Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1129: Suspect Harvey

"Generally speaking, only insiders have access to the source of the film one month in advance, but the team that does sound effects, subtitles, or edits the trailer all sees the entire film. A film handles multiple people before it is released. Knowing the actual source of the leak is not easy.

When the mastermind cannot be found in a short period of time, what Fox can do in the twentieth century is to kill chickens and monkeys.

In the "Wolverine" case, F~B~I finally arrested a middle-aged man in New York who had nothing to do with the film industry. He was charged with illegally uploading pirated movies on the website. This poor scapegoat will face. After tens of millions of dollars in fines and three years in prison, the website he uploaded was also ordered to be closed. "

Yang Cheng didn't know when he lighted a thin cigar, and the clouds became foggy.

Squinting, no emotions can be seen on his face, "According to your analysis, it is difficult for us to find the mastermind? I don't believe that there is no perfect crime in the world, and no one can do it without leaving a trace."

Eddie nodded affirmatively, "But this is the case, unless the other party actively exposes it, there is no way to find out."

"But I always feel that this is a conspiracy, and the other party seems to give New Era Pictures another warning."

Yang Cheng's feeling is quite accurate. When the logical analysis fails, first intuition can always help, especially in the confusing situation like now. His feeling tells him that this is not just an ordinary film. Source leaked.

The reason is simple. The hacker who threatened to ask for Bitcoin did not move after he sent an email, which is not in line with the normal blackmail process.

And Eddie himself also said that most of the incidents of the leak of Hollywood film sources were due to malicious retaliation by competitors or enemies, purely for money.

In comparison, Hollywood’s small and medium-sized companies are mostly engaged in such abusive methods. After all, the Big Six have more resources. Once someone initiates an unlimited struggle first, the influence will be too great. It is a businessman who will not easily do such things that are harmful to others.

But it doesn't matter for smaller production companies. Anyway, they just make a movie, and they can do whatever they can to make money. Copying often happens in the sky.

Last year's Hollywood raging leak, the victim was the famous Quentin Tarantino, who instigated "Pulp Fiction" and "Shameless Bastard". His new film "The Hateful Eight" is the most destined. The script was leaked before the filming of the cumbersome movie. The angry Quentin once threatened that "I won't play anymore."

The result was a lot of hard work, and finally waited for the movie to be released, but it was discovered by netizens before the release that there were already high-definition resources available for download on the Internet. According to statistics, the daily downloads of the website exceeded 600,000 on the day of the leak. There are already pirated disks sold on the street.

According to the watermark printed on the pirated screen of "The Hateful Eight", F~B~I traced the copy to the copy given to Aiken Entertainment Co-CEO Andrew Kosovo by the film producer Weinstein.

Later, the executives involved strongly denied that he had seen a copy of "The Hateful Eight", but the courier signer, Andrew Kosovo's assistant, mysteriously disappeared.

Once the incident has something to do with Harvey Weinstein, everyone feels that it is not surprising, and only the bastard, regardless of his face and reputation, uses the three indiscriminate methods to achieve his goal.

"The Hateful Eight" obviously blocked Harvey's Oscar path, so it suffered a fatal blow.

In fact, when the award season approaches every year, the filmmakers of popular movies will send DVD copies of the films to various Hollywood industry association members, award season voting members, and some media. "Cut Hu", even F~B~I couldn't find it, so it came.

However, Yang Cheng was a little puzzled that "Fifty Shades of Darkness" was not prepared to plot at the Oscars. Why did Harvey Weinstein target this film? Or why do you want to target the new era film industry?

This fat man has been in Hollywood for decades. He knows best what companies can offend and who can’t offend him. Is he eating too much? Ready to provoke Hollywood's rising stars on your own?

Harvey's notoriety has spread all over the world for a long time, but he is not at the same level as Yang Cheng, and he has never paid attention to it. Who would have thought that this **** would take the initiative to hit the gun.

Although he has no real evidence yet, it does not prevent him from listing Harvey as the first suspect, after all, the more it looks like Harvey's handwriting.

"Eddie, go back to Los Angeles in person and check Harvey. This old **** had better play games with the female celebrity safely. If I knew he was the one who caused the ghost, hehe~" Yang Cheng's tone sounded It was dull, but Eddie felt a cool breeze, and his back was chilly.

"It's the boss, I have channels to check Harvey's recent moves."

Yang Cheng suddenly remembered something. He hadn't pulled the matter to Disney before, because the other party is also a big company. Under normal circumstances, he shouldn't take the initiative to break the bottom line, but what if it's abnormal?

He remembers very clearly. Not long ago, he personally ordered Donna Rand to snipe Disney's new film. Although this operation is far from the bottom line, it is completely within the scope of the rules of revenge, but the people of Disney are too overbearing. Does the other party think this is the first to break the bottom line of the new era film industry?

Anxiously exhorted, "Check Disney again to see if they are pushing behind."

Eddie was taken aback, didn't dare to ask more, then retired.

. . . . . .

Not to mention, Yang Cheng's instinct was really accurate, just when he pointed the suspect at Disney and Harvey Weinstein, in a Hollywood spa.

Harvey, the big fat man, stepped into the spa bath with a full body. Not far away was the Disney director Michael Froman who had been waiting for a long time. He saw a wet towel covering his head, and he waited for Harvey to sit down. , Waved impatiently to the female technician behind him and drove them away.

Harvey whistled at the female technician, blinked, and said pretendingly, "I will find you sweetheart later."

The female technician smiled charmingly and turned her head, her face full of disgust and disgust.

"Michael, you really don't know style. How can a massage be done without a woman?" Harvey's eyes moved with the waist of a female technician. Even in front of a big figure like a Disney director, he didn't change his arrogant nature.

Michael Froman covered the disdain in his eyes very well, and asked coldly, "Harvey, are you still in the mood for a massage?"

Harvey reluctantly retracted his gaze and splashed water on his face, "Why not in the mood? I am in a good mood."

Foreman forced down an evil fire, and said silently in his heart, "Calm down, I have known that he is a bastard, don't be like a bastard."

"Harvey, you're over the line this time, you shouldn't divulge the film source of New Era Pictures." Although Froman suppressed his anger, his unhappiness couldn't be concealed.

Harvey smiled unabated, "Michael, did you make a mistake? You asked me to do this. I just listen to your orders."

Forroman gritted his teeth, "But I didn't let you reveal the source of the other party's film, I just let you teach them a lesson."

Harvey disagreed, "Yes, I did the task you explained very well, and New Era Pictures has learned the most intimate lesson."

Foreman finally couldn't hold back his anger, so he stood up, splashing water~

"Harvey, do you still want Oscars?"

The big fat man was silent for a moment, and laughed, "Well, you big masters, never know the hard work of the people below. You won, and said, what do you want me to do? Come and apologize to New Era Pictures? If they would accept it, you said that if I told the mad woman Donna Lande, this matter was instigated by you, guess if she would block your house and scold you for three days and three nights?"

After speaking, the big fat man changed his aggrieved appearance and laughed arrogantly. How can there be the class distinction between the big man and the subordinate? If you don't know them, you must think that Harvey is the boss.

Michael Froman trembled with he could measure the size gap between himself and Harvey, but in the end he didn't dare to do it. Care about."

However, the threats revealed in Harvey's words still made Froman feel deeply malicious, and he couldn't help regretting his original impulse. He shouldn't do anything wrong, and he shouldn't use Harvey, a shit-cracker.

He took a deep breath and tried his best to stay calm, "Harvey, since the incident has happened, it doesn’t make sense to hold accountable. Now I just want to remind you, sweep your tail clean and don’t let the other party grab the handle. As long as there is no evidence, they I dare not do anything to us."

Harvey is still a bit rational, not going to tear his face with the Disney directors. Seeing that the other party gave him a step, he immediately jumped down, "Don't worry, you can't worry about me doing things. I have done similar things countless times over the years. No one has ever caught evidence, even if I guess I did it? F~B~I, I have nothing to do."

Thinking about it this way, Michael Froman was also a little relieved, and it is hard to say that the fat man's ability to do things is worthy of recognition.

He sighed, "Harvey, I kindly remind you that you can walk sideways in Hollywood, but looking at the entire United States, your power is not enough to be seen in front of real big people."

With these words, Forroman couldn't help thinking of how he persuaded himself in Robert Iger's office that day?

With a wry smile and shook his head, what is the difference between himself and Harvey now?

But after all, he was not as cautious as Robert Iger, nor did he have a deep understanding of Yang Cheng. The knowledge of the strength of this young Chinese is only in the data, so he just sighed, and at the same time, he expressed his extraordinary attitude towards Harvey. Dissatisfied, but he would not treat Yang Cheng as if he was facing an enemy.

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