Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1212: Gushen's new car

"what news?"

The old stock **** also wondered how Yang Cheng, who had rarely cared about the predatory fund before, suddenly had so many terrible thoughts, and even went directly to the office to question it face to face, which seemed too abrupt.

Yang Cheng relayed the information he had received from Liu Yiming to the old stock **** after a vague process.

Sure enough, the old stock **** also appeared very confused. It stands to reason that the predatory fund is in a top-secret state, and all operations in Venezuela are also hidden under the surface of the water, which should not be noticed by anyone.

Of course, the old stock gods never deny that there are smart people in this world. The eyes of smart people can always find bright spots that ordinary people can't see. Maybe someone really finds out something from some clues in Venezuela.

"I will pay attention to this situation, thank you for reminding Jason." Buffett solemnly said.

Yang Cheng spread his hands, "It's nothing. Anyway, I am also a shareholder of the predatory fund, am I not? I don't want 1 billion dollars to be lost."

After talking about the main business, Yang Cheng was ready to leave. He was not going to stay overnight in Obah.

Unexpectedly, Buffett suddenly asked to stay, "Let’s go after lunch together~"

Yang Cheng hesitated for a moment, but still agreed. When someone wanted to eat with the stock god, he would have to spend a million dollars in auction, but he was qualified to accept the stock god's personal invitation. Quan should save money.

Buffett allowed Yang Cheng to visit freely. He still had some work to deal with, and then went to the restaurant together. Yang Cheng had nothing to do.

So the old stock **** looked at the financial report of a company in front of Yang Cheng, and Yang Cheng looked around a little bored.

Many people like to hang up their own graduation certificates in the office. Buffett also hangs up one. It is not a college diploma or his graduate certificate at Columbia University, but one he attended the Dell Carnegie training course in 1952. Graduation certificate

Yang Cheng was very curious, and asked casually, the old man replied without raising his head, "Everything in this office represents some very important moments in my life.

That was my certificate for attending the Dell Carnegie training course when I was 21. At that time, I was very afraid of public speaking. I stood in front of a group of people, so afraid that I could not even speak my name. Finally, I made up my mind and spent 100 US dollars to participate in this training course.

Since then, not only can I speak publicly in front of a large group of people, but I can also speak in front of a large group of people without stopping.

I must say that during the Carnegie training course, I asked my wife to marry me. Hey, it seems that my 100 yuan training fee is too worthwhile. "

Hearing his involuntary laughter, Yang Cheng really wanted to complain. What about your lover? As we all know, there is more than one woman beside the old stock god.

"I suggest you take this course too. It is very useful. Although it does not prevent me from shaking my knees when speaking to the public, it allows me to continue speaking even when my knees are shaking from fear to the public. ."

Yang Cheng was speechless, "Thank you for your suggestion, but I don't have a speech phobia. In my opinion, when the lights on the stage are on, the audience is completely dark and there is nothing to be seen. There is nothing to be nervous about."

"Okay, when I didn't say~" The old stock **** was boring to himself, and just like the bear child, he mumbled and continued to read the financial report.

Afterwards, Yang Cheng turned his gaze to the back of Buffett's desk. In fact, he saw it when he first entered the door. The big picture of his father was hanging very eye-catchingly.

Buffett's feeling is very keen, still did not look up, and casually pointed backwards, "This is a photo of my father when he participated in the Jing election. He was only 39 years old at the time. Jing was elected a member of Congress. This photo came from his election. Poster, he later served as a member of Congress for several terms."

Yang Cheng heard, "He is your idol~"

Buffy said, "Indeed, my father is definitely my hero idol.

I have never seen my father do anything in his life that makes people feel that it is not good to be published on the front page of a newspaper. He is a person who is upright and open in every aspect. He gave me unconditional. His love, he supports everything I do, he is definitely a very outstanding person.

I now use the desk he used to use. It has a history of 75 years or more. My eldest sister Doris found this little train model, which she used to place on his desk. Later, she put this little train Gave it to me, and I put it on this desk. "

Yang Cheng saw the small train model, which had already been ‘paved out’, which shows how much the old stock **** loves it and often plays with it in his hands.

Finally finished his work, Buffett took Yang Cheng to the parking lot and personally invited him to sit on a brand new Cadillac XTS. Then he sat in the driving position and smiled proudly, "This is what I just bought last year. Car~"

Yang Cheng clutched his forehead, "For those of you who can't drive thousands of miles this year, this car is enough."

Buffett seemed to have met his soulmate, "Ha~ Yes, that's what I think."

The car started, the old stock god’s technology was good, at least it didn’t have the shock of rushing out, and the start was very stable. "In fact, Susie suggested me to buy this car. He felt that driving an old car in my current position is very good. Shame."

Susie is his daughter~

Yang Cheng deliberately replied, "No, I think that with your status, whatever car you drive will be interpreted as a beautiful meaning, even if you drive a broken pickup truck from the, it will be said to be. Diligent and thrifty."

Buffett heard it, but he didn’t refute, “Someone asked me why I made so much money but didn’t spend it. My answer is that although I like money, I prefer the fun of making money. The process of making more money with the existing money is very interesting.

Every day I drove this ordinary car on the road, I was kind of excited to go to the Metropolitan Museum to visit art. "

Yang Cheng always feels that Buffett is reminding him today, from being a man, to investment philosophy, to his attitude towards money.

Before he could come up with a reason, he went to the restaurant that Buffett frequented. No way, Obaha is so big, and it takes less than a day to ride a bicycle around.

The people in the store were not at all surprised by the arrival of the **** of stocks, let alone rushed to express their excitement. Everything is as usual, no different from serving other guests. If you have to pick the bones in the egg, it may be the restaurant owner’s smile when he sees Buffett , More prosperous than other guests.

"Good day, Warren, are you still the same?"

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