Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1123: A woman who knows current affairs

Before the start of the game, Yang Cheng was still chatting with Sir Alex Ferguson and other Manchester United stars, but the whistle of the game blew, and the previous harmony came to an abrupt end. Some only left the two sides driving and racing against each other, just for an ordinary foul. , Dalglish and Ferguson had already cursed with blushing faces and thick necks, and Yang Cheng was terrified to watch.

Niang Xipi, Dalglish's health is not very good. If he passes directly because of the excitement of the curse, Yang Cheng can't bear the responsibility.

Let Ian El be a good person and separate the two parties temporarily. You can't still scold you 10 meters away, right?

It turned out that he was too young. Ferguson, who was on the coaching bench, was a famous hair dryer. He often performed good scenes of spraying against the opponent's coach through the referee. Now he does not have the task of coaching. If you put all your energy on spraying people There are really few people who can spray him. Obviously Dalglish is one of the few people.

The two were considered to meet Liangcai when they met their opponents. After the whole game, the saliva sprayed several kilograms, so that at the end of the spray, they even paid attention to the score and directly started a personal attack.

Yang Cheng was nervous about being quarreled by the two old men, like being surrounded by a million bees flying around his head. The high-frequency buzzing sound can definitely make people crazy.

Fortunately, the game was won. Harry Kane relied on the corner kick at the beginning of the second half to get a header and the score of 1:0 was maintained until the end of the game.

There was no flow to watch the whole game. There were too many interruptions and dead balls. The net game time may be less than 50 minutes, and the rest of the time passed in the argument.

There were 3 large-scale conflicts between the two teams in this game, and a total of 12 yellow cards appeared. Almost half of the players of the two teams carried a yellow card. The hot scene made some old fans dream about 20 years ago.

The game is not good? It doesn't matter, as long as the opponent is killed, winning or not can be accepted.

Have a yellow card? Nonsense, it's not bad if you don't have a red card, it's worth all the punishments you're sent off.

At the very first time after the game, Liverpool's celebrities all smiled triumphantly, watching the miscellaneous people at Manchester United fled, and the mood was so refreshing.

Yang Cheng bid farewell to the famous guests and quickly embarked on the helicopter returning to London.

There is another good show on stage in London tonight, he doesn't want to miss it.

After arriving in London at the fastest speed, Yang Cheng joined the bodyguard responsible for squatting and tracking and asked, "How is it? Where is it?"

The bodyguard replied respectfully, "Boss, Adam, and the target behaved very intimately during dinner. After dinner, they went to see a musical and are currently on their way to the hotel."

Yang Cheng smiled satisfied, it seems that there may be double happiness tonight.

Asked the bodyguard to keep watching, he went to the hotel room to rest first, hurriedly hurried all the way, and finally did not miss it.

After taking a shower, he changed his clothes, washed off the smell of alcohol and cigar, and sat in the living room refreshed, waiting for Hansen and the others to adjust the equipment.

The room opened for Adam is next door, and necessary devices such as monitoring and eavesdropping have been installed in place. In order to ensure the success of the mission, Hansen also made second-hand preparations in several key positions.

Soon the walkie-talkie rang, and the person monitoring below heard a message, "Captain, Adam, and the target have entered the hotel, and the atmosphere looks pretty good."

Hansen replied, "I see, go up the elevator together."


The casual bodyguard squeezed in at the last moment when the elevator door closed, without arousing any suspicion.

In a place where Roth couldn't see, he squeezed his eyes at Adam and randomly pressed a floor. Anyway, the floor they were going to was higher than the floor they were going to. He wanted to make sure that Adam and the others did not get off the elevator accidentally.

There were only three of them in the elevator. Adam knew that this was the bodyguard arranged by Yang Cheng, so he was relieved to flirt with Roth behind. The skills he had worked hard in the clubhouse were as good as Rose.

It didn't take long for Roth's eyes to flow and his face was peachy.

Next is the time for the performance of the crab god. . .

Two hours later, Roth was sleeping soundly under the quilt, but Adam looked unusually energetic. He touched Roth lightly without any response. After confirming that the other party was asleep, Adam lightly dropped the chuang and picked up the ground. He wore his clothes randomly, and crept out of the door. The bodyguard in the elevator was waiting at the door. When he saw him coming out, he made a smirk and smiled, "Good performance, and the boss is very satisfied."

Bring Adam into the next room, Yang Cheng leaned Erlang's legs, and ate supper comfortably. When Adam came in, he waved quickly, "Good job, now I'll send you to the airport. The immigration formalities to Australia are being processed, and the balance will also be Stored in the bank on the other side of Australia, stay there for a few years, and wait for the wind to pass, you are willing to come back and find a solution by yourself."

After a pause, I picked up the already prepared envelope, "Here is the ticket, new passport and bank card, I won't send you."

The cooperation between the two parties ended here. Adam knew very well that he did not dare to talk more nonsense, let alone ask for more. After thanking Yang Cheng, he followed the bodyguard out of the room.

After Hansen and others in front of the computer went out, they asked for instructions, "Boss, the video has been edited, shall we have a showdown now?"

From the surveillance screen, Yang Cheng saw that Luo Si was sleeping soundly, and he didn't know that he had fallen into a trap. He couldn't help but sympathize with him. He always had to pay a price when he came out.

Consciously said something kindly, "Don't worry, wait until Adam gets on the plane, let's let our heroine sleep for a while."

Hansen had nothing to do with him, but he was not idle either. He went out for a while and came back and said, "I erased the monitoring of the hotel."

Yang Cheng nodded and didn't speak, her unpredictable appearance was a bit like a gangster.

After waiting for about 3 hours, Adam's flight had taken off, Yang Cheng finally moved, stood up and adjusted his clothes, and came to the next door with a confident smile.

Turn on the room with the room key left by Adam and turn on the lights. The hormonal smell permeated the air. Yang Cheng frowned and fanned, turning on the ventilation fan rather disgustingly, and at the same time lowered the temperature of the air conditioner. The corner of the quilt was lifted hard, and Luo Si unreservedly showed before Yang Cheng's eyes.

Feeling the sudden drop in temperature, Roth in his sleep curled up subconsciously, stretched out his hand and scratched randomly, as if looking for a quilt, but he caught nothing but a mass of air.

Roth pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction, and murmured in a sleepy voice, "Adam, give me some quilt, it's cold~"

Hansen and Andrew held back laughs at the same time, but Yang Cheng was expressionless, unable to see what he was thinking.

Roth yelled a few more times, but still did not get a response. He slowly opened his eyes unwillingly, the bright light stings his eyes, instinctively closed his eyes, and exclaimed, "Adam, why are you crazy? The lights are off."

Yang Cheng still didn't speak~

No response was received several times, Roth finally noticed something strange and opened one eye. First, he saw a pair of legs in black trousers. His gaze was slowly upward, white t-shirt, yellow skin, huh? Yellow skin?

Roth, who is still not fully awake, is a little confused. Adam is white, right? How can white people have yellow skin?

Slowly sorting out his thoughts, Luo Si sat up abruptly, his big eyes opened to the extreme, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar face in disbelief, neither was anxious to grab the quilt to cover his body, nor lost his mind. Yelling.

Yang Cheng finally spoke, "Good evening, beautiful Miss Hanbury, or should I call you Marquise?"

At this time, Roth didn't know where she was being caught. She had received a good education since she was a child and told her that at this time, she must not do any irrational behavior to anger the other party, which would only be detrimental to her.

What's more, her mind turned quickly. Since Yang Cheng has appeared in front of her, it proves that the other party is ready, meaningless struggles will not work at all. Besides, she believes that Yang Cheng will not do murderous things. After all, there is no conflict of interest between the two parties, and no enmity between life and death.

So she changed her sitting position very calmly, raised her knees in front of her, covering the sensitive parts, and then smiled softly, "Call me Roth, by the way, Adam should be arranged by Mr. Yang, right? "

Her tone was gentle, as if she was just asking, there was no anger at all, at least Yang Cheng didn't notice but he knew that Adam must have been killed countless times in her heart by this woman.

Yang Cheng nodded, and didn't mean to hide, "Yes, Roth, you are very smart."

Roth lowered his head and said in a self-deprecating tone, "If I'm smart, I shouldn't fall into the trap."

Yang Cheng shrugged, disapproving, "If you have mental arithmetic and unintentional, it will be the same for everyone, Roth, you don't have to blame yourself."

The dialogue between the two is based on a very peaceful state of mind, without glaring at each other, which makes the whole scene look very strange.

However, the weirdness continued. Roth raised his head again, his mood was still very calm, and his smile was still charming, "Mr. Yang, can you let your bodyguard out first? Give me some face, I promise to cooperate, in fact I There is no room for resistance now, right?"

Yang Cheng tilted his head and seemed to be thinking about this issue very seriously, "It makes sense, but I'm sorry, I can't meet this requirement. I need them to help operate the computer later, I don't know how."

Luo Si smiled helplessly, "Well, when I didn't say it, then Mr. Yang can make your offer."

She didn't even ask why Yang Cheng appeared here or why she was set up to frame her? These questions are meaningless. As long as Yang Cheng puts forward his conditions, Roth will be able to deduce them.

Yang Cheng sighed inwardly, "This woman is really smart, Kate is no match at all~"

At this time, he was grateful for Kate, and fortunate that William woke up in time, and at the same time asked for his help, otherwise the two men tied together would not be Roth's opponent.

Hey? Is this boasting of being smart?

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