Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1221: Threat warning

"Dean?" The doctor with round glasses said suspiciously.

Although he seldom comes into contact with senior patients in the hospital, there are no shortage of well-equipped patients on the floors he is responsible for, and he can naturally distinguish Yang Cheng's natural aristocratic atmosphere.

Not dare to neglect, he took the call and talked with his back.

Turning his head back, he had already put on a pleasing expression, "Mr. Yang, the dean personally explained that Miss Pei Zhuyan will be transferred to the VIP ward on the 11th floor, and the next treatment will be handled by an expert team led by the deputy dean."

The changes before and after the doctor did not escape the eyes of the Pei family's three. They knew that the root of all these changes came from the young man who always kept smiling indifferently, and also the Pei family son-in-law who Pei father and mother thought.

This is a good thing for their daughters, they will naturally not refute it pretentiously, let alone Pei Zhuxuan by the side, nor will they allow their parents to refuse Yang Cheng's kindness.

Thanking Yang Cheng with his eyes, it was quite affectionate.

"Then make arrangements as soon as possible. I don't want to see the patient with sequelae after healed." Yang Cheng casually found a cause and warned.

As soon as the doctors and nurses were busy, they transferred Pei Zhuyan to the ward on the 11th floor. The environment of this ward was much better. It had an area of ​​more than 80 square meters, with its own bathroom, and separated the bedroom and living room. There were two singles in the living room. Chuang, this is for the staff to accompany Chuang. The decoration of the room is more deliberate. The pale yellow walls and white marble floor are covered with carpets. The overall style is very warm, so that patients and their families can get comprehensive physical and spiritual comfort.

The doctors and nurses withdrew, Pei's father took Yang Cheng's hand excitedly, "Thank you so much~"

Yang Cheng patted the back of Father Pei's hand, "Uncle, you are welcome, you don't have to worry about the little things you can do."

His humble performance won unanimous praise from his father and his mother, and it seems that he will soon be able to achieve success with Irene.

Having been busy for so long, the sky has turned white and the light is dim, but people can see the dawn of dawn.

Yang Cheng sent someone to buy breakfast again. After eating it, Pei's father decided to go to Jingju in person to see what the Jingju would say.

As a result, he hadn't waited to go out, but someone approached the door first, who was the director of the Jing Bureau of the district.

He came to the door alone, with a flower basket and fruit basket in his hand. He was very happy with a smile, but father Pei was caught off guard by such a situation. He didn't expect that the head of the Jing Bureau who had never met would come to visit him. daughter.

So, is this another picture?

Yes, Yang Cheng firmly believes that the director of the Jing Bureau is the weasel giving New Year greetings to the rooster-not at ease.

"Is it Pei Zhuyan's family? Hello, I am Yan Zhengan, the head of the branch. Yesterday, I heard that Miss Pei Zhuyan suffered misfortune. I was very sad. Today, I specially took advantage of the time before work to come and visit."

Yang Cheng held his shoulders behind and looked at each other coldly. As the head of the family, Father Pei naturally wanted to come out to greet him. Although he didn't want to laugh, he still managed to squeeze out a smile, "Thank you, Director Yan, I don’t know if my daughter’s case has been obtained. What progress?"

Yan Zhengan said with a smile and said that there is no nutritious soup, "Mr. Pei, don't worry, we must trust our Jing Fang, we will definitely investigate the case, and the victim will give an account."

Father Pei couldn't laugh, "But so far I don't know what happened to my daughter, how do you explain to my daughter?"

Yang Cheng gave Father Pei a thumbs up in his heart, thinking logic was very clear, and the problem reached the core.

Yan Zhengan’s smile began to become hypocritical, "The case is nothing special. In fact, I came here today and I want to discuss with you, Mr. Pei. It’s better to close the case as soon as possible? It’s just a small matter. It’s just a small matter. Taxpayer's money, what do you say? Of course, some people are willing to give Miss Pei some help out of humanitarianism and kindness."

Yang Cheng sneered. He could understand that this Yan Zhengan was just wiping people's buttocks, and the other party's influence was not small, otherwise he wouldn't be bothered by a branch chief.

Father Pei also understood. He clenched his fists, trembling with anger, and his eyes were chilling, "So you came to spread the word for others? Want to use money to settle us?"

Yan Zhengan completely revealed his ugly face. He even owed a fake smile, with a hint of not smiling, "Don't say so ugly, what does it mean to settle with money? That is humanitarian aid, and a good-hearted person can't bear such a beautiful person." Only when the little girl was hurt, she offered to help. Don’t misunderstand the kindness of good people."

Mother Pei didn’t know when she heard their conversation, she rushed out of the room, her eyes were splitting, and she shouted at Yan Zhengan, "Go out, you give me out, we don’t want your stinky money, I just want to know who it is. He was murdered on my daughter and finally brought him to justice."

Yan Zhengan waved his hand impatiently, "Anyway, I've brought it here. Think about it for yourself, and I'm just a suggestion made on behalf of yourself. Don't think about using me to exploit loopholes, no one will admit it."

Yang Cheng is speechless. These sticks are very terrible when filming Korean dramas. I didn't expect that they are still so terrible in reality.

But he was not surprised at all. In this country where chaebols prevail, capital represents power, and capital can make ZZ bow down. Therefore, don't look at the naive and clichéd play in front of you, but this is the most realistic aspect of South Korea.

"Go out, you give me out~" Father Pei pointed out the door, resisting the monstrous anger in his heart, and sternly saw him off.

Yan Zhengan didn't care, Shi Shiran walked out of the ward.

Because of his identity, Pei Zhuxuan had not dared to speak up before, so he ran to comfort his parents when they left, but Yang Cheng went out with Yan Zhengan when no one noticed.

While waiting in front of the elevator, Yang Cheng stood shoulder to shoulder with him. Yan Zhengan thought it was the people waiting for the elevator together and didn't care.

Who would have thought that Yang Cheng would suddenly release a recording. It was exactly what Yan Zhengan had said in the ward before, from entering to leaving the door without missing a word.

Turning his head with a panic expression on his face, he recognized that this kid had seen him in the ward, biting his molars and asked in a low voice, "Who are you?"

Yang Cheng squeezed her chin in pretentious thinking, "Who am I? Be regarded as the son-in-law of the Pei family?"

Is it? Maybe not?

Yan Zhengan is confused, but this is not the most important thing.

"What do you want to do?" With a sullen face, he asked left and right to see if there was no third person.

Yang Orange shook his head, "I just want to talk to you if I don't do anything. Director Yan will not refuse, right?"

Of course Yan Zhengan didn't dare and couldn't refuse. He felt that Yang Cheng was different from Pei's family. He saw in Yang Cheng the same temperament as the person who instigated him to come.

The two randomly found a corner position, and Yang Cheng was still willing to buy a bottle of beverage. The relaxed posture formed an unusually sharp contrast with the posture of Director Yan Da.

"Say it~"

Yang Cheng twisted the bottle cap and took a sip of Coke, and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, I can't eat you again."

The muscles on Yan Zhengan's face twitched a few times, as if he often said this to others.

"Then tell me, who sent you here?" Yang Cheng leaned against the wall, holding a Coke in one hand and in his pocket, unspeakably relaxed.

Yan Zhengan's face was dark and scary, "No one sent me, I only came to see the victim on my own behalf."

Yang Cheng laughed, "Okay, Director Yan, I don't have a recording now. Don't be afraid, and don't lie to me with words that don't even believe you. You know, I am different from them.

Void pointed to the direction of Pei Zhuyan's ward.

"I said, I only represent myself." Yan Zhengan is an old fried dough stick no matter what, how could he be swindled by Yang Cheng with a few words.

"Okay, you only represent yourself, then tell me, what did Pei Zhuyan go through last night?"

Yang Cheng seemed to speak very well, asking another question if one question failed.

Yan Zhengan thought for a while. It seemed that Yang Cheng was very worried about Yang Cheng's recording. He took a deep breath and said, "Pei Zhuyan attended a party last night. An accident happened when it was over. She had a little dispute with others and stumbled. Falling into the water."

This sentence Yang Cheng can believe in less than one-third.

But instead of delving into it, he turned to ask, "Who called the police?"

Now, every time Yan Zhengan answered a sentence, he thought about it for half a minute in advance, for fear of Yang Cheng's grasp of what he said wrong.

The more relaxed Yang Cheng was, the more worried Yan Zhengan was, and he pondered for a while, "her classmate."

"What about people?" Yang Cheng accelerated the rhythm, giving Yan Zhengan almost no time to think.

"At the Jing Bureau~"

"Whose party is it~"

"Jin..." Yan Zhengan just vomited a surname, and immediately realized that it was wrong, and quickly shut his mouth.

A layer of cold sweat floated on his forehead, so hung, he almost fell into Yang Cheng's suit and revealed his name.

Yang Cheng didn’t hear the answer he wanted, and was not upset at all. He smiled and said, “It’s okay, I can find this name myself. Would you think you revealed his name?"

Yan Zhengan feels his legs feel his throat is dry, "You~you~ what do you mean?"

Yang Cheng Xiemei smiled and pointed to the camera on the top of the wall, "It's not interesting, I have sent someone to the monitoring room, do you want this camera to not work?"

Next, he didn't even look at Yan Zhengan, and said to himself, "When I send the video to the person whose surname is Jin, what do you think he will do to you?

Suspicious nature is the instinct of human beings, especially for young people who act arrogantly. Will he think that you betrayed him the first time? "

Yan Zhengan felt his head dizzy, as if he had been roasting under the scorching sun of more than 40 degrees for several hours.

Holding on strong, in the end, he didn't fall down. The gaze looking at Yang Cheng no longer had the coldness. Instead, there was a kind of fear, which came from the heart and came from the instinctive fear of human beings for unknown things!

Yang Cheng pretended to be intimate and hugged Yan Zhengan, as if he was thinking about him, "Don't be like this, others thought I did something to you~"

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