Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1227: Transfer back to China?

You can promote this person later, and I like the sensible person. "

Yang Cheng casually decided Li Minzai's fate.

After Li Zhiyu said yes, Yang Cheng said again, “Daeyu Comprehensive Machinery Co., Ltd. is going to merge with Hyundai Heavy Industries. You find a way to break this cooperation. After that, I don’t care whether you take this company yourself or give it to your family. There is only one request for me to let the Jin family completely give up Kim Jong Woo and not help him in any way."

Li Zhiyu did not dare to ask more details. After pondering for a while, he slowly got an idea, "I understand, Dayu Comprehensive Machinery was born in Dayu Heavy Industry, and his strength is not bad. There are still thousands of skilled and experienced workers. It's all wealth."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "You are too exclusive in Korea, otherwise I would do it myself."

Li Jiyu smiled bitterly. He had studied abroad. He naturally knew the impression of other countries of Korea. He was proud, self-confident, narrow-minded, and fond of small actions. Of course, in recent years, Korean women’s virtuous name has been catching up with RB women in the world. It's a pity that even the best reputation has been corrupted by the male stupid high-level men.

"I can't comment on this~"

Yang Cheng didn’t care, and thought moved, “I suggest you accept it yourself, or accept the heavy rain comprehensive machinery in the name of the club. You know, sometimes the life and death of thousands or even tens of thousands of employees can be controlled in disguise. Improve our position in the eyes of ZF."

Li Zhiyu has been fascinated since childhood, and he is not new to Yang Cheng's routines. "I know what to do."

The two chatted for a while, and someone came to report that the pick-up car was approaching.

Yang Cheng immediately called Irene to the door. After waiting for less than 1 minute, a low-key Mercedes-Benz came slowly from the end of the road. Li Zhiyu personally stepped forward to open the door and greeted the Brooks couple, whose complexion turned to dark brown. come out.

"Good evening Vincent, Dennis wants me to greet you for him." Yang Cheng stretched out his hand and shook hands with the tall Vincent Brooks.

"Good evening jason, Dennis often mentioned you to me. Before he came, he called me and asked me to put down my identity as commander and have a good chat with you as a friend. Comeon, is my identity noble?"

Vincent's American humor, even Li Zhiyu, who is quite good in English, can hardly understand, so he can only smile without emotion.

Yang Cheng got a little bit, but he still didn't think it was funny.

Looking at the bloated black woman, she thought, "No wonder this guy is addicted to female sex, and there is an old sow at home, and anyone has to collapse."

At this moment, he sympathized with Vincent a little, and he did not shy away from his eyes. After handing it to Vincent, he got crazy hints, "Look, it's not that Lao Tzu doesn't love home, it's really impossible. ."

"Good evening, Dear Mrs. Brooks, it is an honor to invite you to the dinner tonight. I hope you have a good appetite. We have prepared a lot of food from your hometown tonight."

The Brooks and his wife are both from Richmond, Virginia. In Richmond, there are not only famous black areas, many civil war memorials, museums and ancient battlefield sites, but also a gastronomic capital. Brunch is a feature of Richmond. On the day off, Richmond people flock to restaurants large and small for brunch: the famous frittata, large lobster, Dutch scrambled eggs with mozzarella cheese are all Richmond favorites.

Of course, it’s the evening and it’s not appropriate to have brunch. Yang Cheng asked Li Zhiyu to specially invite an American chef who opened a restaurant in Itaewon. The chef is from Richmond and naturally knows how to cook the most suitable for Richmond. Characteristic taste.

No, when I heard that I could eat hometown food, Mrs. Brooks lost a few kilograms of fat on her body, "Thank you Jason, I'm already looking forward to it."

It was too cold outside. After Yang Cheng introduced Irene to the Brooks couple, everyone entered the house together, and the heating instantly drove the chill away.

In the living room on the first floor, there is still half an hour before the dinner party officially begins. This is a time specially set aside to talk about things. Americans rarely talk about business at the table, and it cannot be said that there is no, but for the traditional state capital For the Brooks couple, it’s very impolite to talk about business at the table.

"Vincent, I heard Dennis say that you have been seeking to transfer back to the United States?"

The U.S. jun implements an overseas rotation system. It is impossible for you to stay in one place until you die. The garrisons in various places are rotated every 2-4 years, and the military officers have to change their blood to avoid a strong military guan staying for a long time. Have military power in a certain unit, causing unnecessary harm.

For example, the U.S. Navy has a very classic saying, "jointheNAVYtoseetheworld", which means that after joining the military, you need to continuously rotate around the world.

For ordinary soldiers, there is no right to choose. Everything is under the command of the superior. But for these troops, especially when sitting in the position of the commander of a garrison like Vincent, you can control where you want to go. Usually The interest groups surrounding the commander are unknown. They will choose to return to the United States when they are about the same age and seniority, because overseas means staying away from the core of power. Only when they return to the mainland can they have a chance to go further.

Vincent Brooks had this idea, but his background is not strong, and he can be sent to South Korea, which is still a developed country, and at least enjoy a modern life. It is still because of his deep past experience, but if he wants to return to the United States Local, without the support of big people, I am afraid it is difficult to do it, and it must be as soon as possible, otherwise he can only retire in South Korea.

He glanced at Yang Cheng meaningfully and said frankly, "I do have this idea."

After a pause, he laughed at himself, "Who doesn't want it?"

Yang Cheng seemed to be convinced, "But just hitting the report again and again will not help you achieve your goal."

Brooks still has a trace of military blood in his bones, but he can recognize reality. "In the beginning, I didn’t believe in evil, but then reality made me recognize one thing. No matter how much credit you have made for this country in the past, in the end, It is still people who determine your position and the rest of your life!"

Yang Cheng stretched out his hands, "This is normal, and it is unavoidable in any country."

Brooks was silent, and Yang Cheng had to continue, "I have a small suggestion here, Vincent, just listen to it.

You know what will happen in the United States this year, and you also know that everything will be reshuffled after the change of term. This is your opportunity, and I am the one who can help you deliver the opportunity to your eyes. As for how to pick it up, it depends on you. Can you bend down? "

Although Vincent tried his best to keep calm, his breath slowly betrayed him.

"Are you related at headquarters?"

Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head. Vincent was a little disappointed, and then asked, "The Ministry of Personnel?"

He shook his head again, "Don't guess, my relationship is with the safety committee."

"What?" Vincent was shocked. He thought that Yang Cheng was already very good at knowing the people in the headquarters of the three services. He didn't expect that Yang Cheng shook his head not because he didn't know him, but because the relationship was not good enough.

Except for Mrs. Brooks who knows a little bit about the secrets of the troops, everyone in the room is confused even if they understand.

To put it simply, the US military command organization is composed of the General Tong, the National Security Council, the Ministry of National Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Army, Navy and Air Service Departments. The highest commander is naturally the General Tong.

The National Security Council is the highest decision-making body for national security issues in the United States. It is directly under the leadership of the General Tong. It is composed of the General Tong as the seat of the committee, the Deputy General Secretary, the Secretary of State Wu, the Minister of State Fang, and the Secretary of Finance. The National Security Affairs Assistant presides over the daily work.

The committee includes senior research groups, crisis management groups, verification groups, committees of deputy ministers, defense planning review committees, intelligence committees and other decision-making consulting agencies. C~I~A is directly under the leadership of the National Security Council.

The Ministry of State Fang is the highest military administrative body of the military. It governs the Armed Forces Policy Committee, the Office of the Minister of State Fang Fang, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the headquarters of the army, navy, and air services. The Armed Forces Policy Committee is the department’s policy deliberations. The organization is composed of Minister Guofang, the joint chiefs of staff, ministers of the three services, chief of staff of the army, chief of naval operations, and chief of staff of the air force. Minister Guofang is the boss.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff is the military advisory and combat command organization of the General Tong, the National Security Council, and the Minister of State Fang. Commander composition.

The military executive agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the Joint Staff Headquarters, with approximately one-third of its staff in the army, navy, and air force. It consists of the manpower and personnel department, the combat department, the logistics department, the planning and policy department, and the command and communications department. And other institutions.

This is also an institution that can directly determine the future of overseas garrisons like Vincent.

Of course, higher-level institutions have the right to make recommendations to lower-level organizations, such as the power to appoint and transfer Therefore, when Yang Cheng said that his relationship was with the safety committee, Vincent was shocked. who? They are all big figures at the top of the American power pyramid. If they can be favored by these big figures, then the future. . .

Vincent's breathing was messed up, this is indeed an opportunity.

Regardless of his dominance in South Korea, even if he meets the most powerful person in this country, he cannot be flattered, and he will even faintly show a superior posture. After all, he is the most senior person responsible for the security and stability of this country and region. , Total tong? Go ahead and do your economy honestly. Only when you make money can you pay me salaries. As for the jun affairs, don't even think about interfering with your fingernails.

It is precisely because of Vincent's special presence in Korea that Yang Cheng will give his idea to him.

The two were Zhou Yu's fight against Huang Gai-one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer, and the two used each other to talk about who owed whom.

Of course, at this moment, Yang Cheng has the upper hand slightly, who will let him hold Vincent's future life.

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