Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1150: Almost missed

   How Yang Cheng could not explore the origin of this portrait, but he was puzzled. How did Huma or Mrs. Zipton know his connection with Egypt?

   He doesn’t believe in coincidences, it’s not a coincidence, 120%

On the stage, the auctioneer Brown, who was giving an introduction with eloquence, didn’t know Yang Cheng’s thoughts. He is now making a good start. For the employers tonight, the prices of these two lots will be straightforward. Deciding on the success of the fundraising dinner will further affect Brown's reputation as an auctioneer.

   If an auctioneer can't accomplish the expected goal well, his evaluation will be immediately reduced by a few percentage points, and his career will be hit hard, especially on occasions where VIPs gather, so Brown has performed extremely hard.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, this head of God Amon, in accordance with the requirements of the lot provider, is given a reserve price of 3 million U.S. dollars, and each increase must not be less than 100,000 U.S. dollars. Now, please start bidding."

   Brown’s bright voice spread throughout the hall, but as soon as his voice fell, there was no scramble for bids, but fell into silence.

   Everyone whispered and seemed to be very interested in this lot, but no one bid, at this moment, Brown's heart was cold.

   But he still kept smiling very well, without letting outsiders see his panic.

   "Are there any bids? This is one of the few treasures circulated from the mysterious Egypt. The opportunity is not lost."

   Brown’s enchantment still has no effect, and the scene has become more and more silent. Now there are no more whispers.

  ‘Is the first lot going to pass? 'Brown scanned the audience very nervously.

   At this time, Hu Ma, who was standing in the shadow on one side of the stage, stepped forward slightly, half of his face appeared, and she winked at Yang Cheng.

   But Yang Cheng didn't know whether it was deliberate or didn't see it, and was not moved at all.

It is the duty of the auctioneer not to make the scene embarrassing. Even though the current situation is difficult to deal with, Brown still demonstrated the high quality of a white glove and said loudly, "I know everyone is unwilling to bid out of respect for the Egyptian pharaoh. , But since this statue appears here, it has proved that it can be privately collected.

  Think about it, when the head of God Amon appears in your private collection, the scene of being envied and jealous by family and friends will give you a sense of accomplishment. "

   Yang Cheng turned a deaf ear to all this. He was thinking about one thing now, why did Tutankhamun and Amon look so alike?

Ever since he came into contact with the mystery of ancient Egypt, Yang Cheng has nothing to do and read a lot of historical documents about ancient Egypt, many of which were obtained by Carson through secret channels. It is this information that helped Yang Cheng in the shortest time. I learned about ancient Egypt in time, and the more I learned, the more I was frightened. Ancient Egypt is really too mysterious. This mystery stems from the unknown and terrible.

   is exactly like this, which made him fall into deep bewilderment after seeing the head of God Amon.

   Amon, the main **** of Thebes in ancient Egypt, became the main **** of the country due to the rise of Thebes. The holy beasts are geese and rams.

   In the 11th dynasty of ancient Egypt, Thebes became the capital of ancient Egypt, and Amon, the main **** of Thebes, quickly became the main **** of all Egypt, replacing the sun god, Ra.

Tutankhamun even ordered that the whole country only believe in Amon as the main god, but the worship of Ra did not disappear because of this. Amon and Ra became one and became Amon-Ra, especially when he was a King of God".

In ancient Egypt, the rulership of heaven belonged to the sun god, and Amon was the supreme god, so logically, Amon was Ra, and Amon was called "the king of the throne and the two continents", or more proudly. As the "king of the gods", the pharaoh of the world is regarded as the son of Amon-Ra. From this perspective, it is not surprising that Tutankhamun and Amon are very similar.

Huma seemed to be unable to wait, and stood a few steps forward again, winking frequently at Yang Cheng, and the effort paid off, finally Yang Cheng saw it, and gave an expression of no hurry, and then continued to sit up in a frantic manner. Then, the number plate in his hand dangled, but it didn't mean to raise it.

   Yang Cheng seemed so calm because he was convinced of the charm of this statue. Everyone present must have been excited, but everyone was watching and wanting to collect this Egyptian national treasure at the lowest price.

   And today’s auction is private, and the confidentiality measures are very well done. Even if the auction is taken away, there is no need to worry about revealing the wind and being found by the Egyptian ZF.

   Two minutes later, when Brown was about to give up, he finally failed to meet Yang Cheng's expectations. Someone could not bear to raise his hand.

  Brown was overjoyed and exclaimed excitedly, "Thank you, Mr. 77, for his generosity, for completing the first bid tonight, 3 million US dollars, thank you again, Mr. 77 bid 3 million US dollars for the head of Amon."

   This time the bid is like opening the valve of the flood gate. After the successive bids sounded, Brown was almost too busy to come, but this kind of busyness was happy.

   "The 57th bid is 3.1 million~"

   "The number 18 on the left hand side, the beautiful lady bid 3.3 million, thank you, this number is as beautiful as you."

   "3.8 million, my God, this is a wonderful number, thank you for No. 111, are there any more bids? 3.8 million once~"

Brown is in perfect control of the bidding When the price reaches a node, he consciously slows down his speech to give bidders time to think. Millions of dollars are not just a few bucks. Don't think about it.

The scene fell silent again, but this silence won't make people panic. Brown held the hammer very calmly, while speaking inspiring words, while scanning the audience with radar-like eagle eyes, to ensure that he would not miss any of the cards. The moment.

   This silence did not last long, and soon someone set off a second wave of GC for bidding.

   "4 million, thanks to the lady in the second row on my right, 4.2 million, can I hear 4.2 million?"

   Before the words finished, Yang Cheng finally made a move, smilingly raising the number plate.

   Although he didn't say a word, he, who was in the center of the front row, immediately became the focus of the audience.

   Brown yelled, "Let's give a warm applause to Mr. Yang on the 2nd, thank you very much, 4.2 million, 4.2 million once~"

   Seeing Yang Cheng's move, Hu Ma sighed with relief visible to the naked eye, retreated back into the shadow, and continued to be her invisible person.

   "Can I still hear 4.3 million?" Brown yelled further.

   After only a few seconds, someone in the back row raised the number plate and directly bid, "US$4.5 million~"


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