Dismissed Ian Al to let him go, Yang Cheng asked Andrew to drive around the project, but saw nothing. The enclosure has blocked all the sight of the outside world, only the old buildings. It has been dismantled. The entire project was completed in three phases and a total of 26 months. There was no way that Liverpool had too much rain. At least half of the time could not be started, and the construction period would naturally be doubled.

Fortunately, this is a project that will benefit a century, and Yang Cheng has enough patience to wait for it to be completed.

. . . . . .

Returning to the North Sea Manor from Liverpool, Yang Cheng was waiting for the start of the private auction in the continuous rain.

William easily helped him get the invitation letter, one of which was sent to Adam along with luxury cars, famous watches and various materials, and the show was about to be staged.

This night, Yang Cheng was very excited before he set off. He had a sense of being in the American TV series. In the American TV series, those thieves or fraudsters with stunts do not all go through various situations to attack the target. ?

London has always been the oldest center of art trading, and the largest center of art trading. It is also the birthplace of the world-class auction houses Sotheby’s and Christie’s. Therefore, auction culture is particularly popular in London. 'Art Week' will attract a crowd of celebrities and wealthy people.

Of course, it is not yet the time for the spring auction, but auctions held by various private and small and medium-sized auction houses have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, pre-heating for the arrival of'Art Week'.

The Victoria and Albert Museum, Tate Modern Art Gallery, and even the British Museum, these familiar museums are not only the holy places that everyone usually visits, but they are also selected by auction houses as the venue for auctions.

But few people know that near Manchester Square, there is also a low-key private museum that few people know-the Wallace Collection!

A countess who has lived in London for a long time commented on the Wallace Collection: It is a medicinal wine brewed by a girl and a lady, which makes people drunk and just want to lie in a dreamy palace and fall into warm desires.

The Wallace Collection is an art museum. It mainly collects world-renowned fine arts and decorative fine arts from the 15th to the 19th century, as well as 18th-century French paintings, furniture, weapons, armor, porcelain and European paintings before the 18th century Works, including Boucher’s portrait for the lover of Louis XV’s Madame Pompidou and Fragonard’s Rococo classic "Swing", in addition to Rubens and Titian’s works .

When it comes to Rococo, it is necessary to say that the Wallace Collection is known as the most beautiful museum in London because of its unique Rococo interior style.

When Louis XV became the throne, it was the end of the reign of the old king and the stagnation of the Baroque style, replaced by a Rococo style with more complex curves but light and natural elements.

Rococo style is derived from interior design and decorative arts, and it has achieved a brilliant era of European interior decoration aesthetics. However, Rococo seldom involves the exterior of buildings, because when the French aristocrats moved back to Paris from Versailles, Paris has developed into In a city with a stable building complex, it is not appropriate to build a new type of large-scale building, so when talking about rococo architecture, it generally refers to interior design and decoration.

The enthusiastic collision of primary colors and dark tones is the peerless baroque; the soft light colors and golden embellishments complement each other, and it is the fragrance of Rococo.

The Wallace Museum seems to be no different from other London buildings on the outside, but when you enter it, you will find a unique cave. The ceiling, walls, and furniture are based on soft colors such as pink and sky blue, with metal appliances, which make them expensive through a unified display. The gorgeousness of the feminine style and the agility of the girlish style have become extremely harmonious.

Generally speaking, the shape seems to always be subject to the practicality of life. It should not be too presumptuous. People make the bowl round to prevent the soup from overflowing when drinking soup; people make the camera tripod into a triangle to ensure the optimization of the stand. stable.

But human beings, especially artists with unrestrained personality, use color more unscrupulously. It can be said that they are wild based on their mood. People in Z love red because red represents blessing and liveliness;

Nobles like gold, symbolizing their noble status and endless wealth;

The Rococo color scheme is unique, like the bold contrast of the museum interior, ivory white supplemented by light pink, honey gold with sapphire blue, like a graceful and luxurious lady, but mischievously hiding what should be in the boudoir The girl's heart was unscrupulously displayed, and there was no fear that the secret of her boudoir would be learned by outsiders.

In modern life, the exquisite and complex Rococo style is different from the current popular industrial minimalist style. It looks a bit old-fashioned and prone to visual fatigue. But for people who like European palace decoration style, Rococo style is just like treasure.

Yang Cheng’s Rolls-Royce was parked on the street near Manchester Square. After a while, a black Bentley speeding driver in a black uniform and white gloves was parked in the parking space behind. He quickly got out of the car and opened the rear door. Adam, dressed in an elegant gray plaid suit, got out of the car.

The driver was a bodyguard arranged by Hansen.

Adam didn't dare to neglect after getting out of the car, and quickly came to Yang Cheng's car, and took the initiative to open the car door and sit in.

Greetings respectfully, "Sir, good evening."

Yang Cheng didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly, "Good evening, have the information been familiarized? You have no chance to make mistakes. You have to understand that the woman you will face is not the empty middle-aged woman who often appears in your club."

Adam nodded his head and smiled confidently, "Of course, all the information is printed in my head exactly, and I will devote 120% of my energy to deal with it.

I am still called Adam. I am engaged in a small real estate company in London with construction and development as the main body. The business targets are mainly Chinese from the Far East and the United States. I have undertaken many low- and medium-end real estate projects with high cost-effectiveness and stable profits. Recently I became interested in collecting and plan to build a private museum. I came to participate in the auction this time to add a few pieces to the museum. "

Yang Cheng is very satisfied. Adam does have the potential to be a scammer, especially those who scam the nymphomaniac. That face is better than a beautiful knife. Today, Adam has been carefully trained by a stylist and carefully adjusted his 95-point face. After picking it up, there was a trend towards invincible beauty in an instant. Those crystal-like pupils looked extremely clear and charming.

"Very well, remember that although you are worth tens of millions of pounds now, you are living very frugally because of the hardship from snacks. The car is not the best and the house is not the largest. It is just right to show your financial resources. But you will not deliberately show off your wealth. Low-key is your character, otherwise you will not lose your reputation in London."

Adam nodded I understand sir, I will earnestly complete the task you assigned. "

Yang Cheng gave a hum, instructed and warned, "I would rather fail in contact than make the other person suspect, otherwise you will be immediately abandoned."

Seeing Adam listened to his heart, he was relieved and looked at his watch. There was still some time before entering the venue. Yang Cheng simply changed the subject, "By the way, do you know the background of the Wallace Collection?"

This question is very important. Once chatting with Roth Hanbury about the history of the museum at will, it is easy for most people to show their timidity, but Adam is a rich man who is about to enter the collection world. How can he ask the Wallace Museum? Three don't know? This is not logical! At least not in line with Miss Noble's logic.

Not to mention, Yang Cheng really asked. Seeing Adam's confusion, he couldn't help but sighed and patiently introduced, "The Wallace Museum has been collected by the Hertford family for five generations and now has about 5,500 collections. It is a typical closed collection hall, which means that the number of collections will not increase. It is mainly based on the French 18th century collection civilization, especially the rococo-style decoration and painting collection.

The decoration style of the museum is related to the aesthetic habits of the nobles at the time, and is more closely related to the tastes of the royal family at the time. Louis XV’s mistress, Madame Pompidou, was one of the pioneers of Rococo, and Louis XVI’s wife Marie Antoinette was tight. Subsequently, the Rococo style continued to be advocated. That era was also the best time for the Rococo style. The nobles and common people who were influenced by the aesthetic appeal of the royal family, of course, also included the Hertford family close to the royal family.

The second-generation Marquis of Hertford bought this building as a residence in the 18th century. In the early 19th century, he often hosted fashionable social events in this small palace to entertain the upper class in London. "

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