Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1143: Angry crowd (1)


Jennings rubbed his hands and murmured nervously.

Mrs. Zipperton came back to her senses, and saw that the girl's face was flushed, as if she had seen a beast. Is she so scary?

Silently shook his head, and said with relief, "Don't think too much, this is not a big deal. You will have to get in touch with deeper secrets in the future. It is good to adapt in advance."

Jennings was taken aback, then nodded excitedly, "Madam, do you agree?"

She had previously applied to formally join Mrs. Zipperton’s team, but the other party kept saying that she would consider it, and it was only now.

Mrs. Zipperton nodded with a smile, "I will trouble you to write the publicity draft for me in the future."

"It's a madam, it's an honor for me for a lifetime." The little girl didn't think through her brain and made a promise for a lifetime. Mrs. Zipton looked at this girl as if she had seen herself back then. Of aggressiveness.

. . . . . .

It was late at night when she came out of Wang Keying's apartment, but the city of angels was still shining neon, and it was another sleepless night.

Sitting in the back row of the Rolls-Royce, Yang Cheng seemed to have no energy. After eating, she had been doing exercises and had barely rested, and the iron-struck could not stand it.

But occasionally indulgence, you can vent the inner depression, the body is tired, but the mood is comfortable.

"Boss, the house has been bought." Hansen suddenly turned back.

Yang Cheng nodded, and didn't ask how much money, "You should keep the relevant procedures and documents first."

After a pause, he turned to ask, "Is there any news from the New York Times?"

Hansen immediately said, "Three hours ago, Eddie called. He said that the New York Times has finished writing the article and typeset it. Harvey's scandal will be on the front page of tomorrow.

In addition, Eddie also said that the Toutiao app is ready. As soon as the newspaper is released tomorrow, the supporting news and propaganda will follow, and strive to seize the high ground of public opinion in the first time.

Finally, Ashley Judd will stand up for an interview after the event is fermented. The interview will be broadcast live on CW TV. Ms. Lande also contacted several well-known actresses who have been bullied by Harvey more or less. After Ashley Judd speaks, they will stand up on social media to express their attitudes as appropriate and further expose Harvey's crimes. "

Yang Cheng thought for a while, and felt that there should be no leaks. “It’s done well, but Harvey needs to keep an eye on it. It’s best to find a way to eavesdrop on his phone. I want to know that after the incident, he Who was the first to contact!"

Although a certain connection between Harvey and Disney has been confirmed, he still wants tangible evidence, and speculation and analysis alone cannot be convicted.

. . .

On January 23, 2016, it was sunny all over the United States, and the sun was shining all over the United States. People who woke up on the east and west coasts were about to embark on a new day's work journey, as always.

But today, their journey to work is a little different from the past.

On the subway from Brooklyn, New York to Manhattan, a young man dressed in a fashionable dress, holding his mobile phone and scanning the headline app, his personalized news feed function allows him to always pay attention to idols in the first time. dynamic.

His idol is Taylor Swift. As a fan with little financial strength, heartily licking the screen in front of the computer is the greatest contribution he can make to idols.

But today, he is reading a piece of news with a serious face. This is the news that the app focuses on today, and all users can receive it. There is no personality or personality, and it is related to Hollywood, Xing invasion, etc. Hot keywords, almost everyone will click to browse them, curiosity is the source of the outstanding development of this society.

Then, the young man named Jerry wailed in the subway, "WTF, Harvey this beast!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jerry, who thought he would be despised by the people next to him, looked around timidly, but to his surprise, not only was no one scolded him, but there were also partners with the same hatred and hatred. They scolded a few dirty words together, forgive me. The lack of English vocabulary is just a few words over and over, but they are enough to express their anger and a trace of dissatisfaction. The male thinks: Why am I not Harvey; the female thinks: a bunch of bitters deserve it, just to be famous. Can give up.

In Boston, not far from New York, an elderly man in his pajamas stood in front of the door with a look of sleepiness waiting for the newsboy to deliver the newspaper.

However, he waited a little longer today. It must be that yesterday's university caused traffic to be paralyzed, and the newsboys were unable to deliver the papers on time. The old man who was once a senior intellectual would naturally not blame him, and waited patiently.

Cangtian did not bear the painstaking efforts. After waiting for more than 10 minutes, his body was numb, and he didn't even think about going back to the house. It was really old-fashioned, but the newspaper finally arrived.

The newspaper boy riding a bicycle yelled far away, "Old George, your newspaper~"

As soon as the voice fell, newspapers wrapped in a moisture-proof bag flew over from a distance and landed exactly at the feet of Old George.

The old man bent down to pick it up, and at the same time he patted the snow off the bag, and shouted at the far away newsboy, "niceshot!"

As an old man living alone, Old George's life is monotonous and boring, but he is not bored. His life is very regular. After taking the newspaper, he put it on the table, and then ran to the kitchen to bake bread, fried eggs, fried bacon, and hot milk. , A set of processes is fast and stable.

Arranged neatly in front of the seat, Old George finally sat down, opened the moisture-proof bag, and spread the newspaper. Starting from the front page headlines, every piece of news will not be missed.

However, today's front page was occupied by a fat pig face, and the key news summary was squeezed into a very small space on both sides, which made the dazzling old George very dissatisfied.

Staring at the familiar and unfamiliar face, he cursed, "Fatty man!"

Look at the title again, "Harvey Weinstein fell to the altar~"

Old George was taken aback, "Harvey Weinstein? That Hollywood tycoon?"

When he was interested, he ignored the meal and opened the page directly. As expected, the first page was a special report.

Reporting from the "New York Times" ace reporter Jodi Kanter, George Sr. liked his articles very much.

Unconsciously picked up the milk cup, the sweetened hot milk tasted delicious, and read it carefully with reading glasses.

"Since the first film company was founded a century ago, almost no executive in the film industry has been as dominant or as domineering as Harvey Weinstein.

Weinstein and his younger brother co-founded their own film and multimedia production and distribution companies-Miramax Pictures and Weinstein Group (TWC), which promoted the reshaping of the independent film model, and released Xing, Lies and There are many classic films including "Videotape", "Floating Life in Troubled Times", "Pulp Fiction", "The English Patient", "Shakespeare in Love" and "The King's Speech".

In addition to film and television circles, Weinstein is also quite influential in the zheng industry. He has held fundraising activities for Donkey Party candidates such as Guanhai and Mrs. Zipton many times, with fruitful results.

Weinstein has a keen sense of good scripts, directors and actors, but his way of doing things is somewhat bullying, even unscrupulous. The combination of these two qualities makes some people feel very grateful to him, and some people feel very grateful to him. fear.

So far, the films Weinstein participated in production and distribution have received more than 300 Oscar nominations, and at the annual awards ceremony, he received almost more thanks than anyone else in the film industry. After Vinspielberg, the number of thanks to God ranked third.

Harvey Weinstein, 65, seems to have been accompanied by rumors of xing harassment and xing~qin~ for the past two decades.

To many people inside and outside the film and television industry, this seems to be a tacit and semi-open secret, but over the years, many publications, including the New York Times, have tried to dig out and report on this matter, but all because Did not meet the supporting evidence required for news publication and died.

This is understandable. After all, few people would be willing to say their painful experiences, let alone let journalists use their names in their At the same time, Harvey Weinstein passed Sign confidentiality agreements with the parties, provide compensation, and use legal provisions to threaten and suppress the parties' complaints.

But after years of hard work, we finally convinced several victims to stand up and expose to the public the crimes committed by this beastly ‘Hollywood Tycoon’ over the years——

Aisa Algordo, a film actor and director from Italy, told reporters that she had never spoken before.

She said that Weinstein had forced her to t~u~o to drop her clothes, and she had to do so because she was afraid that Weinstein would "suppress" her.

In an interview with our reporter, Algordo said: I know he suppressed many people before, which is why this story, these more than 20 years ago, and even some older stories, have never been told before. .

As Algordo said, in the past two decades, I don’t know how many victims have suffered unfair treatment, but no one dares to speak up because they are afraid of retaliation and ruin their lives. .

After several twists and turns, the "New York Times" sent a dedicated team to interview 13 women who were persecuted by Harvey Weinstein. Let us applaud and pay tribute to these brave women.

Among these thirteen respectable women, three women including Algordo were succeeded by the Weinstein beast and forced them to do things that were not subjectively intended.

In 2015, NYPD implemented an assault trap, which is a law enforcement method to set a trap to catch the suspect's criminal evidence. In a recording recorded during the law enforcement process, Weinstein personally admitted to touching the Filipino and Italian mixed model Ambu Pull your body and describe it as an act that you have "accustomed" to. "

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