Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1172: Golden Python Rachel

   "You haven't answered my previous question."

   After finishing talking, Angus' expression completely relaxed, and he was somewhat complacent, as if he was celebrating himself and was able to talk in front of the boss.

As a result, Yang Cheng poured a pot of cold water on it, and Angus became embarrassed again, “It’s such a boss. The pasture started to plant corn, wheat, soybeans and other crops in a planned manner throughout last year. I believe that by the end of this year, we Our cattle can eat the feed produced by our own ranch. By that time, our breeding costs will be greatly reduced, and the profit per cattle will rise to a higher level."

   Yang Cheng's footsteps have never stopped, and they have been in the middle of the barn with the time to speak, and they have sat down at the round table where Angus usually rests, "That is to say, the cow feed we currently feed is purchased from outside."

   Angus nodded, "Yes, to be precise, it was purchased from a nearby ranch. The quality is not bad, but the cost is a lot higher."

   "Are you satisfied with your salary?" Yang Cheng unexpectedly jumped to the topic and asked a question that both employees and bosses would care about.

   "What?" Angus obviously failed to keep up with Yang Cheng's rhythm.

   "I want to know if you are still satisfied with your current salary?" Yang Cheng repeated patiently.

   "Full~satisfied~" Angus stammered.

Yang Cheng is also very satisfied with this answer. For the boss, every outstanding talent is worth his large price to retain, and to talk to these old beauties with a stubborn mind will have this advantage. There is no need to go around and feel the salary. If it is too low, it means that it is really low, not polite; on the contrary, if he says that he is satisfied with the salary, it proves that he is quite confident about getting the salary now.

"Very well, keep working hard. I hope that one day, I can watch you become my chief cowboy~" Yang Cheng did not hesitate to praise, and gave this young cowboy a very'style' title, chief cowboy, listen Listen, it is the same level as the CEO and CFO.

   The young man was fainted by Yang Cheng's few words, and he couldn't wait to swear immediately and go to the bottom of the pan for the boss.

   It's a pity that Yang Cheng got up and walked outside without waiting for him to express his attitude.

After leaving the cowshed, he went to the racecourse. The thoroughbred horses that Georgina gave him are now the stars of Santa Barbara and even have some fame throughout California. They are currently preparing to set foot A high stage, a mere interstate arena, does not allow these delicate horses to fully bloom.

I personally bathed the horses with Yui Aragaki. Of course, the process was more like dating and playing between couples. After that, they moved to the stands to watch the training of several horses. They didn’t return to the main house until noon. .

   As a result, Yui Aragaki screamed as soon as he entered the hall. It turned out that he was frightened by the golden python coiled on a branch in the corner of the living room.

For these little pets who like to climb, White specially ordered people to create a forest ecology in the living room with branches of various shapes. In addition to the golden python, there is a cute creature koala not far away, lying on the tree sleeping. .

   Yang Cheng walked over and put his arms around Yui Aragaki's shoulders, "Don't be afraid, this is a golden python, with a very docile personality and will not attack people."

   Yui Aragaki was still very courageous. After the initial shock, he calmed down and curiously asked, "Then what does it usually eat?"

"Small white mice, voles, chickens, ducks and other domestic animals should be eaten at least 4-5 per meal, and one meal can last a week." Yang Cheng stepped forward and touched the body of the python, cool. The touch is very smooth.

Yui Aragaki also courageously followed. She stretched out her hand and wanted to touch it, but after trying several times in the air, she didn't dare to fall down. Yang Cheng took her hand and pressed it directly, which scared her. Stiff.

   Yang Cheng said softly, "Don't be nervous, it's Rachel, it's a beautiful lady~"

  Emma Watson started all his pets.

   "It's so cold~" Seeing that Rachel was touched by two people, there was no resistance, and Yui Aragaki finally relaxed. Without the assistance of Yang Cheng, she gently stroked the snakeskin with her hands.

  Rachel has a very fleshy personality, and she is determined to stay still when she can usually. Although Yang Cheng does not often come to see it, she still recognizes who the owner is and is very spiritual.

   No, Yang Cheng touched it for a while and stopped. Rachel actually got a little temper, slowly squirming her body, and the huge snake head stretched out, spitting the letter, which was quite permeating.

   Yui Aragaki was so scared that he stepped back several steps, thinking that Rachel was going to get angry.

   Unexpectedly, Rachel just put his head on Yang Cheng's neck and disturbed Yang Cheng with its cold belly sao. This was a protest. Touch it quickly and feel comfortable.

  White changed his clothes and came back and said next to Yang Cheng, "Rachel has grown a lot this year. When she first came, she almost reached a length of 3 meters. Now she has steadily exceeded."

Yang Cheng sees Rachel’s status and knows that the servants don’t bother much on weekdays. Rachel has been trained since she was a child. After she came to the ranch, she also has a special person responsible for the training. He is not allowed to pester people with his body, otherwise he cannot be treated as a pet Rearing.

Rachel, these pets, will pick up customers in the cute pet area of ​​the zoo when Yang Cheng is away and make money. Only when Yang Cheng returns to the ranch will they be sent home in advance. The trouble is a little trouble, but the two don’t delay. What's more, Yang Cheng doesn't go back to the ranch often, and it doesn't make trouble a few times a year.

   Play with Rachel for a kitchen is ready for lunch.

   At the dinner table, Yui Aragaki talked about a pet lizard she raised. Although it looks terrifying, its personality is as docile as Rachel.

   Yang Cheng is a creature with good looks, and has no interest in ugly guys like lizards.

  Half of the meal, Susu called to inform him that the meeting with Blackstone Group Chairman Stephen Schwarzman had been arranged and he needed to return to New York as soon as possible.

   Helpless, after discussing with Yui Aragaki, she didn't want to go to New York, so she had to say goodbye in advance.

   told White to take good care of Yui Aragaki. She would stay on the ranch for a few days, and it would be a vacation.

   On the plane, Yang Cheng called Susu again and asked about the specific situation.

   It is said that the other party had no idea of ​​meeting, but he didn't know why, he suddenly contacted the office and asked to reschedule the meeting time, and the sooner the better.

   This made Yang Cheng couldn't help but speculate. Could it be that the negotiations between the Blackstone Group and a certain consortium in Country Z broke down? Or the Blackstone Group has a new plan, and because it is a **** that can be used, it will take the initiative to come?

   You know, in the previous appointment, Steve Schwarzman declined the request to meet on the grounds that he was on vacation. That staid and arrogant old man was not a person who changed his mind easily.


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