Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1245: The entertainment industry is hypocritical

Liu Jianjun was very winked, and he immediately recruited the waiter and joined the two tables together, "Mr Jiang, please sit down~"

Yang Cheng also wanted to know what Jiang Zhiqiang wanted to do with Liu Yifei's mother and daughter suddenly.

Everyone had different expressions after they were seated. The most obvious one was Liu Xiaoli, who looked at Yang Cheng as if looking at her son-in-law.

"Does Mr Jiang have any advice?" Yang Cheng asked, taking a sip of tea.

It stands to reason that he is a junior, and it is not polite to use such words to the elders, but sometimes the gap in status is enough to smooth out the gap in age.

"I don't dare to learn, but I have a lot of respect for Mr. Liu. It just so happened that you met my friend's daughter again, so you took the opportunity to talk a few words. By the way, we are half of our peers~"

There are rumors in the arena. Mr. Jiang is very low-key and does not like to be noisy. He rarely participates in receptions, parties and other activities on weekdays. If he can push it, he will push it. Do not stay.

But in private, Mr. Jiang can be regarded as a man of temperament. There is no lack of comfort from the intimate little padded jacket around him, including the actress who has become famous. I heard that the first target of the movie Mr. Jiang was Liu Yifei. It's just that people don't want to dedicate themselves to art.

Yang Cheng nodded, "Jiang is always a senior in the entertainment industry, I have just started~"

"Young Master Yang is humble, and New Era Pictures has become one of the top seven in Hollywood.

Jiang Zhiqiang felt that the time was about to make a few unnutritious flattery. He stared at Liu Yifei from the corner of his eyes, and said tentatively, "Ah~ I have known Cici’s mother for more than ten years, when Cici was still a child. It has grown so big in a blink of an eye, and it's really timeless."

Yang Cheng didn't know, so she could only say a few words in cooperation, "Who said no, I was still young and frivolous at that time~"

"This kid is good everywhere, but he has no professional ambition. Although it is not a bad thing to have a quiet temperament, it can be put in the entertainment industry. Such a character may be difficult to get ahead. My mother and I worry about this."

Seeing Liu Yifei, Yang Cheng lowered her head embarrassedly, and joked, "I like a quiet personality, a noisy woman vying for fame and fortune, but I don't look at it at a glance~"

Jiang Zhiqiang's thoughts moved, he swallowed what he was about to say, and changed his rhetoric again, "I think Yang Gongzi has a good relationship with Cici. I have a chance to have dinner and watch movies. Young people, many friends, many roads~"

Yang Cheng shrugged and said ambiguously, "Who said no?"

Seeing that the bait did not take the bait, Jiang Zhiqiang was not in a hurry, "Although Cici has no ambitions, she is full of dreams for Hollywood. There is just an opportunity right now. Her mother and I both want to help this child realize her dream."

The hypocrisy of the entertainment industry can be seen from this incident, even if it is Jiang Gang, in front of real capital, it is inevitable to fall into the stereotype.

Yang Cheng has already guessed the other party's intentions, but just want to help herself with a few words? That is impossible.

"I envy those who have dreams, and even those who are willing to work hard for their dreams~"

This kind of big-talking film comes with open mouth, and it sounds pretty good, but it's not really good at all.

"But Young Master also knows how serious Hollywood's implicit discrimination against Asians is. Even though I had a lot of relationships, I barely managed to get an audition place." When Jiang Zhiqiang said this, his eyes were fixed on Yang. Orange, it seems that he wouldn't look away without letting go.

But he misestimated the thickness of Yang Cheng's face, "Indeed, Hollywood has built a very strong wall for Asians and even the entire people of color. If outsiders want to turn over and blend in, they must pay a huge price.

Even if the success is like Jack Chen, he has experienced countless beatings in Hollywood to achieve today's achievement, but it is still difficult to enter the mainstream production. Of course, this is also related to the limitations of his role~"

Do ordinary people understand this sentence? I'm afraid I just nodded subconsciously, feeling that what Yang Cheng said was right and reasonable.

However, Mr. Jiang is an ordinary person, and he grasped the main point of the words almost instantly—the price!

It is impossible to succeed in Hollywood without paying the price, Yang Cheng said very clearly.

For women, what is the price that can be paid? It's obvious~

Mr. Jiang agreed without hesitation, "Yes, but in order to succeed, young people must suffer a little bit and put in more effort~"

Turning around, he said to Concubine Liu, "Siqian ~ Young Master Yang during this period of time in Xiangjiang, you have to accompany him, save him from being boring, don't bother to play, and learn more about Hollywood with Young Master Yang. Culture and rules, waiting for you to officially enter Hollywood, these are very valuable experience~"

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Yifei's mother and daughter's complexion changed at the same time. The difference is that Liu Xiaoli was quickly relieved by the expression of Jiang Dao's eyes. Just like Yang Cheng said, if you want to succeed, this is all necessary. The price paid.

But Concubine Liu Yi is different. She vaguely considers Yang Cheng as a friend in her heart. Now she wants her to accompany her friends. How does she accept this?

Tears wetted her eyes in an instant, but she lowered her head stubbornly, not wanting to be seen.

Yang Cheng doesn’t care so much, it’s just the exchange of interests, and it’s too much to talk about feelings. "President Jiang is polite. I am also willing to communicate with Cici. By the way, which film Cici participates in the audition? Maybe I can also offer one. force?"

He knowingly asked, at this time, what other project can Liu Yifei participate in the audition besides "Mulan"?

Of course, in the eyes of Mr. Jiang, all this is reasonable. He promised Yang Cheng's conditions, and then Yang Cheng must give corresponding rewards. If you don't know which film and how to return?

"It is the film "Mulan" adapted from the ancient literature of Country Z"

Yang Cheng pretended to be surprised, "Disney's project? Are they going to adapt a cartoon again?"

Jiang Zhiqiang nodded, "Yes, this project is currently on the agenda. Because of the particularity of the protagonist, Disney intends to recruit Chinese and even Asian actresses to play the role of Mulan. In the Chinese market, Chinese actresses always have some advantages, but whether they can get to the end depends on the game of all parties~"

Yang Cheng looked a little solemn, "It is difficult for outsiders to intervene in Disney projects, especially this kind of global attention project~"

When he said this, Liu Yifei, who was depressed and depressed, also raised her head.

The routine is very simple. It is very difficult to deliberately say things seriously, and will try to lower the other's psychological expectations as much as possible, so that when you give, you will feel a lot better.

Jiang Zhiqiang was able to hold his breath. He didn't use the method of suppressing first and raising later. Everyone is a monkey on the mountain. Who is smarter than anyone?

Liu Xiaoli is not so calm, "Young Master Yang can't help it?"

Yang Cheng smiled slightly, "People think of the way, how could there be none? But what I want to consider is whether it's worth it~"

After a pause, Jiang Xieqiang's inexplicable expression said softly, "The easiest way is for New Era Pictures to participate in the investment. In the absence of actors that Disney favors, it is normal for investors to ask for a role, but the problem is that Disney has always They like to eat alone, they also have the ability to eat alone and are not afraid to die, so I am not sure whether they will accept foreign funds."

Jiang Zhiqiang followed and said, "This is indeed the easiest and direct way, but the difficulties faced are also obvious."

"Yes, so we can try other ways~"

The eyes were swept across the faces of the three of them, and after successfully lifting their appetites, they said, "I can use the relationship to send Cici to the final round of auditions.

At that time, Cici’s main opponent also emerged, and we could formulate different plans according to the opponents. It was really impossible to cause some trouble and let the opponent quit the competition. "

What he said is fairly clean, but it cannot conceal the nature of the stigma, but this is the entertainment industry. It is easy to stumbling for the benefit. Cases of poisoning people are everywhere. In such a comparison, Yang Orange only creates some trouble. , Don’t be too kind~

"This ~ this is not so good, right?" Liu Yifei, who is kind by nature, can no longer take care of herself. She doesn't want to get the role through harmful methods.

Yang Cheng also probably knows her personality. As Jiang Zhiqiang said, people with a quiet personality are not suitable for being in the entertainment industry full of conspiracies. He also doesn't want to leave a bad impression on the girl, so he took the initiative to explain, "I Having said that, this is a last resort. Besides, if you don’t take the initiative to harm others, what if the other party takes the initiative to harm you? Should we just sit back and wait for death? Don’t fight back?"

Liu Yifei's face darkened. She remembered that in the past few years, she had never actively attacked others, but there were always people who saw herself uncomfortable for various reasons, and held out a black hand in secret. If not, she would rise well. The momentum will not be interrupted suddenly. Wandering in place and even starting to go downhill ~ The good foundation created by the fairy sister has disappeared now, and she was forced to go to Xiangjiang in desperation and seek shelter from a big man.

Seeing that her daughter was not talking, Liu Xiaoli was afraid that she would annoy Yang Cheng, so she quickly added, "Young Master Yang has a point. If you don't offend me, I won't be a criminal. If anyone offends me, I will be a criminal."

Jiang Zhiqiang smiled, "Don't think too much, it's not that far yet. I think Young Master Yang's plan is okay. Let me pass the initial audition first. It's not too late to consider how to deal with it after entering the final round."

Liu Jianjun, who had been sitting there laughing and not speaking, suddenly said, "Otherwise, sign Miss Liu's agent to CY Entertainment? In this way, the boss will help Miss Liu get resources in a decent way."

Yang Cheng didn't say anything. It would be best if it could be natural, but he knew it was unlikely. The godfather of Liu Yifei was not a dry food. Although he was reported in recent years, his strength was greatly weakened, but he was thin and dead. Camels are bigger than horses, how can they easily let go of their infirmities and cash cows?

Of course, if Yang Cheng is willing to pay a certain price, it is not impossible to talk about it. After all, the godfather has a new love, and the old love is just a commodity. Why not sell it at the right price?

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