Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1251: Superman's Mind

In fact, to analyze in detail, Li Chaoren’s large evacuation was nothing more than several main reasons:

1. The decline in rents in Xiangjiang shops and the tide of store closures are unstoppable. Professional institutions such as investment banks believe that the rents of first-tier shops will continue to decline in the second half of the year, but the second and third-tier shops will rise instead, because most of them operate household goods and are less affected by tourists. The fact is that the financial, tourism and retail industries are all continuing to decline, the consumer market continues to shrink, and the rise of shops has lost its driving force;

2. The property market in Hong Kong will see a decline. Yang Cheng found that the price of private residential properties in Hong Kong has increased by 18.4% over the same period in the past six months, and the increase has exceeded 10% so far this year. This data is frightening, and is in line with the decline in the rent of first-line shops. The data made people think of the crazy skyrocket before the stock market crash. This is the final craziness before the crash.

Will it start with the plunge of A shares and Hong Kong stocks? When the mainland stock exchange double kills, Hong Kong financial industry personnel will lose a lot of jobs, office and luxury housing prices will fall, and a large number of closures or transfer of industries in the Pearl River Delta will also have a huge impact on Xiangjiang Because most of these companies rented office buildings in Hong Kong, the company closed down, laid off employees, and the rents of vacant office buildings fell, and the rents of shops also fell, which finally affected property prices. This series of chain reactions can be expected;

3. A large amount of capital outflows. The foreign exchange deposits of country Z have declined year after year. The decline in foreign exchange reserves indicates that capital outflows are obvious. If the Fed raises interest rates, a large amount of capital will leave country Z as the cost of borrowing increases. The subsequent impact need not be elaborated. Also know.

Yang Cheng couldn't help but start to worry about his recent acquisition, more like a picker, picking up the leftover things from other people's play as a treasure.

In fact, this is also the reason why Liu Muqian is still waiting for Yang Cheng so late. "Xiaocheng, you don’t have to worry about the incorrect acquisition. In fact, in the peaceful era, the land is always the best value preservation item. Throughout history, the only thing from ancient times to What types of merchants exist in modern times? They are big landlords.

In the past, big landlords contracted land to grow crops. The more land they produced, the more food they produced, and the more money they earned. Now, the same is true. The more land they have, the more money they have and the more stable their assets.

As for Li Chaoren’s worries about the crash, it seems to me that it is not a problem. Xiangjiang is a window to the outside world of Country Z. If it is you, would you let your window be blocked? "

Yang Cheng silently shook his head~

"So, what the speculators are most worried about is exactly what you don’t have to worry about. Temporary losses are nothing. As long as the land is still in your hands, you will be able to earn it back sooner or later. Believe me, once Li Chaoren discovers an opportunity for bargaining, he I will definitely come back as soon as possible. Selling high and buying low is always the most classic and eternal means of speculation."

Liu Muqian's words made Yang Cheng temporarily relieved of worry and asked, "What about Xiangjiang Telecom?"

"Try to enter the mainland market~"

Yang Cheng stunned for a while, and then smiled bitterly, "Don't be kidding Grandpa, the signals of the three big hooligans almost cover the entire territory of Country Z. It will be even worse if you go back to the mainland to eat and die~"

"Stupid, haven't you noticed that more and more Xiangjiang people choose to live in Pengcheng? There are also more and more mainlanders working in Xiangjiang. Aren't these all potential customers?

Perhaps mobile and connectivity may not care about one or two customer sources, but for HeungKong Telecom, each additional user represents a few cents or even 1 yuan in stock price. What if it is more than 1 million? "

Yang Cheng's spirit was refreshed, and it made sense, "Unfortunately, I only need a seat on the board of directors, so I can't get involved in the company's operations~"

Liu Muqian smiled, "Then it depends on your own wrist. In fact, in my opinion, Superman is not in the mood to run the company now."

"What do you mean?" Yang Cheng felt that there was something in Grandpa's words.

"As far as I know, his debt with a bank in Huifeng is as high as nearly 2 billion Hong Kong dollars. It is unknown how much there is outside."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "So many? Didn't the old Superman pay back the debt of the previous acquisition of Xiangjiang Telecom?"

Fubo laughed, "For so many years, Little Superman has not only made this investment. I want to say that the name of Little Superman is not true. If it weren't for the old Superman's repeated attempts to take over, the Little Superman would have lost even his surname. Up."

Liu Muqian didn't say anything about Fubo's ridicule. Fubo has served at home for so many years, and his status in this Taiping Mountain is not low. No one can say anything about the younger generation in private.

"So Little Superman was forced to sell his shares in Xiangjiang Telecom to repay his debts this time?"

"Almost, the debt is paid off so that he can lend more money."

"Well, that sentence is correct, dragons beget dragons and phoenixes beget phoenixes, and the mouse's son will make holes. This kind of chicken-thief-like operation mode can only be played by the Li family so openly." Yang Cheng frantically complained. .

"Okay, you go back and rest soon, I have to sleep too~" Liu Muqian finally couldn't stand it anymore, and yawned, and went back to the bedroom with the help of Uncle Fu.

. . .

On the other side, the Li's mansion located on the hillside in the mountains, the overall modern pure white tone shines like a shell in a sea of ​​green.

On the second floor of the Chinese-style study room, the background wall is made of dark solid wood with two calligraphy and calligraphy, which shows the fragrance and artistry of books. The desk is also made of dark solid wood with a pile of books stacked on the desk. , The yellowed paper proves that Li Chaoren reads these books frequently.

The curtains are also made of pure white tulle material, which is more breathable and ensures daily privacy. It can do two things with one stone. Opposite the desk is a large floor-to-ceiling glass window overlooking the charming scenery of Xiangjiang.

But at this moment, the atmosphere in the study is a bit tense.

Faced with his little son, who rarely goes home, Li Chaoren has a serious face, without a trace of smile, his iconic brain door is slightly red, which is a sign of anger.

With a "bang~", old people who are nearly 90 years old rarely get angry, but the power is not weaker than when they were young.

Little Superman was drunk and looked drunk, but he was shocked by his father, and he suddenly became sober.

He smiled and said, "Dad, what's the matter? Why is there such a big fire?"

"Why? Why? Who told you to sell the shares of Xiangjiang Telecom to the Yang family?"

Little Superman's eldest brother sat aside and asked his brother, "Father, what happened?"

"The shares of Xiangjiang Telecom can be sold to anyone, but can't be sold to the Yang family boy, he is Liu Muqian's grandson~"

Li Chaoren's words stunned the two sons. Of course they knew who Liu Muqian was, but does it matter? Isn't doing business that you sell me and I sell you, why can't I sell it? Is there an enemy between his father and Liu Muqian? Haven't heard of it?

The brothers glanced at each other, feeling strange.

Li Chaoren sighed deeply and waved his hand, "Forget it, those who don't know are not guilty, you go down first, I have my own consideration of this matter.

Akai, if the Yang family guy sends someone, you can hold it up first. "

Little Superman had a rebellious mood since he was a child. Perhaps his father was too successful. He vowed to surpass his father since he was a child. Unfortunately, this is a wonderful dream. After fighting for half his life, not only did it fail to come true, but he always troubled his father. He never escaped his father from beginning to end. Now he has seen his protection, no matter what, it is his own laozi. It is not that important to surpass or not. The only blame is that he will reincarnate. The fastest updated novels https://

But it does not mean that he has to follow his father's words, "dad, can you please explain clearly, there is a conflict between you and the Yang family? Or do you have a private enmity with Liu Shu?"

It was past 11 o'clock at this time, according to the usual schedule, he should have gone back to the room to rest, but now the light in the study is still bright.

"No, there are some things you should know. Liu Muqian's role in Xiangjiang now is the same as Bao Lao back then. It is equivalent to the regulator between major families. Without Liu Muqian's existence, any contradiction between two families would evolve into Fierce fighting, this is not conducive to harmony in Hong Kong."

"Isn't this great?" Little Superman murmured. He still didn't understand the meaning, and he knew more or less what his father said, but no one told him so clearly that it was true.

"But don’t forget If a neutral role like this is to be recognized by all parties, it must first be put in the right position. Therefore, for so many years, in addition to actions in the financial sector, Liu Muqian has taken action from other fields. Not once, it has almost become a tacit understanding between us."

The eldest son seems to understand something, "Father, do you worry that once Akai sells Xiangjiang Telecom to Yangcheng, people will misunderstand that this is a signal of our two cooperation?"

Li Chaoren glanced at his elder son approvingly. Although his eldest son has no pioneering and enterprising spirit, he is a perfect city guard. It is also the reason why he can retire with confidence and hand over his family business to his elder son.

"Yes, don't forget, the receiver of the Central Center and Century Plaza in Shanghai Stock Exchange is the Yang family." Qiqi novels were published on the whole network.

Little Superman became more puzzled, "I'm still wondering, you didn't say a word in the company, why you suddenly sold these two properties to the Yang family? Are you still in contact with Yang Sen privately?"

Li Chaoren waved his hand, "This is not important. In short, considering the ideas of each family, Xiangjiang Telecom cannot sell to Yang Cheng."

Little Superman said with a bitter face, "Dad, I'm still waiting for this money to pay off the debt. Now besides Yang Cheng, who else can give out tens of billions of cash at once?"

Li Chaoren thought about it a long time ago, "I have contacted several investment institutions for you, and they will jointly take this part of the shares."

Now the little Superman is not awkward anymore, as long as he can get the money, it doesn’t matter who he sells to, "Okay, but how do I explain to Yang Cheng? This kid is terrible now, will he think I’m wrong? , Even playing with him?"

Li Chaoren also has some headaches. Sometimes dealing with young people is more difficult than dealing with old opponents of the same age.

"I personally called Liu Muqian and explained that you don't need to worry about it. If you have the opportunity to invite that kid to the house for a casual meal, I really want to see him~"

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