Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1215: Sensible agent

"Eileen? Is it convenient for you to talk now?"

After two minutes of entanglement and distress, Yang Cheng still dialed Miss Erin's phone number. He really didn't find anyone. If it wasn't for Vincent Brooks, he would have liked this. He didn't have to find a woman to accompany him.

"Yang Cheng oppa? Wait a moment~"

Soon, Irene ran from a noisy environment to a quiet place.

After adjusting his breathing, he said, "Oppa, you can say, why do you call suddenly?"

Since the time when Yang Cheng accompanied her home, Irene's dislike for Yang Cheng gradually changed to normal, and then to have a slight affection. This is a gradual process, but the process has progressed a little faster.

"you are busy?"

"Well, I was taking part in the filming just now. It's time for a break and I will go back soon."

Yang Cheng said, "Tell me the address, and I will pick you up from get off work, and then let's talk in person."

He felt embarrassed to say Irene to his face to refuse.

Irene hesitated for a moment. It seemed that she didn't want to let Yang Cheng pick it up, but she didn't know how to refuse, so she had to hesitate, "I'm on SBS TV~"

"I know, I will send you a message when you arrive, and come to me when you are over~"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng hurriedly called Li Zhiyu, who had just left, "You haven't gone far, right?"

"Just got in the car and haven't left, what's wrong with Brother Yang?"

"That's great, you leave the car for me, and you can take a taxi and go by yourself~"

Li Zhiyu couldn't laugh or cry, "I thought something big happened, I see, you can come down."

When Yang Cheng went downstairs to the hotel, he saw Li Zhiyu beckoning to himself. When he approached, a red Prancing Horse car key flew over, "Brother, remember to refuel, the fuel gauge is almost at the red line."

"I see, thanks a lot~"

"It doesn't matter. I knew you had no car and I would get you a good car."

"No trouble, this one is good~"

Li Zhiyu didn't take a taxi, and asked Yang Cheng to take him to his home in Mapo District before turning to SBS TV.

Considering that there are either paparazzi or reporters outside the TV station, as well as a group of fans with eyes comparable to radar, Yang Cheng didn't want to have any more scandals in Korea, so he drove the car to the entrance of the underground parking lot.

The uncle security guard wondered why there are people coming to the TV station at this time, but he still came to ask with due diligence, who does not know Ferrari, and the person who can drive this kind of car is not something that a civilian can offend, so the uncle security walked to the main driver respectfully. On one side, he bent over and said, "Mr. Nim, your car has no record~"

At this time, it was a little dark. In addition to the nearby lights, Yang Cheng was wearing sunglasses again, and only lowered the car window by a gap. He couldn't see the whole face at all. He learned the arrogance of an idol star, "Hurry up and take the pole. Lift up, I'm here to record~"

Uncle Security didn't think much when he heard it. He just thought it was a big star who had just changed his car and had not had time to register, so he quickly lifted the remote control access control lever to let him go.

Raising the window, Yang Cheng whistled loudly. This trick worked really well.

In fact, he can come in openly through Liu Jianjun, but he doesn't want to bother. The visit of his major shareholder will definitely cause trouble within the TV station. His low-key plan will be destroyed. This is not what he wants.

I randomly found a parking space and parked the car, and sent a text message to Irene, "I'm here, in the parking space on the first basement floor, right?"

In the recording studio upstairs, Irene, who was finishing the finishing touches, felt the phone vibrate, and calmly took out the phone with the obstacle of the table in front, just like a student stealing the phone in class.

"I know oppa, wait a moment for me~"

Yang Cheng deliberately molested, "Work hard, don't steal the phone~"

Irene's face flushed, she was not shy, she was angry, she was obviously sending you a message, but she said she was stealing a cell phone?

He couldn't get angry with an angry expression.

After about 10 minutes, the recording finally ended. After talking hard to the staff, he and his teammates returned to the dressing room.

"Children, just buy something to eat later and go back to rest. There is still a schedule tomorrow, Irene, you have to supervise the children and stop eating." The agent said at the door.

Unexpectedly, Irene hesitated and stood up today as abnormal today, "oppa, can I ask for a leave? My friend will pick me up, can I go back to the dormitory later tonight?"

The agent twisted her eyebrows and subconsciously refused, but when she thought that Irene would never ask for leave for personal matters, she asked, "Friend? What kind of friend? Do I have to go? Do I need to accompany you?"

Irene stared at the agent blankly, not knowing how to answer, as if it was not good to say Yang Cheng's name directly, she went out with the director of the company so late, and no one was allowed to follow, which was easy to be misunderstood.

Originally, she didn't think much about the agent by name, but she seemed to have something unspeakable, which caused the agent's suspicion. Oops, isn't it a relationship?

Although the company's requirements for love have been looser in recent years, it does not mean that the girl group that has just debuted can be free to fall in love. If this is exposed, it may cause you to lose your job.

So the agent became serious, "I'll go with you, maybe your friend needs more help?"

Without giving Irene a chance to explain no, clapped his hands, "The children quickly changed clothes and got into the car and went home to rest."

Irene patted her head in distress, as if she had done something stupid.

I briefly explained a few sentences with my sisters, quickly changed into casual clothes, and followed the agent downstairs.

The agent in the elevator was so stubborn that Irene was so embarrassed that she couldn't explain it completely.

In fact, what should the agent do when he sees Irene's'boyfriend' in Naobu while waiting, if ordinary people are okay, threatening and lure, in short, they can't let the two continue to talk.

But what if it's a big star or senior? Intimidation is impossible, temptation? Maybe there is no shortage of money, right?

Trouble~ The agent grinned anxiously, so that Irene was behind him and didn't see him like this, otherwise he would have to fry the pan.

The elevator moved very fast, and it didn't take long to reach the negative floor.

When looking for Yang Cheng’s car, Irene finally spoke, and the voice was only audible to the two of them, "oppa, have you misunderstood something?"

The agent is cultivating emotions. No matter who the other party is, he has to express a strong stance on behalf of the S~M company, so that his ears are muddy, and he doesn't hear what Irene said.

Irene smiled wryly and rubbed her hair, which was all over.

Fortunately, it didn't take a while to come to the red Ferrari. Irene was taken aback. This is different from the car Yang Cheng drove last time, but the corresponding parking space is correct, should it be this car?

Just when she hesitated to explain to Yang Cheng, the Ferrari door was pushed open, Yang Cheng walked out of the shadows and looked at the man beside Irene, "You are?"

He didn't recognize the agent, but the agent recognized Yang Cheng's face. There was no way. The last time he performed outdoors, Yang Cheng left him too impressed and often became the protagonist in nightmares.

He stammered, "Li~Li~Director nim."

The agent can't wait to smoke both of his mouths, he blames himself for being suspicious of his upper body, how good is it to honestly agree to Irene's leave? I have to think about it. It’s okay. It ruined the director’s appointment. Can this job be kept?

Yang Cheng looked at Irene, who bowed her head silently, and then glanced at her agent with a weird look, as if she had guessed something, "Are you Irene's agent?"

"Yes~Yes, director Nim."

"Well, all right, thank you for sending Irene down, and have we met today?"

The agent responded quickly. This is a chance to save his life. He nodded like a pile driver, "Yes, I haven't been to the parking lot today~"

Irene doesn't know whether to laugh or what to do? I can only keep shaking my head, which is ridiculous.

"Okay, you go, Irene, I will be responsible for sending back to the dormitory." Yang Orange waved away. How dare the agent refuse to obey, and finally asked Irene decently, "Then what, Irene, You have fun, don’t rush back to the dormitory, I will explain to the children, I will help you with the itinerary tomorrow, and say that you are unwell, right as the reward for your hard work for a few months, then I will go first , Do not delay you."

This agent is really sensible. In an instant, he made up the scene of Yang Cheng and Irene after dating at night. After tossing all night, can he dance the next day? Jump a fart, you can't wear high heels with soft legs, and you still jump ghosts?

Yang Cheng twitched the corners of her mouth. This strange flower was quite normal when we saw him last time.

Irene has given up explaining, waved helplessly, "I know oppa."

Watching the back of his agent leaving quickly, Yang Cheng then turned his attention to Irene, "Did he misunderstand?"

Irene has made a new look with the new album. The golden wave is draped over her shoulders, which highlights the snow-white and delicate skin. The delicate skin is particularly dazzling in the dim environment. The exquisite makeup made by the variety show just recorded has highlighted Irene’s beautiful facial features. The lipstick with a smart, rich color does not conceal its own demure and gentle, but it just shows the unique charming feeling of a woman.

Although the stage makeup is changed, the jeans and white knitted sweaters that can be simply matched are not out of the ordinary at all, revealing a pure sense of comfort.

Like a discouraged ball, Irene nodded weakly, "I must have misunderstood. I just looked like eating people in the dressing room."

Yang Cheng smiled and stretched out her hand to rub her little head, "Okay, don't think about it, I warned him just now, I believe he is a smart person and will not go out to spread the word."

Irene did not resist, "I see~"

He raised his head and blinked his big eyes, "oppa, when did you go back to Korea? What's the matter with coming here so late?"

Yang Cheng couldn't make it so, she drank her appetite, "Don't worry about it, get hungry, take you to dinner first."

Not to mention it's okay, so mentioning that, Irene immediately felt empty in her stomach, and did not reject Yang Cheng's proposal and went to Ferrari.

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