Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1183: A maverick fashion brand

Food, clothing, housing and transportation have always been the most profitable and stable area of ​​legal business. The scope of coverage and the low threshold are the most convenient way to start from scratch.

Of course, for people like Yang Cheng who do not have the problem of primitive capital accumulation, it can be regarded as a conservative investment project, because as long as the person still exists, no matter when the time comes, food, clothing, housing and transportation are always inseparable elements. .

People will starve to death if they don’t eat, they will freeze to death if they have no place to live, and they will degenerate into primitive people if they don’t wear clothes for a long time, so the importance of ‘walk’ is relatively weak, and they can walk on two legs no matter how bad they are.

So, don’t look at the slow decline of the fashion industry nowadays. It was caused by the overall economic downturn. But people are divided into different categories. This high-end fashion brand will never lack the market. This is also the reason why he is willing to invest in Marc Jacobs. Even if you lose money, you can't lose too much. The dollar can depreciate at home, let alone doing business.

After taking over the task, Ryze suddenly changed the conversation, "Boss, in fact, your thinking has a great fit with Amazon."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"I mean your plan to deploy the fashion industry. Amazon is doing the same thing. If you want to make some noise in the fashion industry, my advice is to find a fast-selling fashion that is positioned at the low-end and mid-range as soon as possible. Brands, in this way can occupy a place in the fashion circle, only to acquire luxury brands, it is nothing more than a castle in the sky without a foundation, which can be blown by a gust of wind.” Ryze reminded rationally that this is his responsibility as a professional manager, boss He has no way of interfering in how to decide, but the necessary reminders must never be less.

Yang Cheng nodded slowly, Ryze was right to remind, "Do you know Amazon's acquisition target?"

Now that Ryze has made a point, he must understand it.

"Yes, at Amazon's internal annual meeting last year, Jeff Bezos expressed his optimism about the fashion field.

Not long afterward, it was reported that Amazon would acquire a series of fashion brands that only use e-commerce for business, including renttheRunway and LeTote, which use the idea of ​​sharing economy to do fashion rental companies; use App to collect data to solve the problem of underwear fitting. ThirdLove, and Everlane, of course, this is a private message, Guan Fang has not yet admitted. "

Yang Cheng shrugged. This is a business secret. Before the matter is confirmed, who will be so stupid to spread it all over the world.

However, the news provided by Ritz is worthy of attention. Although it may be difficult for ordinary people to associate Amazon with "fashion", in fact its scale cannot be underestimated.

"Last year, Amazon's clothing sales exceeded 20 billion, right?" Yang Cheng asked suddenly.

Ryze was also not sure. He searched the pad for a while and nodded, "Not only has it approached 24 billion, it has surpassed Macy's to become the largest clothing retailer in the US.

Since the acquisition in 2006, fashion and apparel have become the fastest-growing categories on the Amazon platform in the past ten years. It is said that Amazon will also launch a variety talk show about fashion. The source is a report from McKinsey. "

4D Space and McKinsey are long-term partners. For well-known large companies in the United States or the world, especially those companies with long-term holdings in 4D Space, McKinsey will send a comprehensive survey and analysis report every quarter and at the end of each year for customers Have a clear and clear understanding of their investment direction.

Yang Cheng is not surprised that Amazon attaches so much importance to the fashion circle. If he is to manage Amazon, he will also favor the fashion circle. In the words of his mother all year round, "The gross profit margin of each fashion product is more high."

Especially when the brand effect is formed, the profits are several times or even ten times the cost. Why can Arnott be able to compete with Bill Lid on the rich list with lvmh? If this were put in the past, one would sell clothes and the other would be a high-tech monopoly business. The two cannot be compared at all.

After all, is it not due to the super high profits in the fashion circle? Lvmh is one of the largest cash cows in the world.

In order to get closer to fashion brands, Amazon has made a lot of efforts. It not only sponsored the first New York Men's Wear Week, but also recruited many industry professionals from fashion magazines to specialize in fashion content and social networking. The sleeves are doing a big fight.

However, Amazon has always been unable to deal with luxury brands. First, because luxury brands are not bad money, they have their own e-commerce brands, and there is no need to rely on third parties; second, luxury brands are a little bit down on Amazon, after all, this will lower Their brand value, like lvmh once publicly stated that they will never sell their own products on any e-commerce platform, and directly-operated stores are the only sales channel.

Although this seems arrogant and rude, but I have to admit that it will push the standard in disguise. What rich people enjoy shopping is the process, and they don’t care much about the result. If the rich lose what can raise their status Pretend to be 13 fun, and that product is still a fart.

In any case, Amazon's ambitions in the fashion field have also confirmed the importance of Yang Cheng's plan from the side, and also strengthened his determination to increase investment in the fashion field.

Just now Ritz reminded him that he could buy a fast-selling fashion brand in the low-end market. This is a good suggestion. Yang Cheng squeezed his chin and pondered for a long time, and suddenly remembered Amazon’s list of purchase intentions. One of the names mentioned His interest.

In today's fashion circle, fast fashion dominated by Uniqlo and Zara occupies a relatively mainstream position.

However, there is precisely such an e-commerce brand whose clothes are not fashionable and never discounted, but they are often sold out. It is also widely loved by celebrities and has an annual revenue of more than 50 million US dollars! It is the American e-commerce brand-Everlane.

Yang Cheng knows about this brand, thanks to her mother. Liu Yun likes to wear this brand of clothes in private, comfortable and simple. She is used to the gorgeousness of LV, and she is suddenly attracted by this simple and classic design. It was so bright that she once told Yang Cheng that if one day she founded a brand by herself, everlane would be the best template.

The founder of Everlane, like his clothes, has a very common name, Mike. In Europe and the United States, one out of ten men must be called Michael. Just like Li Ming in Country Z, he is a lousy street first name.

Michael is a man of science and technology, so the biggest feature of this e-commerce brand is that it only sells basic clothes. You can't see fancy clothes on this website, and some are just returning to traditional designs.

The style and design elements of Everlane are obviously different from other brands. It is inclined to xing cold or straight male style, without too many decorative elements and redundant designs. In the eyes of ordinary people, some The design that looked ugly at the time became a popular design in the fashion circle and became a popular trend.

Michael is following this style, and he wants to differentiate.

In addition, the speed of its new release is also appalling, and only one new piece of clothing is added each time.

The name is called: Its design is adjusted according to the real-time feedback of customers, so that the most classic design can be retained. This has also led to Everlane, which has been established for several years, and now there are only a few hundred new clothes on the market.

Sometimes the more this kind of maverick performance, the easier it is to be viewed differently. You can say that it is slow, but it is a kind of respect for clothing and consumers.

One of Everlane's more well-known concept is that they will disclose the cost, which is also advocated by its founder Michael.

What they want consumers to know is that their money is paying for the design, not just a brand.

Therefore, Michael will announce the cost price of clothes every year, and it is divided into three grades of lowest price, middleware and highest price for consumers to choose.

Out of the trust and recognition of this brand, many consumers will choose the middle price and the highest price.

The positive effect of this is that Everlane has very good revenue every time a new product is launched.

The most important point is that it never does any form of advertising, whether on TV or in newspapers, which will save a lot of money.

It is the same maverick, but it is regarded as a trend. From actors and stars to bloggers and models, they are all fans of it. Among them are Angelina Jolie, Carly Klaus, and Nata. Superstars like Li Portman and Taylor Swift.

By the way, because the price is very low, everlane has never been sold at a discount. Even if this dress is past the popular season, even if it is Thanksgiving or Christmas, it will still be sold at the original price.

This is just this that makes this unique. The cold personality like its products really makes many people fall into a certain obsession.

To be honest, if it weren't for Michael Yang Cheng thought it was a marketing strategy just launched by a marketing master, it's too awesome!

This is undoubtedly a very clever approach, which will give consumers a mentality that no matter when I buy this piece of clothing, I will not suffer a loss. This sales strategy has also drawn the distance between consumers and the brand. .

Relying on these empirical strategies, once launched in 2012, it was enthusiastically sought after by consumers, and the number of registered users instantly exceeded 300,000.

Just a year later, the turnover reached 8 figures. Last year, the valuation of this e-commerce brand has reached 260 million US dollars. It has more than millions of fans on many social media in the United States, and there are many big-name celebrities!

However, everlane's fashion road is far from over. This is just the beginning. It has a long way to go if it wants to compete with fast fashion clothing brands such as Uniqlo and Zara. Not only is it impossible for them to catch up, but they will be left farther and farther behind. They must have capital to support them in order to grow up in a short time. At least they must not lose weight in terms of size.

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