Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1165: Light weapons exhibition?

   "The project is expected to start shooting at this time next year. You still have a whole year to go. Are you so anxious to transfer the project to me?"

"Do you take me willingly? I can't help it. Recently, Tianwu Pictures is preparing to acquire a game studio, which will involve most of the funds. At the same time, there are two other film projects. Tom is in a hurry to set up a project. No amount of money has been invested in it." David Ellison looked very painful, not physically uncomfortable, but painful to give up seeing the opportunity to make money before his eyes.

   Yang Cheng nodded, "Well, I will let Donna send someone to take over."

   "Is there anything else? I will withdraw first without me~" Yang Cheng said immediately.

   His mind is full of Yui Aragaki's smile, and he doesn't even have the thought to chat with Ellison.

   "Hey, are you a human? I just sent you hundreds of millions, so you just left?" David Ellison looked at Yang Cheng in disbelief.

   "Hey, trust my brother, don't try to compare the position of you and the beauty in my heart." Yang Cheng jokingly made up the knife.

   "You have to say that, I can't let you go, and take you to a good place." David Ellison deliberately said.

   "If you don't go or don't go, I said I want to accompany my sister." Yang Cheng flatly refused.

   David Ellison came over and put his arms around Yang Cheng's shoulders, "Stupid you, won't you take the girl with you?"

Yang Cheng thought about this. It seemed that it was the truth. He took out his mobile phone and communicated with Koji Ito. This guy happily agreed to send Yui Aragaki. It was originally a gift to Yang Cheng. How to deal with it was Yang Cheng’s own problem. .

   "Okay, where to go?"

"Vegas, the world’s largest light weapons exhibition opens tomorrow. The evening before the opening of each year, there is a private auction. The participants are top defense contractors such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon. The auctions cover land, sea and air. A full range of weapons, as long as you want, you can get a castrated version of the F-22." David Ellison said excitedly.

   Yang Cheng gave him a white look, "I'm not your dad, why should I buy a fighter plane if I'm free? You will have to be shot down by the Air Force guy within two minutes of flying."

   David Ellison, like his father, possesses the crazy gene of destruction in his bones.

   "Hey, trust me anyway, I won't let you down. I heard that there will be a retired destroyer for this private shooting." Ellison lowered his voice, as if to say something terrific secret.

   But the news is really amazing. Yang Cheng's eyes widened, "Are you crazy? Why are you buying a warship?"

   Ellison slapped his chin, "Isn’t it old-fashioned? It’s so boring to sail a yacht these years, get a destroyer to go fishing in the Pacific, and then allocate a few shells to find the pirate’s lair and hit his mother."

   Yang Cheng was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He really dared to think about buying a destroyer, Wen Ke fishing, Wu Ke bombing pirates. Why does this idea sound so emotional?

   Okay, he just thinks it’s fresh, but it really makes him buy and kill

   However, this auction sounds interesting.

   "Wait for me, I'll go home and change clothes and drive, see you in Vegas."

   "OK OK, I know you want to carry a girl, see you in Vegas."

  Because of the long-distance driving, I didn’t choose a pull-style car like Rafa, or a RV like the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

   Picking up Yui Aragaki on the side of the road, she was the only one, and she looked a little nervous.

   "Mr. Yang~" The co-driver got on, and Yui Aragaki looked a bit alienated while holding the handbag.

   "Call me jason, if I remember correctly, you and I should be the same age?" Yang Cheng held the steering wheel, reached out and pressed a button on Yui Aragaki's head, signaling her to relax.

   Yui Aragaki tilted his head, "You are also in 88?"

   Yang Cheng definitely nodded, "If you don't believe me, I will show you my driver's license?"

   Yui Aragaki waved his hands again and again, "No need, you look very young."

   Yang Cheng smiled, "You should say this to yourself, since your debut, your face has not changed."

   smiled shyly, Yui Aragaki finally stopped holding the handbag tightly, and looked at the retrospective scenery outside the window, "Where are we going?"

   Yang Cheng smiled mysteriously, "Go to an auction to show you the culture of the United States. The location is in Las Vegas. Have you been there?"

   "No, but I am longing for it, saying that Las Vegas is the city of God."

   "That's not bad to say~"

Talking all the way, Yang Cheng deliberately controlled the speed of the car, and did not rush on, leaving more time to spend with Yui Aragaki. The effect was good. When he arrived in Vegas, the sky began to darken, but Yui Aragaki obviously let go. She has a temperament, and her speech is not so restrained. Yang Cheng's conversation and demeanor along the way left a good impression on her.

After getting off the highway and driving into the Las Vegas Boulevard from the south, you will soon be able to see the entire black glass-covered pyramid building, which is the Luxor Hotel they are staying at. There is no hotel in Las Vegas. It can be as magnificent and psychedelic as the Luxor Hotel, standing there quietly, eye-catching.

   Yui Aragaki learned that they were going to stay here, and excitedly took out his mobile phone and kept taking pictures. Of course, Yang Cheng also cheekily leaned forward and mixed a group photo, making Yui Aragaki amused.

   Luxor Hotel is decorated with the theme of ancient Egypt, and exquisite statues of ancient Egypt can be seen everywhere.

When the night is completely down, in front of the pyramid building, the 146-meter-high Sphinx will shoot a strong light above its head, straight up into the sky. It is the strongest searchlight in the world and can be seen anywhere in Las Vegas. , Also known as the'desert beacon' by people lost in the desert.

   drove the car under the creeping lion elephant, did not like it, gave the parking boy a 20 dollars in cash, and said, "Find a parking space that can't get the sun~"

   "No problem sir~"

The gentleman opened the door for Yui Aragaki, reached out to pull her down, and did not forget to remind her to wear sunglasses. There are too many Asian tourists in Las Vegas. He doesn't want to test Yui Aragaki's popularity in Asia. He also has The fiancée's person, neither of them can withstand the toss of the scandal.

   asked the front desk for a Pyramid Pharaoh's suite, the two went up to put down their luggage, and after a simple tidying, they went downstairs to meet David Ellison.

   "You're so slow~" After meeting, Yang Cheng nodded at Ellison's female partner, and then vomited.

   "Don't mention it, I was almost delayed by this stupid woman on the way. If she hadn't eaten something and had to go to the bathroom, we would have been there." David Ellison also looked at his female companion with disgust.

   The female partner didn't dare to refute her grievances. She seemed to have not been long since her debut. Just like Xiao Li, David Ellison was so tender.

   The four randomly found a restaurant to eat something, and then under the leadership of Ellison, they came to the Venetian banquet hall, where the private shooting was held.

   Unlike the previous auctions, the theme of today’s auction is extremely lethal and destructive arms, so the decoration of the banquet hall has nothing to do with luxury.

The surrounding walls are covered by military green camouflage nets. The long tables on both sides of the rostrum are filled with various types of firearms and weapons, and even bazookas of various formats. Of course, heavy weapons such as tanks and armored vehicles are not seen here. If you arrive, if you want to see the actual product, the organizer will arrange vehicles to send customers to the suburban warehouse, where there are samples consigned by the arms dealer.

   It can be said that the whole banquet hall is'wild'.

   The banquet hall was full of voices. After entering the venue with a special invitation, David Ellison triumphantly said to Yang Cheng, "How about? Not bad, right? This is a man's paradise."

Yang Cheng didn’t really have much interest in guns, but he was also compared with others. It’s certainly not comparable to the lunatics of the Ellison family, but compared to ordinary people, he grew up on his grandfather’s ranch because he was located in Texas. The opportunity to play with guns is far greater than that of ordinary people, and naturally there is no interest in playing, but occasionally it is still possible to have a good time with two shots.

   "It's really good, but these guns will have to wait until tomorrow to be the protagonist. Today's highlight is definitely not these." Yang Cheng said confidently.

   Ellison nodded, "Of course, as I said before, fighter jets can also be bought if you want."

   paused, and motioned Yang Cheng to look towards 1 o'clock with his eyes, "Did you see it? That middle-aged man with a big bag."

   Yang Cheng followed his gaze and nodded to indicate that he saw it, "Who is it?"

  " Eric Prince, the CEO of the Blackwater Company who was rushed to Iraq, the dog leg of the Xiaofeishoe family Ellison introduced in a low voice.

Turning his head and pointing towards 10 o'clock, "The white fat man, the spokesperson of South African EO in the United States, I don’t know what his name is. He used to be a mercenary. It is said that it took a lot of money to get rid of Interpol. He is wanted jointly with F~B~I, but he usually doesn't dare to hang around in the U.S. when he has nothing to do, but it is very popular in Mexico."

   Just after the words fell, he looked excitedly at 9 o'clock, "That, that, that black man with a scar on his face, a member of the French Foreign Legion, shit, is it a gathering of mercenaries today?"

   Yang Cheng was a little overwhelmed, but he was also a bit enthusiastic. Men were all yearning for the battlefield. Although he didn't have the guts to try, the legendary mercenary appeared in front of him and couldn't help being excited.

As soon as he was about to speak, he swept away, but he did not expect to see an acquaintance, Dennis Mulenberg, Boeing’s global vice president. It’s not surprising that he is here. As one of the world’s leading arms dealers, how could Boeing not send out elite soldiers. Will you participate in this rally? We must know that the annual weapon consumption of mercenaries is not much less than that of small countries.

What's more, it is not only mercenary groups who came to participate in the private shooting today. There are also representatives of some countries. The light weapons exhibition starting tomorrow is just a performance that fools the people. Today's private shooting is the highlight of the large arms trade. The transaction volume in one night will reach billions of dollars.


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