Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1257: The thrill of horse betting

(Sorry for the late post. The plane just landed late. Isn’t the sky above Jinling the most congested place in the country?)

"No. 2? Too many pounds, and this horse has not been able to squeeze into the top three in the past two games, I am not optimistic~"

Little Superman put forward his own opinion.

"I think the No. 10'Xi Defu' is not bad. You see, it has well-proportioned limbs and it should have a great advantage in endurance."

Yang Cheng disagrees, "On the contrary, this body type is not suitable for acceleration. No matter how good the endurance is without outstanding sprinting ability, it is difficult to gain the upper hand in the game."

After a pause, he pointed to the paytable, "Look, the odds for No. 10 alone are as high as 11.7, which proves that the dealer is also not optimistic about No. 10 upset." Qiqi novels debuted on the whole network.

Little Superman held his chin and considered for a long time, "Well, what you said makes sense, but I always feel that there will be upsets in this round, so ~ play a winning streak, I will win 2 and 10 in a row, 20 Million!"

Yang Cheng also feels the same. People who play often can feel the general situation of this round by looking at the paytable, which is not necessarily right, but not necessarily wrong.

The general odds of this round are very high, indicating that the chance of upset is very high.

To be on the safe side, Yang Cheng also chose the winning streak, "I will win consecutive numbers 2 and 9, 200,000!"

Little Superman was surprised to call up the data of No. 9, and when he saw the name, he was amused, "Win the horse artifact? Ha~ good name."

After hesitating for a while, he said to the punter, "Give me another position Q, No. 2, No. 9, 50,000."

Soon, the betting time was up, Yang Cheng and Superman stood nervously at the window, waiting for the game to start.

They are nervous not because they are afraid of losing money, but because they are afraid of losing face.

As the game entered the countdown stage, Yang Cheng's mobile phone rang suddenly, which scared Superman.

Waved his hand apologetically, retreated to the corner with the phone, and answered the channel, "It's me Carson, what's the matter?"

"Master, the key clue was found in the car accident of Earl Carnarvon~"

Yang Cheng's spirits were shocked, "Quickly, who did it?"

"There is no specific goal for the time being, but our hackers used the most advanced posture recognition technology to find the stranger who gave the driver an envelope at Cairo Airport. To be precise, the posture similarity between the two reached more than 90%, which is basically certain. Both are the same person."

Although Carson did not specify who was behind the scenes, but the other party appeared in Egypt so coincidentally, it was difficult for Yang Cheng not to connect him with Nasef Savilis. Don’t forget the Savilis family’s mask of Tutankhamun. And the treasure below the desert of death is also desirable.

But Yang Cheng couldn't understand the motives of Nassef's murderous attack. Suddenly attacking a British Earl, he was not afraid that the matter would be revealed, and he would be punished by the British royal family.

In any case, this is a breakthrough development, "Has the specific identity of the sender been found?"

"No, that person was very cautious. He hid again after showing up at the airport, and it was already 2 months ago."

"Jason, the game has started, come here soon~" Little Superman shouted excitedly.

Yang Cheng casually said a perfunctory sentence and came right away, and then said to Carson, "Continue to investigate, I don't believe that the person can leave a trace, as long as the identity of that person is found, the master behind the scenes will surface."

"Understand, I will stare at the hacker team and report as soon as I have news~"

"Yeah~ By the way, where did you find the person? Is it safe?" Yang Cheng asked more.

"Safety, this person was previously employed by the Military Qing Bureau, but later retired to become a private contractor, only admitting money but not people."

"In other words, they will betray us for money?"

"He doesn't know who we are~"

"That's good~"

. . .

Back in front of the window, Superman was already excitedly lying on the glass window, "Quickly~Quickly~"

Yang Cheng went over and carefully distinguished it. It turned out that No. 2 was always in second place, while No. 10, which Superman valued, was ranked third, but the stamina was a little lacking, and No. 9 was coming from behind.

The number 11 is currently in the first position. It should be called'Jinbike' and is also a famous horse. He has won many cup championships in the past, but he is a little older and is not far from retirement.

This time, Liu Yifei bought position Q on No. 2 and No. 11. The reason is very simple. No. 11 is beautiful, and No. 2 is favored by Yang Cheng. This reason is very good and powerful. It turns out that all people who drown will be Water, it is precisely the newcomer Liu Yifei, who is the easiest to win money without too much consideration.

Turning to the final straight, the No. 9'Winning Horse Artifact' is the same as Nitrogen Acceleration. It directly stands out from the leading team and gets further and further away. When it is about to cross the line, it has already pulled the second place close to 3 positions. Distance, a strong win.

"Beautiful Day" on the 2nd followed closely. Panton won today's third runner-up. If this continues, he will almost become the second youngest.

"Shit~" Little Superman broke a dirty word. He was optimistic about No. 10'Xi Defu' and finally ranked fourth. He lost 23 times the odds of winning streak. The position Q simply made money. After calculating it, this Earn 100,000 yuan for a small field.

Yang Cheng made a lot of money. He placed a 200,000 bet on No. 2 and No. 9, with a winning odds of 23.5, and finally won more than 4 million. This news was immediately broadcast to the entire racecourse. Almost everyone knows that there is a big man in the wing who made more than 4 million betting horses.

Little Superman stretched out his hand enviously, "Congratulations Jason, your kid's fortune is really hopeful~"

On the other side, Concubine Liu Yi was forgotten in the corner, secretly earning hundreds of thousands, so happy that no one knew it.

Yang Cheng responded to the compliment from Superman, "Who doesn't eat dumplings during Chinese New Year? I don't believe you have never won before~"

Little Superman laughed, "Ha, this is, I really enjoy the pleasure of winning a horse betting, but this pleasure is not always encountered."

"In short, we didn't lose any money tonight. It's worth celebrating. Don't leave tonight. I will treat you. You choose the place."

"Then I'm welcome~"

Yang Cheng took the wine glass and hugged Concubine Liu Yi, and joked in her ear, "Little rich woman, are you making money tonight?"

Concubine Liu Yi glanced at him shamefully, "I don't understand, thanks to you~"

"Do you still have to say this kind of nonsense between you and me? Hurry up, how much did you win in total?"

Tilted his head and calculated for a moment, "I didn't calculate the specifics, probably more than 500,000."

Then he smiled bitterly, "No wonder so many people like to gamble, the money is so fast."

Yang Cheng immediately put on a serious face and said in a warning tone, "Don't indulge in it, otherwise there is not enough money for you to lose."

Concubine Liu Yi quickly said, "What do you think of me? How could I be addicted? In fact, I am not even interested in playing mahjong. If you didn't bring me here today, I'm afraid I would never enter the casino in my life."

Yang Cheng was relieved, "Okay, I blame me for being careless."

Yu Guang glanced at Little Superman and Guo Jiawen joking and laughing, and the big hands started to make mischief, "You don't have to go back to the hotel tonight, right?"

There was a tingling sensation in the waist, and Yang Cheng pushed away in angrily, "Don't make trouble, don't go back, are you satisfied now?"

Yang Cheng closed it as soon as he saw it, released his hand and shook his head, "Satisfied, of course satisfied~"

. . . . . .

Yang Cheng earned more than 4 million and 5 million a day. I'm sorry, I'm sorry if he didn't kill him, so Superman took him to Fulinmen. As one of the most famous restaurants in Xiangjiang, it is known as the best Cantonese cuisine. The place, for many years, has earned it the nickname "Regal Canteen" because of the patronage of a large number of wealthy businessmen, tycoons, ZZ family and celebrities.

Compared with the taste of the dishes in this restaurant, what is famous is the price, which can be described in one word, which is "expensive". Expensive is horribly expensive. For example, a banquet that can entertain 120 guests costs 130,000 US dollars. An ordinary reception dinner usually costs about $60,000.

Of course, ordinary people can't afford it at this price, otherwise, how can it be called "Regal Canteen"?哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

Want to spend here if you have no money? Maybe you go out naked.

When eating here, the most common rich man I meet is the old man Liu, who is very good at golf. As the top five rich man in Xiangjiang, with a net worth of more than ten billion US dollars, he makes crazy money. Spending money is even more crazy. In his own words, the red wine he drank in his lifetime is worth billions, a pair of pants is worth 288,000, each pair of shoes is more than 10,000 yuan, and a set of suits is more than 1 million.

How can such a person treat himself badly in terms of It is not enough to describe whether he can eat or can eat. It is said that even if there is no treat in his family, there are more than ten or twenty dishes casually. It is not the delicacy of Dundun Mountain, but the food is very particular, even the ordinary side dishes are very delicate.

In order to be able to eat the dishes of the favorite restaurant every day, the chefs in the family dig from Fulinmen.

However, he still failed to stop him from frequent consumption in Fulinmen. It is common to spend millions on a meal here. For this reason, Fulinmen also set up a special box for the elder Liu, every time the elder Liu goes to dinner. , There are a large number of bodyguards outside the door to protect him, there are his own, and there are also blessed linmen invited for him.

It can be seen how much money the elder Liu spent in Fulinmen to get such a respected treatment.

In addition to the elder Liu, Li Chaoren's opponent Li is also a frequent visitor to Fulinmen. The fourth uncle's birthday is also served by a chef from Fulinmen himself.

Over the years, almost every wealthy person in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong has eaten in Fulinmen, and has created Fulinmen's prestigious reputation.

In order to slaughter Yang Cheng, Little Superman specially asked his father's box to come over, and specially opened a banquet for the four of them.

The traffic volume in Tsim Sha Tsui today is relatively high, especially when it is approaching Fulinmen. The car was so blocked that it could not move for a long time. I saw Fulinmen’s blue light board hanging across the street from a long distance. It’s impossible to get there if you are close at hand. There is no way, Yang Cheng and Superman had to hand the car to the bodyguards and get off the car and walk the last part of the road on foot.

Looking closer, Superman had an expression that he had known for a long time, "Sure enough, it is Liu who is eating. Every time he comes, it will cause traffic jams."

These veteran wealthy families in Xiangjiang don't have a very good impression of Da Liu. The nouveau riche on him is too heavy, and he acts too publicly and has many enemies. Of course, he will say hello politely when he meets.

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