Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1243: Encounter Tianxian

Yang Cheng took a sip of tea. It is worth mentioning that in addition to the outstanding environment and refreshments, the Peninsula Hotel’s afternoon tea is famous for their tea sets and tableware, ranging from teapots, tea drains, tea spoons, trays, knives and forks to refreshments. The racks, and even the sugar cups, use special silverware made by the traditional brand Roberts Belt, most of which were ordered in the UK 80 years ago.

It is said that the hotel uses an average of 48,000 pieces of sterling silver tableware every day, with a market value of 1 million US dollars. It needs 8 special machines for cleaning and polishing every day. So since the opening, these tableware have been placed on the marble table and kept as beautiful as new. , Glamorous, sterling silver tableware, even if nothing is loaded, it feels heavy to hold in your hand.

The variety offered in the menu is not complicated. They are all classic afternoon tea snacks and traditional English tea and coffee. Liu Jianjun ordered Assam black tea and orange blossom tea, but Yang Orange didn’t order it. It was a pleasant sip. The waiter happened to pass by, and he took the initiative to help Yang Cheng refill the cup without greeting.

Traditional English tea mostly uses blended black tea. Put the tea drain on the tea cup, slowly pour the black tea, and then add fresh milk according to personal taste. Yang Cheng is used to the Chinese tea ceremony since childhood. The British custom of adding sugar and milk is not cold, but the original flavor is more flavorful.

"Traditional media is indeed very important, but it is not a necessity, so let's take advantage of this time in Xiangjiang, you can look at the traditional newspapers and periodicals in Xiangjiang, and if there are suitable ones, buy them."

Liu Jianjun shook his head and pointed to the ceiling. "The public opinion positions in Hong Kong are almost in the hands of several big families and the Hong Kong government~"

Yang Cheng frowned, "I remember Ari just bought the South China Morning Post last year?"

"South China Morning Post" is a pure English newspaper with the largest circulation in Hong Kong. It has a far-reaching influence. This transaction was a sensation in Hong Kong at the time. This large-scale acquisition also benefited from Jack Ma's good reputation. Of course, the ZZ game behind it could not Ignored, no matter what, this transaction was also regarded by Xiangjiang people as the beginning of a counterattack by mainland capital.

Regardless of what Xiangjiang people think, Jack Ma's move can be regarded as opening the window of Xiangjiang for foreign investment.

"Yes, it is said to have spent a little over 2 billion, Hong Kong dollars!" Liu Jianjun is now also a person in the media industry, and he naturally pays attention to such news.

Yang Cheng went through the names of many newspapers in his mind, and finally stayed on Ming Pao. This newspaper, which became famous because of Mr. Jin Yong, has long lost its former glory.

Today, the real leader of Ming Pao is actually Malaysian timber tycoon Zhang Xiaoqing, a Chinese businessman deeply influenced by the culture of Country Z. However, this newspaper maintains a strong independence on topics related to democracy and freedom in the mainland. Ming Pao has always had a wide range of influence in Xiangjiang, and has always been highly respected by Xiangjiang intellectuals. There are many obstacles to winning it successfully.

"You go to Ming Pao and try, maybe Malaysians are willing to sell it?"

CY Entertainment is going to be listed in Hong Kong. If the well-known newspaper brand named "Ming Pao" is taken before the IPO, it will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the stock price after the listing.

Liu Jianjun knew this truth in his mind, "Okay, I will immediately mobilize people to Xiangjiang, and strive to enter the negotiation stage with Ming Pao as soon as possible."

Yang Cheng nodded, just about to speak, a beautiful shadow swept through his eyes, huh?

Liu Jianjun waited for a while and didn't hear Yang Cheng reply, but found that Yang Cheng looked at the direction behind him in a daze, turned his head curiously, and noticed the woman who was facing them, so beautiful and familiar~

There was also a man and a woman who were at the same table with that beautiful woman, both of whom looked a little older. Although the lady was not young, she was definitely a great beauty when she was young. She talked with that man in a variety of styles.

"Concubine Liu?" Liu Jianjun recognized that beauty. Although her hair covered most of her face, the appearance and temperament of her protruding face really couldn't be imitated by ordinary people~

Yang Cheng also recognized that it was Concubine Liu Yi. There was an episode between the two. I didn't expect to meet here, fate!

As for the graceful lady, she is naturally her inseparable mother~

But who is the man across from her? Looking at her young age, the clothes she wears are very casual, unlike her godfather.

Compared with the casual dress of the man, Liu Yifei's mother and daughter look more grand, especially Liu Yifei, wearing a caramel suit with a checkered skirt, makes her look feminine. The top beige top hat echoes the beige high heels at the foot, casual yet high-end, full of atmosphere!

"Boss, that old gentleman seems to be Jiang Zhiqiang, the guy from Euphonium, a proper entertainment boss~" Liu Jianjun recognized the identity for a long time, and finally recognized the identity of the other party and said in a low voice.

The distance between the two tables is not too far, about 7 or 8 meters, the louder voice will inevitably be heard by the other party.

Yang Cheng looked at Liu Yifei thoughtfully. She lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking. She seemed not interested in the content of the chat between her mother and the boss.

"Would you like to say hello to the boss?"

Yang Cheng was a little moved, but still shook her head, "Let’s talk about it later, they should be talking about things, it’s not very good to bother them in the past~"

Liu Jianjun is a flattering expert, how can he not guess Yang Cheng's mind?

Snickered, called the waiter, wrote a sentence on an ordinary greeting card, and then pointed to Liu Yifei's table and ordered a few words.

The waiter gladly agreed to help after receiving the tip.

"What did you write?" Yang Orange asked curiously.

"I asked the waiter to give us the same refreshments and flowers. On the paper is your phone number~" Liu Jianjun said truthfully.

Yang Cheng glared at him helplessly, this guy made his own mind.

but. . .

He likes~

The three-tiered refreshment is the characteristic of the authentic English afternoon tea: the bottom layer is not too sweet raisin muffins. Whether the afternoon tea is good or not depends on the taste of the raisin muffins. As a classic of the Peninsula Hotel, only Makes 700 pieces for afternoon tea. The cream with the muffin is the highlight. Use a knife to cut the muffin in half, then tear it open with your hands. Spread jam and cream to taste slowly. The cream is creamy and smooth. It's delicious and dizzying.

Even Yangcheng, who doesn't really love desserts, can't help but praise this muffin.

The middle layer is savoury snacks. After tasting the sweet muffins, you need salty taste to relieve the greasiness. The plate on this layer is composed of pies and sandwiches. Among them, thin cucumber sandwiches and smoked salmon sandwiches are featured. The refreshing and heavy taste alternate, and you will feel a strong sense of happiness after eating.

The top layer is full-bodied desserts: cakes, chocolates, pies, with crystal strawberry jam and creamy Dvorenscher cream. The preparation method has not changed for more than half a century.

These richer-flavored desserts, such as chocolate mousse, red plum cake and mango tart, can help people better arouse the appetite for dinner.

For example, the mango tart, the small green hemisphere is made of special rice skin wrapped in rich mango sauce. It has a bursty taste when you gently bite it. The juice lingers in the mouth. It can be described as a very high tongue tip experience. This is the urge to continue tasting, but just such a small piece is not enough to eat. There is no way, people can only look forward to dinner to satisfy the tip of the tongue.

Liu Jianjun also noticed that there was no refreshment stand at Liu Yifei's table, so he sent a copy.

When the waiter put the almost stand on the table and handed the greeting card to Concubine Liu, the three of them looked over at the same time, with mixed emotions. Concubine Liu Yi, the party concerned, wrinkled slightly, her brows frowned and her eyes revealed a hint of dislike. Liu took a trace of pride and disapproval; while the big man Jiang Zhiqiang was much calmer, just a casual glance, no happiness or anger on his face, as if he did not take this matter into his heart at all, it is probably just who in his opinion The son-in-law is trying to strike up a conversation with beautiful women. There are too many such things, and it's not worth making waves in his heart.

But what surprised him was that when Liu Yifei saw the young man at the table, she only hesitated for a moment before she stood up and walked over.

"Mr. Yang?" Liu Yifei asked when she came to Yang Cheng's table with a hint of uncertainty.

Yang Cheng also stood up, jokingly, "Big stars and nobles forget about things, didn't you just call me jason?"

Seeing that she didn't admit the wrong person, Liu Yifei was relieved and smiled, "Sorry, I'm afraid of admitting the wrong person. I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Who said no? Thank you for helping me fix the car~"

Concubine Liu Yi blushed, "It's because of my bad car skills~"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "It's okay, it's always costing you money. By the way, have you changed your phone number? If you stay in Xiangjiang for a few more days, can you invite you to dinner together?"

Concubine Liu Yi hesitated to refuse, because she didn't have a deep friendship with Yang Cheng, but before she could speak, Yang Cheng blocked the conversation first, "We are also friends, right? We happened to not have dinner together. It's too much."

She smiled awkwardly, and Liu Yifei nodded, "Well, I'll be more respectful than my fate. I will stay in Xiangjiang for a few days, and my phone number has not changed. Just call me anytime~"

Yang Cheng nodded tilted his head and worked his chin, "Then I won't delay you, it seems that your mother is in a hurry~"

Concubine Liu Yi quickly turned her head and gave her mother a relieved look, and said goodbye, "Then I will go back first. Thank you for your refreshments. My mother and others don't like sweets, so I didn't order them. I will definitely taste them~"

"Little meaning~"

Qianying left, Liu Jianjun hurriedly asked for credit, "Boss, am I doing well?"

Yang Cheng's gaze followed Liu Yifei's back, and nodded unconsciously, "Yes, good job~"

Liu Jianjun was also joking, but he didn't expect Yang Cheng to give him any reward.

"Unexpectedly, boss, you still know Liu Yifei~"

Concubine Liu Yi had already returned to her seat and sat down and smiled politely at him. Only then did she withdraw her mind, and said casually, "I happened to know each other, where did we just talk about it?"

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