Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1169: Private zoo (1)

In the early morning, the streets of Las Vegas were extremely deserted, and the whole city fell into a kind of tranquility after the glitz, a night of feasting, singing and dancing, and people still enjoying a rare peace in their comfort nests. At this time, the class is rich. Lost its luster, everyone is lying on a piece of *, there is no one who has money and who has no money, comfort is common.

The streets are no longer bustling, noisy, and under the blue sky, Las Vegas has become less commercial, and it can be full of temptations, but for ordinary people, it may only be in this time period. , I have the courage to go out and prove that I live in such a city.

When Yang Cheng opened her eyes, she just saw Yui Aragaki coming in from the door dripping with sweat. She was wearing a jogging suit with a white towel around her neck. A few strands of hair were wet and stuck to her cheeks with sweat, and her face was dizzy. A touch of pink.

   "Did you go for a run?" Yang Cheng asked sleepily.

   Yui Aragaki was filled with a desert-like warm smile, "Well, I didn't expect the morning here to be so quiet, as if the whole city hadn't woken up."

   Yang Cheng smiled, retracted his head to the bed, and said, "This is Las Vegas~"

   The process of filming last night was too tiring, so the film will work well. According to his own point of view, it is not a problem to get an Oscar for best actor and actress. Unfortunately, this film can only be enjoyed by himself.

Although I opened my eyes at this moment, the whole person seemed very sleepy. There is no way. The process of filming is so boring. The same action is repeated over and over again. Until the best lens effect is obtained, the next scene can be entered. Yui Aragaki is professional.

   "Where shall we go today?"

   Yui Aragaki, who took a shower and put on new clothes, asked while wiping her hair with a towel.

   Yang Cheng didn't lift her eyelids, she closed her eyes and asked, "Do you have a place you want to go?"

   "I listen to you~"

   Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Why don't you go to my ranch? It's a vacation."

   Aragaki Yui was able to do nothing, nodded in response.

   So, after the two had breakfast, Yang Cheng drove back on the same road, but got off the highway in Santa Barbara halfway through. It was a long time before returning to the ranch and the road was unfamiliar, and he had to navigate to find it.

   There was also White who arrived with them. Before departure, he received a temporary notice. White had a hard time rushing on the road. As a result, he had not waited for a rest and breathed a breath to meet Yang Cheng.

   To be honest, it is not a good time to go to the ranch for vacation. The grass is not green enough, the water is not clear and abundant, and the animals look listless. But compared to the hustle and bustle of the city, this is still a holy place that can wash people’s hearts.

Parked the car, White personally drove Yang Cheng with the battery and they went to the northeast corner of the ranch. After a whole year of construction, the zoo was finally completed. Relying on the virgin forest, it covers an area of ​​300 acres, which is for wild animals. This is the widest living space. No one dares to accuse Yang Orange of cruelty to animals.

On the way to the zoo, White was still introducing some of the changes in the ranch to Yang Cheng. “It took 10 months from the zoo’s construction to completion, except for some animal cubs bought at the animal auction at the beginning, Jeff Lowe has successively introduced hundreds of species of animals, many of which are precious species. Currently, he has cooperated with the Sao Paulo Zoo in Brazil, the Basel Zoo in Switzerland and the Los Angeles Zoo, and will gradually introduce more species from these zoos to enrich the zoo. Animal species."

   Yang Cheng nodded, "Jeff Lowy did a good job. Is the zoo open to the outside world now?"

White affirmed, "Although you do not aim for profit, sir, Jeff Lowe is still very responsible. Before the zoo was officially completed, he contacted nearby schools and organized students to visit the zoo for free. The purpose of trial operation is to find loopholes in services; the second is a disguised means of publicity.

According to his report, many children who have been to the zoo with school will choose to ask their parents to take them again during the summer vacation, and the zoo maintains that new species of animals are stationed almost every month, which also makes the zoo in the minds of regular customers. Maintaining a high level of excitement and freshness, the zoo annual card just launched this year has sold thousands of cards. "

   Yang Cheng was really surprised. He didn't expect that his private zoo had already started commercial operation. "Tell me about the New Year card."

"Nianka’s suggestion was made by an assistant recruited by Jeff Lowe. The assistant had worked in Basel Zoo before and was hired by a headhunter to take up the position of assistant to the principal. He is very talented and very good for animals. Loving young man.

According to his suggestion, the annual card is divided into a single annual card worth 149 US dollars and a family annual card 299 US dollars. Both are real-name systems. The former can only be used by one person, and the latter is a family unit with no more than 3 people at the same time. Admission.

   has sold thousands of annual cards, more than 90% are family annual cards. "

   Yang Cheng immediately settled the bill, "That is to say, just by selling the annual card, the zoo has made a profit of 300,000 US dollars? This does not count as retail tickets? By the way, what is the normal ticket price?"

   "Yes, Mr. Jeff Lowe listed a retail ticket price of $19, free for under 8 years old, and half price for 8-16 years old."

   "The price is right~"

  White suddenly said, "Sir, I am also considering whether this annual card model can be introduced if the ranch resort project is fully opened?"

Yang Cheng squeezed his chin and rejected the proposal, "This is unrealistic. No one will choose to come to the resort multiple times within a year. Once a year is already a very high frequency, it is better to set up a package. The price includes all the items in the ranch. Of course, some items require extra charges."

   "I see, sir~"

Talking about the ranch all the way, I soon came to the main entrance of the zoo. Now a fork road has been built from the entrance of the ranch to lead directly to the zoo. This is to facilitate foreign tourists to visit the zoo without disturbing the environment outside the zoo. .

   Jeff Lowe, who was notified early, led a man with curly hair and glasses standing in front of the gate.

   The zoo gate is designed in the shape of an arch. The English of Jason Zoo is written in a childlike color font, embedded directly above the arch, which is very eye-catching.

Below the arch are modern access control facilities. On the left is the service desk and the surrounding gift shop, and on the right is the ticket office. Two security personnel are separated on both sides of the access control. They are dressed in dark green uniforms and stand with their hands in black berets. Seriously, always watching whether there are suspicious persons moving in front of the door.

At the same time, Yang Cheng noticed that a family of four with two adults and two children walking over from the parking lot on one side. The four of the family were of high value. They all wore the same blue color and style. T-shirts and denim jackets are tied around the waist, and everyone’s faces are filled with happy smiles. It seems that the parents are not very old, and they are probably less than 30 years old, but the children seem to be 4 or 5 years old. age.

They took the printed tickets in exchange for the pass at the ticket office and hung them around their necks. Before entering the door, a boy and a girl, two children clamoring to buy food, the boy shouted childishly, "Mommy, I want to eat ice cream ~"

   And the girl looked contemptuous, learning the accent of an adult, "Children only eat ice cream~"

   The boy was unhappy, "Shut up Alice, you are my sister~"

   The girl has a clear logic, and she directly replied, "But I don't want to eat ice cream~"

   The hot-bodied mother squatted down and pressed her son and daughter's heads spoiltly, "Okay, don't quarrel between you two. One wants to eat ice cream and the other doesn't, right?"

   After speaking, he looked at his daughter with a playful look, "Are you sure you don't eat"?

   The girl named Alice hesitated, and said stiffly, "Don’t eat it, kids eat ice cream~"

   Just as they were talking, the young and handsome father had already returned with two ice cream cones, "Really not eating it? I can only swallow the extra one?"

   Alice finally couldn’t hold back, she snatched it over, "No, why can't Tony the naive ghost eat, I can’t eat~"

   The little boy Tony still wanted to ridicule his sister, but his father shot him off his head, "Well, you are the brother, don’t always fight with your sister~"

   A family of four entered the zoo's gate noisily, and Yang Cheng said with emotion, "Seeing such a scene, I feel that the decision to invest in the zoo is right."

   Jeff Lowe reacted and echoed, "Of course the boss, I can guarantee that in a few years, our zoo will be the most desirable place for children in the United States."

   "I look forward to~"

   "Let's Let's go in and see the results of Jeff's hard work."

   Entering from the gate is a winding forest path. The dense trees obscure the sight of tourists, creating a sense of expectation and mystery. The signs can be seen everywhere to help guests better visit, so as not to get lost or miss the scenic spot.

Yang Cheng did not choose to take a battery car to visit. Instead, like the tourists, he entered the site on foot. Jeff Lowe followed him instead of White and introduced, "Boss, the scenic spot is divided into four major thematic sections, which will appear in front of us soon. 'African grassland', this area gathers various common animals from the African savannah, including African elephants, giraffes, zebras, rhinos, hippos, antelopes, flamingos and other nearly 50 herbivorous animals.

One of the most worthy of our attention is that in May last year, two mountain gorillas rescued from a poaching gang. After consultation with the animal protection organization, they were brought to the zoo. Soon they took advantage of the super high His IQ and rich expressions have become a star in the scenic spot of the'African Grassland'.

And they are one male and one female. The female orangutans were in pregnancy when they were captured by the poaching gang. Soon after receiving the zoo, they gave birth to 3 cute little orangutans. After we announced the news, the people at the Los Angeles Zoo took the initiative to seek out the house. In cooperation, the mountain gorillas at the Los Angeles Zoo will borrow from each other in the future to contribute to increasing the number of mountain gorillas. "


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