Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1153: "Reunion III" is a big cake

   After leaving the film production department, Iger took Yang Cheng to the core of Disney, which is also the backbone of Disney's animation production department.

The current person in charge Ed Kate Moore is one of the founders of Pixar Animation. After Disney acquired Pixar, he officially took over the management and creativity of Disney's three animation studios, and put Pixar’s director in charge of the system and creative work methods. The introduction of the Disney Animation Department has changed Disney’s traditional way of working from top to bottom in which producers choose scripts and find directors, and changed to a bottom-up approach in which the director selects the team, and then the team selects script creativity.

   This brings the creative way of Pixar animation, which is good at telling first-class stories and is always unexpected, into the historic Disney animation department.

   However, Yang Cheng was very surprised that during the visit, he found that computer animation took as long as the traditional hand-drawn animation in the past.

   A group of painters holding paintbrushes in hand, painted a lively animated image of Zhenzhen on the drawing board. The same scene is rarely seen in DreamWorks animation today.

After the acquisition of DreamWorks Animation, Yang Cheng also understood the field of animation production. Jeffrey Kasenborg was an expert in this industry. However, it is clear that DreamWorks Animation relies more on the use of high-tech, except for extremely Individual fragments need to be completed by traditional processes, and most of the remaining projects are handled by computers.

   However, Disney combines new technology and traditional craftsmanship just right, and cooperates with each other tacitly. Only in this way can the animation movies produced in this way become popular all over the world.

   While chatting with Ed, the other side said, "Nowadays, at Disney, in addition to color rendering, which can be automatically operated by a computer, other things still rely on people to draw one by one, which takes no less time than hand-painting.

However, we will not rigidly adhere to the tradition. Our Disney animators often use their spare time to learn computer technology and pursue creativity and effects that can never be drawn by hand. We want to use advanced technology to achieve more beautiful ideas, not Hurry up and save effort.

   This is also the most important decision I made after coming to Disney to restore the hand-drawn animation that Disney had previously cancelled.

   The focus of animation production has never been the form, but the story!

   Are we telling a sincere and moving story? This is the key factor that determines whether the film is a big seller.

Just like the three-dimensional animation "Ratuitouille" we launched in 2007, it is a moving story. The story of a mouse who wants to be a chef reveals the simple truth that everyone can tap their own potential and pursue their dreams. It caused a enthusiastic response from the audience, and earned 580 million US dollars in the global box office. At that time, the 580 million was still very valuable. "

   Finally, Ed ends his speech with a joke.

   Yang Cheng has benefited a lot, content, content, content!

Disney's ability to be so strong does not only rely on external factors such as funds, but insists on innovation and excitement in content, which is the fundamental factor. This also strengthens Yang Orange's expectations for the new era of film industry. Development of its own content universe is the new future. Whether Time Films can extend the foundation for a hundred years.

After turning around the whole circle, I finally returned to Iger’s office. After the secretary delivered the drinks, Yang Cheng said with emotion, “Hollywood colleagues should come to Disney to take a good look. You are worth every Hollywood in combining tradition and innovation. People learn."

   Iger is not modest at all, "This is also our pride."

Yang Cheng couldn't help but suggested, "After reading your animation production department, I think DreamWorks Animation still has room for improvement. Of course, we also have our own advantages, which Disney is far behind. I don't know if there is an opportunity for cooperation between the two parties. If possible, why don’t we choose a big project for joint development? The two sides exchange and learn from each other, learn from each other, and jointly complete a great animation work that will last forever?"

This proposal is very tempting. Iger squeezed his chin and thought for a long time, then suddenly smiled bitterly, "From my personal point of view, your proposal makes me very tempted, but I have to remind you that Jeffery sees Disney as a scourge and makes dreams Factory Animation cooperates with Disney, so it's better to kill him directly."

   Yang Cheng was taken aback, and then he smiled bitterly, how could he forget it, "Well, when I didn’t say, no, no, or another way? Like a live-action movie?"

   Iger's face changed, "You mean "Pirates of the Caribbean"?"

Yang Cheng really didn’t care about this piece of Disney’s exclusive cake, but now that the other party took the initiative to mention it, Yang Cheng thought of having a date or not, and neither admitted nor denied, “Is Pirates of the Caribbean lacking investment? ?"

Now the fifth pirate movie that has taken the world by storm has been filmed. If you remember correctly, it seems to have just started filming. Halfway through the filming of a Hollywood blockbuster, I suddenly found that the budget was not enough and things that required additional investment abound, so Iger did not. I thought about it, I thought I guessed it right.

   Of course, he cannot agree, "Disney has enough funds to ensure the smooth progress of the project."

Yang Cheng shrugged. The answer was in his expectation. "Pirates of the Caribbean" seemed to have only three investors. Apart from Disney, only Jerry Bruckheimer and Johnny Depp's film companies could participate in the cake sharing. Because the two are indispensable roles for the project, they are qualified to deduct a little investment share from Disney's hands like a brave, and everyone else will think about it.

   "It's okay~" Yang Cheng showed greatness, and he was not upset by Iger's rejection.

Robert Iger quietly breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Yang Cheng would turn his face directly. After all, he invited Yang Cheng to the Disney headquarters not to tear his skin, but to ease the relationship between the two parties. No matter from which perspective, Disney and New Era The film industry can't start a full-scale war, it's nothing more than small-scale targeting. If the fire merges, no one can bear the loss.

   And he himself has so much guilt for Yang Cheng. After all, he used Yang Cheng to suppress the board members secretly before, even if Yang Cheng knew nothing.

   But at the level of Robert Iger, it's commonplace to have a thick face and black face, and there is no strangeness on the surface.

   "I heard that "Avengers 3" has begun preparations?"

  Yes, Yang Cheng’s real goal is "Reunion 3", this Marvel movie with the largest investment in history, and the final box office gains made Yang Cheng salivate, and he can't wait to rebirth a few years and directly acquire Marvel.

Iger's heart tightened, and he knew that Yang Cheng was not so good together. Not only did this dispel his attention to "Pirates of the Caribbean", he turned his head and stared at another big cake again. It was an embarrassment to stare at him. Agree No, neither is rejection.

However, compared to "Pirates of the Caribbean", which originally belonged to Disney, "Avengers 3" is just a godson level. Now that there are biological sons, godsons are naturally less important. They are used to ease the relationship with Yang Cheng. Not possible.

Iger was a little moved, and Yang Cheng naturally didn’t know, but he also saw that the high investment in "Avengers 3" would make Disney questionable. Only then did he put forward the investment requirements, even the big label faced such a high level. The risk of the situation will hesitate again and again.

   How high is the risk of "Reunion 3"? Excluding the announcement of a full US$350 million investment budget, even Disney will have a headache for several days.

   In fact, at least half of the US$350 million will be used to pay for the actors, and the real share of film production is not much.

   Now Yang Cheng jumped out to help share the risk in the name of easing the relationship. Although the final film will be successful, a certain amount of profit will be shared, but who can guarantee success? Even if it has been successful many times before, no one can be sure until the results are released. Therefore, for Disney, Yang Orange's proposal is not unacceptable.

   Iger said that he was gentle, but he was an extremely courageous person. Once he decided something, he would not regret it.

   grabbed the olive branch that Yang Cheng handed over, and said, "According to the budget submitted by the producer, I can set aside 30% of the share for New Era Pictures."

   Yang Cheng is very greedy, how can only 30% satisfy his appetite, "40%, according to the old rules."

Everyone is in the same circle, and the new era film industry has an extraordinary position, and Disney dare not do anything on the report. The old rules of Yang are divided according to Hollywood’s traditional cooperative investment method. Don't think about pitting anyone, after all, they are all foxes on a mountain, who doesn't know who sao?

   From the beginning to the end, the two of them never mentioned the previous conflicts and unhappiness, but in the exchange of benefits, the smoke was driven away invisible.

   The atmosphere became harmonious again, and the two sides finally talked about Fox.

   "Jason, can you tell me what you think of Fox?" Robert Iger, 65, is as energetic as he was when he was young.

Yang Cheng hugged his shoulders and paced in place, "Actually, from my perspective, there is no conflict between the two of us in the fight for Fox resources. Disney values ​​Fox's film and television production, film source and copyright, and I only Interested in Fox Sports Channel.

  You should also know that since I acquired CW TV station, I have been trying to give TV stations a personalized label, just like HBO focuses on producing large-scale, large-scale American dramas, my plan for CW TV station is to take the sports route.

The layout for the three major sports leagues in the world has been completed. On this basis, making CW TV the preferred viewing platform for sports fans in the United States is the top priority for the next few years. So Robert, I hope you can understand and join The fight for Fox is not that I want to fight with Disney, but to complete the company's strategic layout. "


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