Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1117: With performance (1)

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Yang Cheng didn't even lift his eyelids. He didn't have the time to play with this kind of little milk dog raised in a flowery purse.

As a result, the little milk dog thought that Yang Cheng hadn't heard him, or deliberately ignored him, feeling deeply humiliated, and shouted, "This is my position, please leave immediately, otherwise I will call security. "

The voice was loud enough, and even overwhelmed the sound of the orchestra in the corner of the garden for a moment.

Of course, it inevitably attracted the attention of people nearby.

The scene calmed down for a moment, and Cheryl didn't dare to play anymore. She left Yang Cheng, staring at the little milk dog and gritted her teeth and said, "I thought you were a smart person. Go away. Don't let yourself down. Taiwan, don’t worry, there will be no less money for you."

Little Milk Dog's face was pale, and he looked at the "beloved" woman in disbelief. He married a female celebrity and stepped into London's high society dreams, and it broke apart.

Yang Cheng didn't speak, she was not a level person at all, and she didn't bother to get angry.

But at this time, he found Adam's figure. This guy was holding a glass of red wine, standing behind the crowd, smiling at Yang Cheng, and then moving in the direction of Roth Hanbury.

Cheryl and Little Milk Dog are still confronting each other, but Yang Cheng's thoughts have drifted behind him. If it weren't for the right situation, he would have turned around to watch the show.

Thinking of this, he became bored with the little milk dog's ignorance, a coldness radiated from his body, and slowly swept the little milk dog, making him shiver involuntarily.

The kind of look in the little milky dog ​​can’t be more familiar. In schools and nightclubs, you can often encounter the second generation of vicious tricks. The little milky dog ​​has been cleaned up by himself, but Yang Cheng's momentum is more vigorous and coercive, like Like a real big shot.

I have been following Cheryl for more than a month, and I have seen a lot of big scenes, and I naturally understand that the imposing pretence cannot be pretended.

The little milk dog took a step back subconsciously, with a retreat in his heart, but still insisted on confronting Yang Cheng's momentum, even if he retreated, he had to save face, otherwise he would cheat in the future. . . No, how do you chase women?

There are not many women like Cheryl who are beautiful, rich and cheating, so the little milk dog is naturally unwilling to give up easily, at least she has to step down.

Just about to say a few ruthless words, Cheryl, who was already drunk, was already impatient. She stood up swayingly while propping up the table. She didn't put down the wine glass in her hand and splashed it at the little milk dog. With a sound, a wine slapped the face.

The little milk dog was blindfolded. Cheryl stepped on high heels because of too much movement. She couldn't stand firmly. She waved her arms to try to find the center of gravity, but fell backward. Fortunately, Yang Cheng asked the general behind. When he caught it, she didn't make intimate contact with Guanghua's marble slab.

The little milk dog, who was humiliated in public, turned into anger, and she was about to give Cheryl a real slap when she rounded her arms.

Seeing this, Yang Cheng ignored Cheryl in his arms and immediately got up to fight. He didn't expect someone to move faster than him.

The little milk dog’s erected arm was unable to fall down, and Adam, who had just walked towards Roth Hanbury, appeared behind the little milk dog sometime, and he firmly controlled it the moment his arm was raised. , The relaxed look, coupled with the invincible beauty, instantly aroused the long-dried hearts of the women present.

Adam blinked at Yang Cheng vaguely, and Yang Cheng immediately understood that this is a good opportunity to make a name for Adam. He knew very well that Roth Hanbury was watching from a place not far behind him. What could be more natural than this. Opportunity.

Secretly praised Adam for being smart enough, lifted Cheryl up, made a deliberate gesture of relief, and smiled at Adam, "Thanks to you Adam."

Adam was also relieved. He was about to approach the mission goal just now, but he immediately realized that Yang Cheng's affairs might be an opportunity. At this time, he couldn't discuss the plan with Yang Cheng, but secretly prayed for Yang Cheng to be enough. Smart and able to cooperate with his actions, he quietly approached the little milk dog from behind the crowd, waiting for the fleeting opportunity to appear at any time.

Unexpectedly, this buddy was really interesting, he took the initiative to jump on the chopping board, and Adam naturally accepted it unceremoniously.

And Yang Cheng's words were just right, Adam put down the stone in his heart completely, and said, "With a little effort, how can you be rude to a lady as a gentleman? I don't like this kind of man the most."

When talking, the hand that controlled the little milk dog was never slack. Thanks to him, in order to seduce the rich woman, he usually does not exercise less. The muscles filled with protein powder have no advantage against professional boxing or fighters, but bullying and bullying little milk. A noodle like a dog is still easy and happy.

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I didn't expect that this person, who looks like a dog, would actually do such a dirty thing."

The little milk dog almost squirted to death. He was not such a bully, but I slapped it and thought I was ugly?

However, no one cares about his thoughts anymore. The security guards who have been notified have gathered and took the'prisoner' from Adam. The security supervisor politely smiled at the guests and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you Yaxing, it's us. Serious dereliction of duty."

An old gentleman onlookers was very open and said, "Don't blame you, after all, the world is so big, there are scums everywhere."

Everyone agreed with a few sentences, and the security supervisor put the little milk dog down. A fat beating is indispensable. You must know that security work is outsourced on such occasions. Reputation is very important. If it is because of the little milk dog’s stupidity, As a result, these security work is affected, I am afraid it is more than just fat beating.

The banquet was quickly restored to order. The distinguished guests will naturally not ruin their good mood because of an accident, not to mention the accident did not happen to them.

Cheryl is active in London all year round. Even if she is not familiar with it, she is at least a nodding acquaintance, so many guests came to express their condolences to Cheryl.

I didn’t drink less wine, but after the stimulation, I was more than half sober and returned to normal. Cheryl, who aims to become the new generation of socialites in the City of London, will certainly not miss this good opportunity to socialize with others. There is one more way to connect, so I can only apologize and smile at Yang Cheng, and then accompany others to greet her.

Yang Cheng didn't care, his mind was focused on the task, the stage was set up, and the play would naturally go on.

Adam also had the same idea. He came over with his glass, pretending to hug Yang Cheng, pretending to be a very familiar gesture, and said loudly, "Mr. Yang, it’s been a long time since I saw you. Our company has completed this project. Not bad right?"

"Very good, the speed is still very fast on the basis of quality and quantity. Don't worry, as long as the final acceptance is passed, the balance will be credited to your company's account immediately."

Yang Cheng's usual voice is not so loud, there is no way, the task needs, the voice is not loud, how can Roth Hanbury hear it.

Adam timely showed a confident expression of successful people, "Thank you, Mr. Yang, happy cooperation."

I have to say that Adam’s length is still very attractive to a lonely and cold young woman. Since Roth Hanbury can hook up with William, it can be seen how boring and boring her life is. Only cheating can comfort her emptiness. Little mind.

How could such a woman miss the opportunity to meet a handsome young guy? Of course, Rose, who was born into a nobleman, was dismissive of ordinary little puppies, just like the one who was just taken away, no matter how handsome he was, he couldn't get into her eyes.

Adam is different. With the aesthetics of European and American women, Adam is just one step away from being handsome. It can be said that there is no dead end at 359 degrees.

It’s just handsome, his skill is not bad, look at how fierce and powerful the little milk dog has just been to stop the little milk dog, and the little milk dog has not been able to break away even after a lot of effort.

The most important thing is to have a good background. I don't know for the time being. Who might talk about cooperation with Yang Orange.

Who is Yang Cheng? Even if Roth Hanbury has never met, he can always hear people say that William has often mentioned Yang Orange in front of Nine out of ten sentences are praised.

By the way, my best friend Kate also mentioned Yang Cheng. Kate’s birthday party a few days ago, Yang Cheng’s gifts stole the limelight, and Roth was secretly jealous. Why? Just rely on you to marry a duke?

In short, even though Luo Si was chatting with people, Yu Guang always looked at Yang Cheng, and no one knew exactly who he was looking at except for herself.

Seeing Adam and Yang Cheng were about to say goodbye, Luo Si hurriedly said sorry to the opposite Bitch who was flattering her to please her, and ended the conversation mercilessly.

Yang Cheng didn't know the situation behind him because he turned his back to Roth, but Adam looked straight and was overjoyed. He didn't expect the target to take the initiative to send it to the door. Good luck, God bless.

He drew a cross in his heart and hurriedly winked at Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng is so smart. Hearing the approaching footsteps behind, he immediately realized that Roth was coming, otherwise Adam would not wink his eyes crazily.

So he immediately turned the topic of death back, "By the way, I heard that you are going to enter the collection world?"

Adam deliberately pretended not to see anyone approaching, and responded calmly, "Yes, I have a paranoid love for antiques and art. I didn’t have the conditions before, so naturally I didn’t dare to think too much. Now that the company is on track, I have time and Money is going to pursue their hobbies."

Yang Cheng’s acting skills are very good. He always thought that the old skater in the business world is the best acting person in the world, and it is difficult for the Oscar actor to compare with it. Of course, he is not an old skater himself. He uses Wanda as the richest man. In other words, it's at best a slippery head.

At this time, Roth had already come close. Just as Yang Cheng was hesitant to turn around to say hello, Roth already took advantage of her own woman to get around between the two and smiled charmingly at Yang Cheng, "Mr. Yang? Me." It’s Kate’s best friend Roth Hanbury. It’s an honor to see you here."

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