Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1136: Wildfire

"Why are you here? Didn't you say that I'll find you?" Luo? Originally tied the ball head, but was messed up by Yang Cheng's rough movements, so he had to put his hair down to cover the delicate white collarbone, his eyes were full It is sweet.

Yang Cheng's body temperature soared due to Luo's charming tone and charming eyes, but due to the countless pairs of eyes watching the show, he still forcibly suppressed the evil fire.

Organized a decent love word, "I miss you, I can't help but see you sooner."

All women in the world have no resistance to love words, not to mention that they come from the mouth of their beloved, and the buff bonus is 100%!

"Smelly poor~" Regardless of how satisfied he is, he still has to express his disdain.

Don't look down on her face, she gave Yang Cheng a proud look, then she pulled away from Yang Cheng's arms, walked a few steps forward, and suddenly turned around and said, "Come on, invite me to eat. I haven't eaten much after a busy day, hungry. Dead~"

Yang Cheng was dog-legged, and eagerly stepped forward to ‘help’ the Queen Empress into the car, causing her colleagues to make a noise.

Luo? The fair skin of Luo's chest was dyed with a rose color at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After getting in the car, Luo greeted Andrew, who was driving, and hung on Yang Cheng eagerly, muttering, "Miss you~"

The corner of Yang Cheng's mouth turned up unconsciously, and the woman's attachment to him made his heart very fulfilling.

"How long will you be busy with your work? Please take a long vacation when you are done, and accompany me back to New York?" Yang Cheng scratched Luo's cheeks very painfully, and said softly.

Luo's small head rested on Yang Cheng's shoulders, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he closed his eyes and nodded subconsciously when he heard Yang Cheng's words, "I see, this project will be over soon."

The sweet words along the way make the carriage full of happiness.

Back home, White has ordered the kitchen to prepare a big meal. The fresh ingredients delivered by air from the southern hemisphere early in the summer, the five-figure shipping cost alone exceeds all three Michelin stars or top private kitchens in the world. Consumption level.

The deep-sea lobster and king crab from the South Pacific made several flavors and were put on the table at the same time. The attractive flavor almost made Luo lose his restraint.

But at home, after all, you don’t have to be restrained. After going upstairs to simply wash your hands and change clothes, this girl can’t wait to get started, with lobster legs in his left hand, crab legs in his right hand, and a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice in front of him. I have the whole world, and the five senses I eat have been transformed.

Yang Cheng laughed and patted her on the back so as not to be choked.

He wasn't too hungry, so he slowly changed his clothes and was stopped by White, "This is the consumption bill for the whole year of last year. You need to review and sign it."

Yang Cheng took it and scanned it from top to bottom. In addition to the wages and bonuses of the servants including White, there are also various maintenance costs, such as electricity, water, and maintenance of flowers and vehicles, parties, banquets, etc. Adding all the expenses, a total of 7.83 million US dollars, not a fraction.

This number is properly ranked in the top ten in Beverly Hills, but it is more difficult to hit the top five. He has also seen the masters who spend more than one million dollars a month. Compared with the group of upstarts with no brain consumption, This little money Yang Cheng consumes is a fart and is definitely a model representative of diligence and thrift.

In fact, the big head is still the expenses of several parties and banquets. It’s okay to talk about drinks. The key is that the girls who are invited to join the fun need to spend real money. After all, the average level of the appearance of a party girl also represents With the face of the host, Yang Cheng invited the top beauties, and the prices were naturally top-notch.

Of course, the clothes, drinks, accessories and other expenses that White usually bought for him are also counted. By the way, the expenses on the Santa Barbara Ranch are also cost-effective. Looking at it, this figure is immediately It's not so conspicuous anymore.

After a rough estimate, Yang Cheng didn’t say anything. After receiving the signature brush, he signed the bill on the bill, handed the bill to White, and asked, “Is there still money in the manor’s account? "

White’s eyes were smiling. Only working in such a wealthy house can he truly experience the peak of a housekeeper’s career. “Yes, sir, according to your request, the funds in the manor’s account will be handed over to Siwei Space. Last year’s The investment is profitable, and the profit is used to pay the bills, so the account has sufficient funds and no additional funding is required."

Under Yang Cheng's efforts, White finally changed back to his previous title. Of course, if Carson was present, this loyal butler would definitely be replaced by the title of'Master', and would never be the old man Carson. Look down!

"I see, you also worked hard last year." Yang Cheng took advantage of the trend and gave verbal encouragement.

White bowed and said, "This is what I should do~"

Let White go busy, Yang Cheng sat next to Luo? with a smile, this girl has no image, but the servants will not look down on it, they already know that this gentle Chinese woman on weekdays is The future hostess of their manor is also the main object of their service in the future, so how dare they neglect.

Yang Cheng couldn't help feeling distressed again when she saw her eating so happily. How busy was her work? I didn't even eat a meal at the end of the day, which made people hungry.

Just as she was about to speak for her to eat slowly, White hurried over, turned on the TV in the restaurant, and said anxiously to Yang Cheng, "Sir, the news suddenly broke out, and the wildfires in Olympian Town spread all the way to the south. The smoke has affected Belle."

Yang Cheng frowned and watched the news Luo? also stopped eating and stared at the TV screen intently.

"There are wildfires again? California has seen frequent fires in recent years. How does the fire department work?" As a resident of Los Angeles, he is very dissatisfied with this unnatural disaster.

California’s climate is inherently dry, and many people have imperfect fire-fighting measures when playing in the wild. Sometimes a small spark can cause wildfires.

White added, "The wildfire has already destroyed 50 acres of mountain forest, and the line of fire is approaching the residential area. Although it is difficult to spread to Beverly, should we make some preparations?"

Yang Cheng shook his head, "As usual, pressure the community committee and the fire department. If the wildfires really spread to Beverly Hills, the elders of the city's Zheng Hall can voluntarily resign."

He is not pretending to be calm, so don’t worry. In Los Angeles, there is nothing more important than making the owners in the wealthy area feel comfortable. In fact, even if he doesn’t call, the MPs who are for their votes and influence will also Will madly pressure the relevant departments and must not let the lives of these people who have made great contributions to Los Angeles be affected!

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